
Considering what has been said, analyze the sentence quoted in (3) and reflect on the related topics below. How is a word defined? What is the crit...

Considering what has been said, analyze the sentence quoted in (3) and reflect on the related topics below.
How is a word defined?
What is the criterion used to represent words in writing?
What generates indecision regarding the delimitation of words?
How many words are in the sentence?
Which words in the sentence can be segmented into smaller units of meaning?
Which words have plural markers?
Which words have gender markers?
Which words have tense markers?
Which words have person markers?
Are there words that do not accept the addition of elements and are therefore classified as invariable?

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174 pág.

Políticas Educacionais Universidade Estácio de SáUniversidade Estácio de Sá

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