
Exercicios Estrutura Sintática I

Faça como milhares de estudantes: teste grátis o Passei Direto

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Faça como milhares de estudantes: teste grátis o Passei Direto

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Faça como milhares de estudantes: teste grátis o Passei Direto

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Faça como milhares de estudantes: teste grátis o Passei Direto

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Faça como milhares de estudantes: teste grátis o Passei Direto

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Faça como milhares de estudantes: teste grátis o Passei Direto

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Faça como milhares de estudantes: teste grátis o Passei Direto

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Aula 1
		What is the function word in the sentence: "I don't imagine you can succeed in a business venture."
	c) business
	d) venture
	e) succeed
	a) you
	b) imagine
Some word classes are OPEN (OR FORM CLASSES), that is, new words can be added to the class as the need arises. The class of nouns, for instance, is potentially infinite, since it is continually being expanded as new scientific discoveries are made, new products are developed, and new ideas are explored. They are:
· Nouns
· Lexical Verbs (or Full Verbs)
· Adjectives
· Adverbs
· Interjections
The words in open classes are called CONTENT (OR LEXICAL) WORDS. They are words which have meaning in themselves.
On the other hand, we never invent new prepositions, determiners, or conjunctions. They are called CLOSED (OR STRUCTURE CLASSES) WORD CLASSES because they are made up of finite sets of words which are never expanded (though their members may change their spelling, for example, over long periods of time). They are:
· Auxiliary Verbs (primary and modal verbs)
· Determiners
· Pronouns
· Prepositions
· Conjunctions
The words in open classes are called FUNCTION WORDS. They are words which have little or no meaning other than the grammatical idea they express. There are only about 300 in English.
		What is the classification of the word 'present' in the following sentence: "All the people present at the meeting approved of the decision"?
All the people present... = all the people who were present = adjective.
		In which sentence the word AFTER is incorrectly analyzed?
	e)In after years the days followed as the same. (preposition)
	b)She was named after her mother. (preposition)
	c)He left three hours after (adverb)
	a)He asked after you. (preposition)
	d)I saw them after I arrived.(conjunction)
Subsequent in time or place; later; following: in after years. = it is an adjective.
		In which alternative the word is incorrectly analyzed?
	d)I was surprised when he answered my letter. (answered- verb)
	e)Do not write on the front of the answer sheet. (answer - noun)
		Classify the word 'some' in the sentence: "Some people like cats".
	d) numeral
	a) noun
	b) adjective
	e) determiner
		In which option the words are incorrectly analyzed considering the word class and the clause element of the following sentence: 'We must change all the programs tomorrow.' ?
	c) all - indefinite pronoun-adverbial
		In which alternative the word is correctly analysed?
	"I have no more money" (no = Yes/No answer)
	"I have one apple" (one = pronoun)
	"I have three apples" (have = auxiliary verb)
	One has one's principles" (one = pronoun)
		In which alternative all classes are open or formal ones?
	pronouns ¿ nouns ¿ adjectives - adverbs
	nouns ¿ lexical verbs ¿ adjectives - adverbs
		Classify the word 'DOWN' in the sentence: "Down fills the best duvets".
	b) preposition
	c) conjunction
	e) verb
	d) numeral
	a) noun
Pela posição na frase, 'down' é um nome, o sujeito da frase.
		In which alternative the word highlighted is correctly analyzed?
	This train is moving fast. (this - determiner)
	Both of the students came. (both - pronoun)
	Try to ignore the few who sneer. (few - determiner)
	Try to ignore the few people who sneer. (few - pronoun)
	Both came. (both - determiner)
· Try to ignore the few who sneer = pronoun - it is replacing the noun.
· Try to ignore the few people who sneer. - determiner -  it is a determiner followed by a noun.
· Both of the students came - In this case, both is a determiner, as it which co-occurs with a noun (students).
· Both came.. - In this case, both is a pronoun, as it is replacing a noun (students).
		Match the items on the right to the items on the left.
1. Preposition           
2. Determiner           
3. Conjunction          
(    ) A word used to connect words, phrases or clauses within a sentence e.g. and, if, although, because
(    ) A word that comes before a noun form to connect it to another word e.g. in , by, across
(     ) A modifier for a noun phrase e.g. this, some, my, a/the
	a) 1-2-3
	d) 3-2-1
	b) 3-1-2
	c) 2-1-3
	e) 1-3-2
Preposition - A preposition is a connector that introduces a prepositional phrase. It usually connects a noun or noun phrase to the part of the sentence modified by the whole prepositional phrase, and it shows the relation between the two.
Determiner -A word which co-occurs with a noun to show meanings such as number, quantity or identity.
Conjunction -A conjunction is a connector. A coordinate conjunction connects words or groups of words that are grammatically the same. A subordinate conjunction connects a subordinate, or dependent, clause to a main clause.
		Match the items on the right to the items on the left.
