
A market is not necessarily a physical or geographical place. It is a concept, both theoretical and practical, in which economic agents directly or...

A market is not necessarily a physical or geographical place. It is a concept, both theoretical and practical, in which economic agents directly or indirectly carry out commercial transactions that involve the exchange of products and services for a monetary unit (money) or for other goods and services. We can cite several examples of markets with members who interact and influence the processes of supply and demand. Which of the following alternatives corresponds to the main agents that make up a market?

a. Banks, financial companies, insurance companies, etc.
b. Competitors, suppliers, distributors, manufacturers, retailers, and consumers.
c. Technology, economy, culture, and demography.
d. Product, price, place, and promotion.
e. Needs, desire, and demand.

Essa pergunta também está no material:

ATIVIDADE ONLINE 1 gestao - AV12023_2
11 pág.

Gestão de Produtos e Marcas


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A alternativa correta que corresponde aos principais agentes que compõem um mercado é a letra b. Competidores, fornecedores, distribuidores, fabricantes, varejistas e consumidores. Esses agentes interagem e influenciam os processos de oferta e demanda no mercado.



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