
TC Aula 9 Fundamentos Culturais Da Literatura Em Lingua Inglesa

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07/12/2018 Student: Francisco Jose Oliveira Gomes •
http://estacio.webaula.com.br/salaframe.asp?curso=1494&turma=979549&topico=793146&shwmdl=1 1/2
Exercício: CEL0554_EX_A9_201708445498_V1 21/11/2018 12:36:42 (Finalizada)
 1a Questão
Which was the the first instance in American history when people in the homosexual community fought back against a government-sponsored
system that persecuted sexual minorities ?
 The San Francisco movement, on April 9, 1965.
The Greenwich Village movement, on September 7, 1967.
The California riots, on July 12, 1968.
 The Stonewall riots, on June 28, 1969.
The New York riots, on August 4, 1966.
The Stonewall riots, on June 28, 1969 was the the first instance in American history when people in the homosexual community fought back
against a government-sponsored system that persecuted sexual minorities.
 2a Questão
The Counterculture Revolution was affected by the cinema. What is the name of a movie which became very famous especially among
teenagers in the 1960s?
Ken Lesey.
Psycho I.
 Easy Rider.
Rear window.
" Easy Rider (1969) is the late 1960s "road film" tale of a search for freedom (or the illusion of freedom) in a conformist and corrupt
America, in the midst of paranoia, bigotry and violence. Released in the year of the Woodstock concert, and made in a year of two tragic
assassinations (Robert Kennedy and Martin Luther King), the Vietnam War buildup and Nixon's election, the tone of this 'alternative' film is
remarkably downbeat and bleak, reflecting the collapse of the idealistic 60s. Easy Rider, one of the first films of its kind, was a ritualistic
experience and viewed (often repeatedly) by youthful audiences in the late 1960s as a reflection of their realistic hopes of liberation and fears
of the Establishment. " ( http://www.filmsite.org/easy.html )
Gabarito Coment.
 3a Questão
Which of the following groups came to impact the counterculture movement?
 The Beatles.
The Asian women.
The Church leaders.
The gypsies.
The Republicans in America.
" New cultural forms emerged, including the pop music of the British band The Beatles and the concurrent rise of hippie culture, which led to
the rapid evolution of a youth subculture that emphasized change and experimentation. In addition to the Beatles, many songwriters, singers
and musical groups from the United Kingdom and America came to impact the counterculture movement. " (webaula)
 4a Questão
Relevant facts which took place in the 1960s, in the US, are still associated with facts which happen nowadays.
Choose the one which did not happen in the 1960s.
Opposition to the Vietnam War.
Martin Luther King's speech ´I have a dream.´
The 1964 Free Speech Movement at the University of California, Berkeley.
The American Civil Rights Movement.
 The abolition of slavery.
07/12/2018 Student: Francisco Jose Oliveira Gomes •
http://estacio.webaula.com.br/salaframe.asp?curso=1494&turma=979549&topico=793146&shwmdl=1 2/2
 The only one which did not take place in the 1960s was the abolition of slavery.
 5a Questão
What would you associate the 1960s with?
The sending of whole families to visit the moon.
The resurrection of the Catholic Church in the USSR.
 Nonviolent movements for equal rights.
The denial to equal rights to New-Yorkers.
The total acceptance of African Americans by the U.S.A. society.
 6a Questão
The role of women as full-time homemakers in industrial society was challenged in 1963 in America.
How was it expressed?
 When Angela Davis had her book of cronics about women´s rights published , it gave rise to questionings on the topic.
By means of the American educator, b. Mayesville, who, in Chicago had a school for Negro Girls built and later on the
Daytona Normal and Industrial Institute
 When American feminist Betty Friedan published The Feminine Mystique, giving momentum to the women's movement and
influencing what many called Second-wave feminism.
American leader in the birth control movement, Margaret Higgins, arranged a meeting with the American President so as to try to give
women the right of abortion.
It was expressed by Gloria Steinem who used the newspaper she worked at to publish interesting articles about the women´s rights.
It was a decade of extremes, of transformational change and bizarre contrasts:." In the 1960s, deep cultural changes were
altering the role of women in American society. More females than ever were entering the paid workforce, and this increased the
dissatisfaction among women regarding huge gender disparities in pay and advancement and sexual harassment at the
 7a Questão
Among the alternatives below, one DOES NOT represent the 1960's ideals and perspectives. Which one is it?
New cultural forms emerged, including the pop music of the British band The Beatles and the concurrent rise of hippie culture, which
led to the rapid evolution of a youth subculture that emphasized change and experimentation. In addition to the Beatles, many
songwriters, singers and musical groups from the United Kingdom and America came to impact the counterculture movement.
 As the 1960s progressed, widespread tensions developed in American society tended to flow along generational lines regarding the
war in Vietnam, race relations, sexual mores, women's rights, traditional modes of authority, experimentation with psychoactive
drugs and differing interpretations of the American Dream.
 The counterculture of the 60's proved to be quite rigid in relation to artistic expression. In those times, artists prioritized religion and
romantic love as the main themes of his compositions. Rigid standards of artistic expression were disseminated by intellectuals
strongly linked to traditional family capitalists values .
Much of the 1960s counterculture originated on college campuses. The 1964 Free Speech Movement at the University of California,
Berkeley, which had its roots in the Civil Rights Movement of the American South
The counterculture of the 1960s refers to a cultural event that was developed mainly in the United States and United Kingdom and
spread throughout much of the western world between 1960 and 1973. The movement gained momentum during the U.S.
government's extensive military intervention in Vietnam.
The 1960s were a period when long‐held values and norms of behavior seemed to break down, particularly among the young. So, mainly young
people wanted to run away from rigid concepts. 
A good number of young people simply ´dropped out´ and separated themselves from mainstream culture through their appearance and lifestyle.
Attitudes toward sexuality appeared to loosen, and women began to openly protest the traditional roles of housewife and mother that society had
assigned to them.
 8a Questão
Read the passage below and choose the ending of the sentence which DOES NOT fit in the paragraph.
As members of the hippie movement grew older, and moderated their lives and their views, and specially after the US involvement in the
Vietnam War ended in the mid 1970s, the counterculture was largely absorbed by the mainstream leaving a lasting impact on ...
The word sports does not fit in the paragraph. All the others do.

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