1. Adverb                 
2. Verb                     
3. Noun                    
4. Adjective              
(    ) A word used to express an action or state
(    ) A word used to describe a noun or a copular verb e.g. A nice day. He looks nice.
(    ) A word used as the name of a person, thing, quality or process e.g. John, car, wealth
(    ) A word or phrase used to modify or give more information about a verb or adjective.
	c) 2-4-3-1
	d) 2-4-1-3
	a) 4-2-1-3
	b) 2-3-1-4
	e) 2-3-4-1
1. Adverb -A word or phrase used to modify or give more information about a verb or adjective.
2. Verb -A word used to express an action or state
3. Noun -A word used as the name of a person, thing, quality or process e.g. John, car, wealth
4. Adjective - A word used to describe a noun or a copular verb e.g. A nice day. He looks nice.
		Some words which are prepositions also function as conjunctions. Bearing that in mind, classify the word "AFTER" in the senteces below as a [preposition] or [conjunction].
1) After we spoke this afternoon, he rang me to apologize.
2) After the meeting, he rang me to apologize.
3) After the show, we returned home.
	preposition; preposition; conjunction.
	conjunction; preposition; conjunction;
	conjunction; conjunction; conjunction.
	preposition; preposition; preposition.
	conjunction; preposition; preposition.
		In which option the words are incorrectly analyzed considering the word class and the clause element of the following sentence: 'Computers are fairly commonplace today.' ?
	a) computers - noun- head of the subject
	b) fairly - adverb-adverbial
	c) commonplace - adjective-head of complement
	e) today - adverb-adverbial
	d) are - verb-transitive verb
		Which word cannot be a verb?
	c) eat
	a) breakfast
	e) snack
	b) lunch
	d) dinner
		Indicate the word class of the underlined words in the following paragraph.
'Without compulsion, though sometimes encouraged by the Roman authorities, the natives began to adopt the Latin language, to build towns of the Italian type, to imitate Graeco-Roman architecture and sculpture, to copy the manners of the Romans. In the Basque country and in Wales the indigenous languages have actually survived, whereas in Gaul, Celtic ultimately disappeared with few traces except in place names.'
	d) preposition - conjunction - adverb - noun - conjunction
		Qual das alternativas a seguir poderia ter a lacuna corretamente preenchida pela preposição WITH ?
	I am really angry _____ you.
	They have to stay here _____ 5 p.m.
	She felt a little annoyed ____ our delay.
	They are leaving _____ a few minutes.
	She is afraid _____ spiders.
O adjetivo "angry" é seguido pela preposição "with" quando o objeto do sentir-se "angry" refere-se a pessoas.
		Qual das alternativas a seguir poderia ter a lacuna corretamente preenchida pela preposição ON ?
	I generally get my salary _____ the fifth of the month.
	I was talking so much _____ lunch that my food went cold.
	He painted the whole house _____ only three days.
	The exhibition opens _____ the end of the month.
	What are you doing _____ Easter?
A preposição usada para dias é ON.
I was talking so much _____ lunch that my food went cold. (at) 
The exhibition opens _____ the end of the month. (At) 
What are you doing _____ Easter? (for) (at Easter time)
He painted the whole house _____ only three days. (in)
		We stopped ____ a small restaurant for a quick meal. The driver parked the bus behind the restaurant. Nobody could find the bus and the driver, so we waited outside the restaurant ____ one hour. The driver was walking ____ the small park near the restaurant which we did not know. So we were very angry ____ him. But my holidays were great. We sat round campfires and went dancing ____ the early mornings.
	d) in - for - along - with - till
	a) in - for - along - at - to
	b) at - since - through - with - to
	c) at - since - along - with - till
	e) at - for - through - with - till
We stopped ____ (AT) a small restaurant for a quick meal. The driver parked the bus behind the restaurant. Nobody could find the bus and the driver, so we waited outside the restaurant ____ (FOR) one hour. The driver was walking ____ (THROUGH)  the small park near the restaurant which we did not know. So we were very angry ____  (WITH) him. But my holidays were great. We sat round campfires and went dancing ____ (TILL)the early mornings.
		Which sentence is completed with the preposition AT?
	b)Dresden lies _____ the river Elbe.
	d)Look _____ the top of the page.
	e)The robber is_____ prison now.
	a)You mustn't park your car _____ front of the school.
	c)I have to stay _____ bed.
a)You mustn't park your car _____ front of the school. IN
b)Dresden lies _____ the river Elbe. ON
c)I have to stay _____ bed. IN
e)The robber is_____ prison now. IN
		For each question, choose the single best answer. I. I'll be ready to leave ____ about twenty minutes. II. I was visiting my best friend _____ the hospital. III. I'll see you ____ home when I get there. IV. You frequently see this kind of violence ____ television. V. I told Mom we'd be home ______ an hour or so.
