

Faça como milhares de estudantes: teste grátis o Passei Direto

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Faça como milhares de estudantes: teste grátis o Passei Direto

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16 milhões de materiais de várias disciplinas

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Passei Direto grátis

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Faça como milhares de estudantes: teste grátis o Passei Direto

Esse e outros conteúdos desbloqueados

16 milhões de materiais de várias disciplinas

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Passei Direto grátis

Você também pode ser Premium ajudando estudantes
Você viu 3, do total de 3 páginas

Prévia do material em texto

1a Questão 
Ao tentar fazer um resumo sobre os usos do Simple Present, um 
aluno de Fundamentos da Tradução fez uma lista dos casos mais 
recorrentes. Dentre esses casos, listados a seguir, apenas um 
está ERRADO. Qual? 
Habitual actions in the present 
General timeless truths (e.g. physical lawas or customs) 
Event/action in progress 
Express future (when a scheduled event is involved; usually with 
future time adverbial) 
In the subordinate clause of future conditional sentences (E.g. 
After he finishes his homework, he´ll rest for 30 minutes); 
2a Questão 
Dentre os tempos verbais abaixo, qual se encaixa perfeitamente 
na definição do termo Tense: "a category of verbal inflection that 
serves chiefly to specify the time of the action or state expressed 
by the verb"? 
Past Perfect 
Modal Verbs for ability (E.g. CAN) 
Past Perfect Progressive 
Future with WILL 
Simple Present 
3a Questão 
The translator must pay attention to the 
progressive aspects of the verbs. Mark the 
WRONG option about this: 
 The translator must recognize the intention of 
the original author; 
 The translator must prioritize syntax or 
 The translator must analyze the context and 
verify whether there must be drastic changes or 
 The translator must culturally transfer the 
intention to target language; 
 The translator must find balance between the 
message (semantics) and the structures 
(syntax), keeping the 3Cs in mind. 
4a Questão 
Imagine that I want to emphasise the fact that 
my sister is still living in Paris. How can I say 
this? Mark the CORRECT sentence: 
 My sister will have lived in Paris for two years. 
 My sister lived in Paris for two years. 
 My sister will have been living in Paris for two 
 My sister has been living in Paris for two years. 
 My sister has lived in Paris for two years. 
5a Questão 
Complete a frase corretamente com o pronome pessoal do caso 
oblíquo: Take these books and put _____ in the table. 
6a Questão 
Read the sentences below and identify the verb tense used: The 
band is playing joyfully The candidates are voting now. 
present progressive 
past continuous 
past progressive 
past perfect progressive 
7a Questão 
Read the text below: 
In over 1,000 entries, this acclaimed Companion (1) covers all 
aspects of the Western fairy tale tradition, from medieval to 
modern, under the guidance of Professor Jack Zipes. It provides an 
authoritative reference source for this complex and captivating 
genre, exploring the tales themselves, the writers who (2) wrote 
and reworked them, and the artists who illustrated them. It also 
covers numerous related topics such as the fairy tale and film, 
television, art, opera, ballet, the oral tradition, music, advertising, 
cartoons, fantasy literature, feminism, and stamps. 
First published in 2000, 130 new entries (3) have been added to 
account for recent developments in the field, including J. K. Rowling 
and Suzanne Collins, and new articles on topics such as cognitive 
criticism and fairy tales, digital fairy tales, fairy tale blogs and 
websites.... The remaining entries (4) have been revised and 
updated in consultation with expert contributors. 
This second edition contains beautifully designed feature articles 
highlighting countries with a strong fairy tale tradition[¿] In 
addition, the A to Z entries (5) are accompanied by over 60 
beautiful and carefully selected black and white illustrations. 
Already renowned in its field, the second edition of this unique work 
is an essential companion for anyone interested in fairy tales in 
literature, film, and art; and for anyone who values the tradition of 
(Source: https://www.amazon.com) 
►Which of the highlighted items above has not been 
correctly analyzed in terms of verb tense or grammatical 
(1) Covers - Simple Present 
(5) Are accompanied ¿ Present Passive 
(2) Wrote - Simple Past 
(3) Have been added - Past Perfect Passive 
(4) Have been revised and updated - Present Perfect Passive 
8a Questão 
Choose the correct causative form You ought have your 
Cleaning and freshing 
Cleaned and freshened 
Clean and fresh 
Have cleaned and have freshened. 
To clean and to fresh

Outros materiais