
Assuming that the understanding of literary works does not depend exclusively on the function, nor is this resource an activity of reading in itsel...

Assuming that the understanding of literary works does not depend exclusively on the function, nor is this resource an activity of reading in itself, and that digital technologies can be allies and students should participate in the decision-making process about their learning. Which of the following statements is true about literary language?

a) It is a verse from an ancient poet who had a more archaic style of communication.
b) Literary language can only be understood after a linguistic analysis of its components.
c) Literary language is different from instructional language because it uses ambiguities and figures of speech that require a more refined reading ability.
d) The translation of the French sentence into Portuguese hinders the understanding of the meaning of the original text.
e) Literary language has examples of illegible meaning.

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6 pág.

Comunicação e Linguagem Universidade Estácio de SáUniversidade Estácio de Sá

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A alternativa correta é a letra c) A linguagem literária é diferente da linguagem instrucional, pois utiliza ambiguidades e figuras de linguagem que exigem uma habilidade de leitura mais refinada.


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