	c) at - in - at - in - at
	a) at - in - at - on - in
	b) in - at - in - at - in
	d) in - in - at - on - in
		Complete the sentences with the right preposition:
I. She will go to New York _________ 25th of March.
II. I see a house_________the picture.
III. It is very unusual in many cultures if a person is not married _________ the age of 30.
IV. I found the picture _________ the paper.
	in - on - on - on
	on -in - by - in
		Fill in with the proper preposition: "We are _______ the hospital to visit a friend who is _______ the hospital."
	at - on
	in - in
	at - in
		Complete with the proper prepositions: 'I'm Peter and I live ______ Germany. ______ Summer. I like to travel ______ Italy, because of the weather and the people there. Last summer I took a plane ______ Munich to Rome. From the airport we went to our hotel ______ bus.'
	c) in - in - to - from - on
	d) in - on - until - from - by
	a) in - in - to - from - by
		Match then choose the correct alternative:
1) In                                                                         
2) At                                                                         
3) On                                                                       
(      ) 4th July, 1776                                                
(      ) Easter Monday                                              
(      ) the end of the week
(      ) Christmas
(      ) September
	b)on - on - at - at - in
	e) in - on - at - at - in
	c) on - on - at - in - on
	a) in - in - at - in - in
	d) on - on - at - in - in
ON 4th July, 1776                                                
ON Easter Monday                                              
AT the end of the week
AT  Christmas
IN  September
		Fill in with between or among: I. Gangs are becoming more and more popular _____ younger children. II. As talks stalled over an impasse _____ the U.S. and China, discontent escalated the 15 members of the Security Council. III. 'One of the most striking differences ____ a cat and a lie is that a cat has only nine lives.' (Mark Twain)
	c) among - between - between
	a) between - between - between
	d) between - among - between
	b) among - between -among
	e) between - among - among
Many people believe ¿between¿ should be used for choices involving two items and ¿among¿ for choices that involve more than two items. That can get you to the right answer some of the time, but it's not that simple. It is not strictly correct that between is used for two things and among for more than two.
· When exactly two entities items, groups, or people are specified, between should always be used:
· This contract is entered into between the Seller and the Purchaser.
However, when more than two entities are involved between should be used where the relationship is distinctly one-to-one:
· The agreement was entered into between the Seller, the Purchaser and the Guarantor.
· The negotiations between the cheerleaders, the dance squad, and the flag team were going well despite the confetti incident.
· The differences between English, Chinese, and Arabic are significant.
On the other hand, you use ¿among¿ when you are talking about things that aren't distinct items or individuals; where the entities are considered as a group, mass or collectivity:
· She chose among the Ivy League schools.
· The scandal caused a division among the fans.
· There is consensus among shareholders that this approach be adopted.
¿Among¿ can also indicate that someone is part of a group or left out of a group, as in these examples:
· He was glad to find a friend among enemies.
· She felt like a stranger among friends.
		For each question, choose the single best answer.
I. My best friend lives ______ Boretz Road.
II. Since he met his new girlfriend, Juan never seems to be ______ home.
III. The child responded to his mother's demands ______ throwing a tantrum.
IV. I think she spent the entire afternoon ______ the phone.
V. I will wait ______ 6:30, but then I'm going home.
	e) on - at - with - on - since
	b) in - at - with - on - until
	a) on - at - by - on - until
	d) in - in - with - on - until
	c) on - in - from - in - by
I. My best friend lives ______ Boretz Road. ON
II. Since he met his new girlfriend, Juan never seems to be ______ home. AT
III. The child responded to his mother's demands ______ throwing a tantrum. BY
IV. I think she spent the entire afternoon ______ the phone. ON
V. I will wait ______ 6:30, but then I'm going home. UNTIL4.
		What is the semantic classification of this preposition in the sentence: 'He works like a dog'. ?
	a) time
	b) concession
	d) source
	e) place
	c) comparison
		For each question, choose the single best answer.
I. The police caught the thief _____ the corner of Cascade and Plum Streets.
II. My fingers were injured so my sister had to write the note _____ me.
III. My parents have been married ______ forty-nine years.
IV. The map lies _____ the desk.
V. The picture is _____ page 10.
	a) in - for - for - in - in
	c) at - for - for - in -in
	d) at - for - for - on - on
	b) at - for - for - on - in
	e) in - for - since - on - in
I. The police caught the thief _____ the corner of Cascade and Plum Streets. AT
II. My fingers were injured so my sister had to write the note _____ me. FOR
III. My parents have been married ______ forty-nine years. FOR
IV. The map lies _____ the desk. ON
V. The picture is _____ page 10. ON
		In which alternative the preposition is wrongly classified semantically?
	e) between - source
	a) beyond - place
	d) by - measure
	b) after - time
	c) but - exclusion
between - place, time and position.
		In which sentence is the preposition absolutely unnecessary?
	b) The book fell off of the desk.
	a) What are you looking at?
	d) That is the man I was looking for.
	c) This is the book I am interested in.
	e) She wouldn¿t let the cat inside the house.
In everyday speech, we fall into some bad habits, using prepositions where they are not necessary. It would be a good idea to eliminate these words altogether, but we must be especially careful not to use them in formal, academic prose.
