
Analyzing a dialogue about lying and temperance, what is the point of view defended by the speaker? The speaker defends that lying is only accepta...

Analyzing a dialogue about lying and temperance, what is the point of view defended by the speaker?

The speaker defends that lying is only acceptable for the leaders of the city, for the benefit of the city.
The speaker argues that the words of poets and artists should not be taken as examples of temperance for the youth.
The speaker believes that laughter is harmful and should not be represented in literature, even when it comes to gods.
The speaker defends that the youth should be inclined to temperance by obeying their leaders and being in control of their pleasures.
a) I and II are correct.
b) II and III are correct.
c) III and IV are correct.
d) I and IV are correct.

Essa pergunta também está no material:

Platão- mimesis e diegesis (semana 5)
14 pág.

Letras Universidade Federal do Rio de JaneiroUniversidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro


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O ponto de vista defendido pelo orador é que mentir é aceitável apenas para os líderes da cidade, em benefício da cidade. Além disso, ele defende que os jovens devem ser inclinados à temperança obedecendo seus líderes e controlando seus prazeres. Portanto, a alternativa correta é a letra D) I e IV estão corretas.



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