
Answer the following multiple-choice questions about the Colombian pension system: 1. The affiliation to the general pension system is not mandat...

Answer the following multiple-choice questions about the Colombian pension system:

1. The affiliation to the general pension system is not mandatory for all dependent and independent workers. V (x) F ()
2. Pension modalities: old age, disability, and survival. V (x) F ()
3. In any of the two regimes of the general pension system, they will maintain their constant purchasing power, they will be automatically readjusted annually, on January 1 of each year, according to the percentage variation of the consumer price index, certified by DANE for the immediately preceding year. V (x) F ()
4. When the affiliation is of an independent worker, said contribution will be made only by said contributor on 16% of their presumed income; and when it comes to an independent contractor, this percentage will be calculated taking into account 40% of the value of said contract. V (×) F ()
5. The affiliate is free to choose their pension system, and once the initial selection has been made, they can only transfer from one system to another once every three years, but they cannot transfer from one system to another when they are ten (10) years or less away from reaching the age to be entitled to the old-age pension. V (x) F ()
6. Affiliates who, upon reaching the pension age, do not meet the requirements to acquire a minimum old-age pension, will be entitled to a refund of balances or a substitute indemnity according to the regime to which they are affiliated. V (x) F ()
7. The law that regulates the general pension system is Law 100 of 1993. V (x) F ()
8. The general pension system is composed of 2 sub-regimes, which coexist in time but are mutually exclusive, they are the RPM (defined benefit average premium regime) and RAIS (individual savings regime with solidarity). V (x) F ()
9. In development of the principle of solidarity, the two regimes (RPM and RAIS) guarantee their affiliates the recognition and payment of a minimum pension. V (x) F ()
10. PENSION SOLIDARITY FUND: Intended to expand coverage by subsidizing population groups that, due to their socioeconomic characteristics and conditions, do not have access to social security systems, such as: Farmers, indigenous people, independent workers, artists, athletes, community mothers, and disabled people. V (x) F ()
11. Contingencies covered by the general social security and pension system: old age, disability, and survival. V (x) F ()
12. An affiliate may simultaneously receive disability and old-age pensions. V (x) F ()
13. The contribution amount is 16%, distributed between the employer 12% and the employee 4%. V (x) F ()
14. The benefits covered by the general pension system are economic and welfare. V (x) F ()
15. The general social security system and pensions aim to guarantee the irrevocable rights of the person and the community to obtain a quality of life in accordance with human dignity, through the protection of contingencies that affect them. V (x) F ()
16. The resources of the general social security system and pensions may be allocated and used for purposes other than it. V () F (x)
17. Define what a family pension is and what are the requirements to access it.
a) It is the sum of the efforts of spouses or permanent partners to receive a pension of 1 minimum wage. The requirements to access it are: to be a couple, to be over 60 years old, and to have a joint income of less than 2 minimum wages. V () F ()
b) It is the sum of the efforts of spouses or permanent partners to receive a pension of 1 minimum wage. The requirements to access it are: to be a couple, to be over 65 years old, and to have a joint income of less than 2 minimum wages. V (x) F ()
c) It is the sum of the efforts of spouses or permanent partners to receive a pension of 2 minimum wages. The requirements to access it are: to be a couple, to be over 60 years old, and to have a joint income of less than 2 minimum wages. V () F ()
d) It is the sum of the efforts of spouses or permanent partners to receive a pension of 2 minimum wages. The requirements to access it are: to be a couple, to be over 65 years old, and to have a joint income of less than 2 minimum wages. V () F ()

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TALLER Clases 13, 14 y 15
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1. V (verdadeiro) 2. V (verdadeiro) 3. V (verdadeiro) 4. F (falso) 5. V (verdadeiro) 6. V (verdadeiro) 7. V (verdadeiro) 8. V (verdadeiro) 9. V (verdadeiro) 10. V (verdadeiro) 11. V (verdadeiro) 12. V (verdadeiro) 13. F (falso) 14. V (verdadeiro) 15. V (verdadeiro) 16. F (falso) 17. b) É a soma dos esforços de cônjuges ou parceiros permanentes para receber uma pensão de 1 salário mínimo. Os requisitos para acessá-la são: ser um casal, ter mais de 65 anos e ter uma renda conjunta inferior a 2 salários mínimos. (verdadeiro)


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