· She met up with the new coach in the hallway.
· The book fell off of the desk.
· He threw the book out of the window.
· She wouldn't let the cat inside of the house. [or use "in"]
· Where did they go to?
· Put the lamp in back of the couch. [use "behind" instead]
· Where is your college at?
		In which sentence the preposition is CORRECTLY employed?
	d)The car stands in the end of the street.
	e)I live in Brazil.
Aula 3
		Choose the alternative that classifies correctly the words in PREPOSITIONS OR ADVERBS:
Below the water, there are many dangers
Turn the television on so that we can see the news.
The athletes ran outside.
Throughout high school, there are many opportunities to do volunteer work.
The security guards would not allow Mike through.
	d) preposition - adverb - preposition - preposition - adverb
	b) preposition - adverb - adverb - preposition - adverb
	e) preposition - adverb - adverb - preposition - preposition
	c) preposition - preposition - adverb - preposition - adverb
	a) adverb - preposition - preposition - adverb - preposition
Preposition is followed by a noun. Adverb comes at the end of a sentence.
		In which alternative the word in bold is correctly analyzed?
	He wants to color outside. ( outside - adverb)
	One need only look down the roster to see the impact of so much travel. (down - adverb)
	 It looks like another rainy day (like - adverb)
	He wants to color outside the lines. (outside - adverb)
	 It will be some time before his schedule settles down. (down -preposition) 
Preposition is followed by a noun. Adverb comes at the end of the sentence.
		What is the classification of the prepositional phrase in the following sentence? "I am sorry for his parents".
	Complementation of an adjective
	Complement of a noun phrase
	Complementation of a verb
I am sorry for = complementation of an adjective (sorry).
		In which sentence the prepositional phrase is adjectival?
	a)The man by the car is my father. (by the car)
	b)The boy in a hurry is waiting over there. (over there)
	e)We hid our canoe and set up camp by the river. (by the river)
	d)Candy signed her name and passed the paper across the table.(across the table)
	c)After school, the boys played a game of baseball at the park. (after school)
The man by the car is my father. (by the car) = COMPLEMENT OF A NOUN = THE MAN
b)The boy in a hurry is waiting over there. (over there) = COMPLEMENT OF A VERB = WAITING
c)After school, the boys played a game of baseball at the park. (after school) = COMPLEMENT OF A VERB = PLAYED
d)Candy signed her name and passed the paper across the table.(across the table) =  COMPLEMENT OF A VERB = PASSED
e)We hid our canoe and set up camp by the river. (by the river)  =  COMPLEMENT OF A VERB = SET UP
		Prepositional phrases generally act as complements and adjuncts of noun phrases (adjectives) and verb phrases (indirect object, prepositional object or adverbs). Consider the following sentence:
"The students on the bus had been singing for many hours because their teacher had fallen asleep at the back of the vehicle on that beautiful sunny day".
Considering the PREPOSITIONAL PHRASES in the sentence above, how many function as an adjective?
	all of them
	only three of them
	only one of them
		Complete with the proper preposition:
I. I haven't smoked ______ ages.
II. You can look up the word ______ a dictionary.
II. She is allergic ______insect stings.
IV. My friend is good ______ playing volleyball.
V. She complains ______ bullying.
	d) for - in - in - at - of
	a) in - in - to - at - about
	e) for - in - to - at - of
	b) in - in - in - at - about
	c) for - in - to - at - about
		According to Quirk (1985), in the most general terms, a preposition expresses a relation between two entities, one being that represented by the prepositional complement, the other by another part of the sentence.The prepositional complement is characteristically a NOUN PHRASE, a nominal WH-clause, or a nominal -ING clause. Bearing that in mind, how many prepositional phrases are there in the following sentence? "In the afternoon, we went to Boston".
		Which sentence may be completed with the preposition "about"?
	He is excited _____his birthday party next week.
		In which sentence the prepositional phrase is adverbial?
	d)The boy in a hurry is waiting over there. (over there)
		In the following sentence the words is bold are respectively: Throughout the day, Carla hummed a favorite song toherself.
	preposition - preposition
		Complete with the proper preposition:
I. I'm really angry ______ our losses on the stock market!
II. He's excited ______ his birthday party next week.
III. They are excellent ______ planning fun parties.
IV. He says he's sorry ______ shouting at you.
V. I'm afraid it was stupid ______ me to come.
	e) about - with - in - for - for
	d) about - about - at - for - of
		Some words which are prepositions also function as conjunctions. Bearing that in mind, classify the word "AFTER" in the senteces below as a [preposition] or [conjunction]. 1) After we spoke this afternoon, he rang me to apologize. 2) After the meeting, he rang me to apologize. 3) After the show, we returned home.
	conjunction; conjunction; conjunction.
	conjunction; preposition; preposition.
		What is the classification of the prepositional phrase in the following sentence?"We were looking at his awful paintings"
	Complement of a noun phrase
	Complementation of a verb
		In which alternative we can't end the sentence with a preposition?
	c) I want to know where he came from.
	e) What did you step on?
	a) Where are you at?
