
Write a critical review of two articles on the importance of distance in the formation of mathematics teachers. The review should include a brief s...

Write a critical review of two articles on the importance of distance in the formation of mathematics teachers. The review should include a brief summary of the articles and the student's opinion. The following topics should be addressed: Recognizing the importance of the content of Algebra Fundamentals in the formation of mathematics teachers; Identifying the reasons why students in the mathematics teaching course have difficulties with this discipline; Identifying possible changes in teaching practice regarding the discipline; Analyzing the perceptions that mathematicians have of the discipline and its application in basic education. The review should have three essential parts: introduction, development, and conclusion.
Recognizing the importance of the content of Algebra Fundamentals in the formation of mathematics teachers
Identifying the reasons why students in the mathematics teaching course have difficulties with this discipline
Identifying possible changes in teaching practice regarding the discipline
Analyzing the perceptions that mathematicians have of the discipline and its application in basic education

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2 pág.

Álgebra Universidade Estácio de SáUniversidade Estácio de Sá

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