
Ensino e Aprendizagem de inglês como Lingua Estrangeira Teste 2 com respostas

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Faça como milhares de estudantes: teste grátis o Passei Direto

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Teste 2 com respostas
		Mark the option which best completes the following statement; "Input hypothesis is concerned with--------".
	logical replies
	program syllabus 
	'acquisition', not 'learning'
		Pedro is a student with high motivation, self confidence and a good self image and a low level of anxiety. We can say that he is better equipped for------------------a second language.
		In order for the scaffolding to be effective, if a child asks a question about a particular topic, the adult may first ask the child, "Well, what do you, think about that?" Once the adult knows what the child thinks, he can 
	abandon the child´s ideas
	can reject grammatical sequecing
	decide how to convince the child to accept other ideas
	decide which ideas to confirm and which ones to extend
	can prevent comprehensible input
		Read the text below:
"In her reflection, Professor Marguerite mentions how her students are apprehensive to produce spoken language.  She states that they are anxious about using the TL.  Language teachers and learners alike know that producing oral language can be a challenge but that it is a necessary part of learning a language.  Like Marguerite's students, many language students may feel worried about the level of their language. This often prevents them from speaking or taking in the language at all.  In addition, many learners tend to monitor their use of the language too much, focusing more on accuracy than fluency which in turn prevents them from using the language in a communicative manner".  
Source: https://sites.educ.ualberta.ca/staff/olenka.bilash/Best%20of%20Bilash/krashen.html
Based on the text above, chose the right option to complete the extract below:
"What Professor Marguerite realized is that in a class not all learners can be at the same level of linguistic competence at the same time. So when designing a syllabus, it is advisable that she remember to consider what Stephen Krashen calls:"
	the guided output
	the valid output
	the superficial input
	the guided input
	the natural communicative input
		Mark the strategy which would guarantee a better teaching of second languages:
	convince students that they do not need to learn a foreign language because they will never travel abroad
	recognize that foreign languages are not as important as subjects such as Maths and Portuguese
	agree with students that say they do not know how to speak Portuguese correctly let alone English.
	improve teachers´ academic formation at universities
	believe that learning foreign languages will be harmful to the mantainance of national values
		According to Krashen,  the ------------ acts in a planning, editing and correcting function when three specific conditions are met: that is, the second language learner has sufficient time at his/her disposal, he/she focuses on form or thinks about correctness, and he/she knows the rule.
	local teacher
		Vygotsky´s theory
	d- views the development of language as a complex interaction between the child and the environment
	b- claims that language development is the result of a set of habits.
	a- clearly states objectives that allow the learner to focus on one goal.
	c- claims that children have an innate faculty which guides them in their learning of language.
	e- refers to the language produced by learners, both as a system which can be described at any one point as resulting from systematic rules
	Gabarito Comentado
		Which of the following is NOT a correct complement to the following sentence: A child learns a first language mostly by ---
	repeating chunks of language.
	producing language. 
	reading language.

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