		Complete with the proper preposition:
I. I need to apologize ______ you.
II.I agree ______ that proposal.
III. I agree ______ you.
IV. I agree ______ this price.
V. I agree ______ principle.
	d) with - to - with - on - in
	c) with - to - with - on - on
	b) to - to - with - on - in
		What is the function of the prepositional phrase [ON THE BUS] in the following sentences:
[1] The people were singing on the bus.
[2] The people on the bus were singing.
	They function as adjectives.
	They function as adverbs.
	The first functions as an adjecive, whereas the second, as an adverb.
	They function as noun phrases.
	The first functions as an adverb, whereas the second, as adjective.
Aula 4
		In each of the following sentences the highlighted word is a participial adjective?
	d)The noise is annoying the neighbors (annoying)
	c) I spent four hours calculating your tax returns. (calculating)
	a) He told me a moving story about his childhood. (moving)
		What alternative has the correct order to the following: German / old / yellow / car / an?
	e) a yellow old German car
	a) a German old yellow car
	d) an old yellow German car
		Which is the correct word order?
	a)An antique expensive silver mirror
	e)Those wooden square hat boxes
	d)Our old big English sheepdog
	c)Her black short hair
	b)Four gorgeous long stemmed red silk roses
		What alternative has the correct order to the following: wooden / huge / sailing / a /ship ?
	c)a huge sailing wooden ship
	d)a sailing huge wooden ship
	e)a wooden sailing huge ship
	b)a huge wooden sailing ship
		Which is the correct word order?
	c)A round huge metal bowl
	a)A silly English young man
	e)A beautiful Italian old touring car
	b)A big old English sheepdog
		 In the sentence: "Studying grammar makes me happy", the adjective is...
		Analyzing the structures of these sentences, mark the one which has an attributive adjective.
	Most English girls have a fair skin.
		In each of the following sentences the highlighted word is an adjective?
	b) Our patient records are confidential. (patient)
	c) The Prime Minister is a close friend of mine. (close)
	d) The car key is in the drawer. (car)
		Which adjective is considered non-inherent?
	c) Difficult questions
	e) A complete idiot
	d) Distant hills
	a) Round glasses
	b) An old man
Most attributive adjectives denote some attribute of the noun which they modify. For instance, the phrase a red car may be said to denote a car which is red. In fact most adjective-noun sequences such as this can be loosely reformulated in a similar way:
an old man - a man who is old.
his applies equally to postpositive adjectives:
something understood: something which is understood.
In each case the adjective denotes an attribute or quality of the noun, as the reformulations show. Adjectives of this type are known as INHERENT adjectives. The attribute they denote is, as it were, inherent in the noun which they modify.
However, not all adjectives are related to the noun in the same way. For example, the adjective small in a small businessman does not describe an attribute of the businessman. It cannot be reformulated as a businessman who is small. Instead, it refers to a businessman whose business is small. We refer to adjectives of this type as NON-INHERENT adjectives. They refer less directly to an attribute of the noun than inherent adjectives do. Here are some more examples, showing the contrast between inherent and non-inherent:
Inherent         non-inherent
distant hills distant relatives
a complete chapter   a complete idiot
		Which is the correct word order?
	e) a new steel carving knife
	d) a big plastic red hat
	a) a French new exciting band
	b) a Canadian small thin lady
	c) a blue beautiful sailing boat
Opinion - size - age -shape (or shape -age) - color - origin - material - purpose
		What is the correct order of the adjectives?
	b) opinion, size, shape, age, color, material, origin, purpose
	a) size, opinion, shape, age, color, origin, material, purpose
	e) shape, size, opinion, age, color, origin, material, purpose
	d) opinion, size, shape, age, color, origin, material, purpose
	c) opinion, size, shape, age, color, origin, purpose, material
opinion - size - age -shape (or shape -age) - color - origin - material - purpose
		In each of the following sentences the highlighted adjective is predicative?
	e)Your problem seems difficult. (difficult)
	d)He is facing a difficult problem. (difficult)
	c)Severe headache and fever are symptoms of malaria.(severe)
	a)He ate a delicious mango. (delicious)
	b)Poor can't afford expensive clothes. (expensive)
ATTRIBUTIVE ADJECTIVES are part of the noun phrase headed by the noun they modify In English, attributive adjectives precede their nouns in simple phrases.
· I saw three happy kids
PREDICATIVE ADJECTIVES are linked via a copula or other linking mechanism to the noun or pronoun they modify:
They are happy.
They made me happy.
ABSOLUTE ADJECTIVES belong to a larger larger adjective phrase, and typically modify either the subject of a sentence or whatever noun or pronoun they are closest to:
· The boy, happy with his lollipop, did not look where he was going.
SUBSTANTIVE ADJECTIVES act almost as nouns. It may occur in the following cases:
· A noun is elided and an attributive adjective is left behind: "I read two books to them; he preferred the sad book, but she preferred the happy," (happy is a substantive adjective, short for "happy one" or "happy book.")
