
What is the purpose of the flyers and brochures mentioned in the text? The flyers and brochures are meant to promote and advertise the company's s...

What is the purpose of the flyers and brochures mentioned in the text?

The flyers and brochures are meant to promote and advertise the company's services and technologies.
The flyers and brochures will be distributed in meetings and interviews with potential clients.
The flyers and brochures will contain photographs of the company's facilities and contact information.
a) Only I is correct.
b) I and II are correct.
c) I, II, and III are correct.

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A resposta correta é a alternativa (a) "Apenas I está correta". Os folhetos e brochuras mencionados no texto têm como objetivo promover e anunciar os serviços e tecnologias da empresa. As outras opções mencionadas não são mencionadas no texto.


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