		Which of the following adjectives is dynamic?
	c) red
	a) old
As their name suggests, STATIVE adjectives denote a state or condition, which may generally be considered permanent, such as big, red, small. Stative adjectives cannot normally be used in imperative constructions:
· *Be big/red/small
Further, they cannot normally be used in progressive constructions:
· *He is being big/red/small
In contrast, DYNAMIC adjectives denote attributes which are, to some extent at least, under the control of the one who possesses them. For instance, brave denotes an attribute which may not always be in evidence (unlike red, for example), but which may be called upon as it is required. For this reason, it is appropriate to use it in an imperative:
Be brave!
Dynamic adjectives include:
calm - careful - cruel - tidy - disruptive - foolish - friendly
All dynamic adjectives can be used in imperatives (Be careful!, Don't be cruel!), and they can also be used predicatively in progressive constructions:
· Your son is being disruptive in class
· My parents are being foolish again
· We're being very patient with you
The majority of adjectives are stative. The stative/dynamic contrast, as it relates to adjectives, is largely a semantic one, though as we have seen it also has syntactic implications.
		Which of the following adjectives has a potpositive position?expensive
ATTRIBUTIVE adjectives come before the noun which they modify.
· He ate a delicious mango.
· Poor can¿t afford expensive clothes.
PREDICATIVE adjectives come after a verb.
· Your problem seems difficult.
· That book was good.
POSTPOSITIVE adjectives come immediately after the modified noun. In some languages this is the normal syntax, but in English it is rare, largely confined to archaic or institutional expressions. Aplenty, galore, and the informal extraordinaire are examples of adjectives that are primarily used postpositively in modern English. Name suffixes, such as Junior and Senior, also function as postpositive adjectives modifying proper names.
· Aplenty: In plentiful supply; abundant: "There were warning signs aplenty for their candidates as well" (Michael Gelb).
· Galore: In great numbers; in abundance: "with balloons and hot dogs . . . and fireworks galore" (Anne Armstrong).
· Extraordinaire: Extraordinary: a jazz singer extraordinaire.
		What alternative has the correct order to the following: physics / boring / old / a / teacher?
	b)a physics old boring teacher
	e)a boring old physics teacher
	a)a boring physics old teacher
	d)an old boring physics teacher
	c)a physics boring old teacher
Opinion - size - age -shape (or shape -age) - color - origin - material - purpose
		In which sentence the adjective is POSTPOSITIVE?
	c) The share-holders present voted against the Chairman. (present)
Aula 5
		In grammar, a phrase is a group of words that functions as a single unit in the syntax of a sentence. Phrases may be classified by the type of head taken by them. Considering the sentence: "The children in class 5 play the piano delighted to meet you very quickly."", in which alternative the phrase is incorrectly analyzed?
	very quickly - adverb phrase
	in the garden - noun phrase
		Adjective phrases have two primary uses:
1) ATTRIBUTIVE: they can be used to modify nouns inside noun phrases;
2) PREDICATIVE: they can be predicatives in clause structure.
Consider the following sentence:
"An intelligent and revolucionary policy to keep inflation under control is virtually impossible".
Determine the functions of the adjectives highlithed in the sentence.
	attributive; predicative; predicative.
	attributive; attributive; attributive;
	attributive; attributive; predicative;
		In which alternative the adjective is appositive?
	c) The jury declared the defendant guilty.
	e) The man, hungry and exhausted, fainted.
		In which alternative the adjective is adnominal?
	c) The British are fond of fish and chips.
	b) Judeo-Christians consider Jerusalem holy.
	a) The girl painted her bedroom pink.
	e) The blackcat drank the fresh cream.
		 Are the following prepositional phrases adverbial or adjective?
I. The book on the bathroom floor is swollen from shower steam.
II. Freddy is stiff from yesterday's long football practice.
III. Before class, Josh begged his friends for a pencil.
IV. The sweet potatoes in the vegetable bin are green with mold.
V. Feeling brave, we tried the Dragon Breath Burritos at Tito's Taco Palace.
	c) adjective - adjective - adverbial - adjective - adverbial
	d) adjective - adverbial - adverbial - adjective - adjective
	a) adjective - adverbial - adverbial - adjective - adverbial
		In which sentence the complement is correctly analyzed?
	c) We painted the door white. (white - subject predicative)
	b) The driver is tired. (tired - object predicative)
	e) That shrimp dish made him sick. (sick - object predicative)
		In which alternative the adjective is object predicative?
	e) Aware of the situation, the man called for services.
	c) My very hyper puppy has destroyed my newpillows.
	b) The preschoolers are coloring the trees purple and blue.
		In which alternative the adjective is subject predicative?
	b) Circle the grammatically-correct sentences.
	e) The fire, warm and inviting, burned brightly in the night.
	a) They lost their notion of time.
	c) Christmas cookies smell delicious.
Aula 6
		In which sentence the passive voice is right?
	The students handed in the reports. - The reports have been handed in.
	Steven has forgotten the book. - The book had been forgot.
	Once a week, Tom cleans the house - Once a week, the house is cleaned by Tom.
		In the sentence: 'I sent him a letter.', HIM is the indirect object. In which sentence this object is correctly changed in the passive voice and becomes the subject?
	c) A letter was sent to him.
	e) A letter was sent.
	d) He sent a letter.
	b) He was sent a letter.
		What is the impersonal passive of the sentence: 'People know that cars pollute the environment.' ?
	e) Cars are known to pollute the environment.
		Complete: "All the  bread ....... by the mice."
	has eaten
	has been eaten
	being eaten
Passive voice - present perfect - has been eaten (be (in the present perfect + eat (past participle)
		Rewrite the following sentence in the Passive Voice: 'David has sold the company'.
	b) The company has been sold by David.
	e) The company was going to be sold by David.
	c) The company had been sold by David.
	d) The company was being sold by David.
	a) The company was sold by David.
David has sold the company = The company has been sold. = present perfet.
		In which alternative the passive voice is wrong?
	a)The sheep ate a lot. - A lot has been eaten by the sheep.
	d)Did Sue draw this circle? - Was this circle drawn by Sue?
	c)William will not repair the car. - The car will not be repaired by William.
	b)We do not clean our rooms. - Our rooms are not cleaned by us.
	e)Could you feed the dog? - Could the dog be fed by you?
a)The sheep ate a lot. - A lot has been (WAS) eaten by the sheep.
		Which alternative is in the impersonal passive?
	I thought a beautiful dinner was going to be made by Sally tonight.
	A letter can be written by Rita.
	Houses are built.
	I knew the work would be finished by 5:00 PM.
	It is said that they would come.
		Which sentence is in the impersonal passive?
	b) Money is collected by John.
	d) The question was answered by Julie
	c) She is known to be a good swimmer
Aula 7
		In which alternative the time change is wrong?
	c)'I'm going to work by bus this week,' she said. - She said she was going to work by bus that week.
	b)'We're having dinner out tonight,' she said. - She said they were having dinner out that night.
	d)'I met Susan five years ago,' I said - I said that I met Susan five years before.
	e)'We're flying to Rome next week,' he said. - He said they were flying to Rome next week.
		In which alternative the reported speech is wrong?
	d)'What about going to the beach?' - She suggested going to the beach
	c)'You should have a rest .' - the doctor advises the patient he should had a rest
		In which alternative the time change is wrong?
	d) yesterday - the day before
	b) tonight - that night
	a) today - that day
	c) tomorrow - the day after
		In which alternative the reported speech is wrong?
	b)"Be patient," she said to him.→ She toldhim to be patient.
	e)"Give me the key," he told her.→ He asked her to give him the key.
	d)"Hurry up," she said to us.→ She told us to hurry up.
	a)"Stop talking, Joe," the teacher said.→ The teacher told Joe to stop talking.
	c)"Go to your room," her father said to her.→ Her father told her to go to your room.
		In which alternative the reported speech is wrong?
	b)"Sit down, Caron" he said.→ He asked Caron to sit down.
	a)"Play it again, Sam," she said.→ She asked Sam to play it again.
	e) "Mind your own business," she told him.→ She told him to mind his own business.
	d)"Take off your shoes," she told us.→ She told us to take off your shoes.
		In which alternative the reported speech is wrong?
	e)"Don't be angry with me," he said.→ He asked her not to be angry with him.
	c)"Don't be late," he advised us.→ He advised us not to be late.
	b)"Close the door behind you," he told me.→ He told me to close the door behind you.
		Complete the reported speech:
Peter said: 'I worked in the garden yesterday.'
Peter said that...
	b) he had worked in the garden the previous day.
		In which alternative the reported speech is wrong?
	a)'I've finished my project,' he said. - He said he finished his project.
Aula 8
		Choose the best alternative:
I cannot understand why she did that, it really doesn't add up.
	(a) doesn't calculate
	(b) isn't mathematics
	(c) makes the wrong addition
	(e) doesn't make sense
	(d) is the wrong account
Not to add up = not to make sense.
		Match the idioms:
1. Between a rock and a hard place
2. Spill the beans                      
3. Blow your top                       
4. By the skin of your teeth      
5. Have an axe to grind            
(   ) To have an ulterior motive or a long term grudge against someone
(    ) To lose your temper
(    ) To tell people secret information
(    ) In a very difficult situation when any resolution will be unpleasant
(    ) Complete a task at the very last minute
	3 - 5 - 2 - 1 - 4
	5 - 3 - 2 - 1 - 4
		Choose the best alternative: It's a lovely house and very big but nobody uses it so it's a bit of a white elephant.
	(d) something very big and white
	(c) something very cheap and useless
	(a) something very beautiful and useful
	(b) something very big and useful
	(e) something very expensive and useless
		Choose the best alternative: "I thought he was my friend but he was just a _______ in the grass."
		Choose the correct alternative for the translation of: grass-ww¿.
	a) divorciada
		Choose the INCORRECT alternative:
	The word 'accent' is used for varieties which differ from each other in matters of pronunciation and grammar.
		Choose the best alternative: You shouldn't sign there I think he's about to make a monkey out of you.
	(b) to make you lose money
	(e) to make a fool of you
		A ________variation refers to variants and even historical stages follow each other on the diachronic axis.
	a) Diaphasic or stylistic variation
	c) Diatopic variation
	b) Diastratic variation
	e) Diachronic variation
Aula 9
		In which alternative there is an example of Homophone?
	I like to read. In fact, I read a book yesterday.
	Don't desert me here in the desert!
	Two of them are going to win. 
	With every number I read, my mind gets number and number.
	Do you know what a buck does to does?
HOMOPHONES = same sound, different spelling
· to, too, two
· there, their, they¿re
· read (peruse) and reed (waterside plant)
		Select the alternative that is INCORRECT:
	e) Homographs have a different sound but the same spelling.
	d) Homophones have the same sound and the same spelling.
	a) Denotation is the strict dictionary meaning of a word. It refers to the literal meaning of a word, the 'dictionary
	b) Connotation is the emotional and imaginative association surrounding a word. It refers to the associations that are connected to a certain word or the emotional suggestions related to that word.
	c) Homonyms have the same spelling and the same pronunciation but they have different meanings.
HOMOPHONES = same sound, different spelling .
		Here are examples of pairs of connotations that describe the same thing or situation. The first has a negative connotation and the second is positive. In which alternative it doesn¿t happen?
	Disabled - Crippled
	Cowardly - Prudent
	Bum - Homeless
	Cocky - Confident
	Childish - Childlike
'Disabled' and 'crippled' are both negative.
		Select the word with the appropriate neutral connotation to complete the following sentence: 'Given the recent _________ college standards, it seems as though anyone can get an advanced degree, nowadays.'
	c) plummeting
	a) decline in
		Consider the sentences below and find the MOST NEGATIVE CONNOTATION for the words underlined:
I. We stopped for lunch at a diner in West Virginia.
II. My parents are committed conservationists.
III. My old laptop has finally died.
IV. In a quiet and stealthy way, Bartleby moved into the lawyer's chambers.
V. The teacher was mildly intimated by Merdine's assertive behavior.
	b) greasy spoon - environmentalists - decrepit - sneaky - bossy
	c) bistro - environmentalists - venerable - cunning - confident
	d) greasy spoon - tree huggers - decrepit - cunning - bossy
	a) greasy spoon - tree huggers - decrepit - sneaky - bossy
		Consider the sentences below and find the MOST POSITIVE CONNOTATION for the words underlined:
I. Sometimes my thin friend annoys me.
II. I recognized the familiar smell of my roommate's cooking.
III. Scrapple is an inexpensive meal.
IV. Kevin's interest in model cars has turned into a hobby.
V. Uncle Henry lives in a hut deep in the woods.
	b) slim - aroma - cheap - avocation - shack
	c) slim - aroma - thrifty - avocation - cabin
		In which alternative there is an example of denotation?
	I always go for a walk with my dog on Sundays.
		In which alternative there is an example of true homonym?
	row (to argue or an argument) and row (as in to row a boat or a row of seats - a pair of homophones).
	rose (flower) and rose (past tense of rise).
Aula 10 
		'Her head was so full of ideas that it was ready to burst wide open.'
 What type of figurative language is used in this sentence?
	A) metaphor
	B) hyperbole
		Choose the one figure that is most clearly illustrated by the short passage.
"It was the best of times, it was the worst of times, it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness, it was the epoch of belief, it was the epoch of incredulity, it was the season of Light, it was the season of Darkness, it was the spring of hope, it was the winter of despair, we had everything before us, we had nothing before us, we were all going direct to Heaven, we were all going direct the other way." (Charles Dickens, A Tale of Two Cities)
		What is the figure of speech in the sentence: 'To err is human, to forgive divine.'?
		'Silly sally sang a silly summer song.'
 What type of figurative language is this sentence?
	C) hyperbole
	A) onomatopoeia
	D) antithesis
	E) irony
	B) alliteration
		5.The figure of speech in the sentence: "George Bush talked during his campaign about 'compassionate conservatism", which to many liberals sounds like a(n) ___________________.
		'He was a library of information about baseball.' What type of figurative language is used in this sentence?
	C) metaphor
		Consider the sentence: 'Christianity shone like a beacon in the black night of paganism.' What figure of speech is "Christianity shone like a beacon"?
		Choose the one figure that is most clearly illustrated by the short passage.
Turn off your television sets
Turn them off now!
Turn them off right now!
Turn them off and leave them off.
Turn them off right in the middle of this sentence
I'm speaking to you now.'(Peter Finch as television anchorman Howard Beale in Network, 1976)
	(c) anaphora

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