
What were the main difficulties reported by non-specialized people in working with deafblind people? Lack of information and training in the area D...

What were the main difficulties reported by non-specialized people in working with deafblind people?
Lack of information and training in the area
Difficulty in communicating with deafblind people
Uncertainty about their specific learning needs
The lack of information and training in the area was the main difficulty reported
The second most reported difficulty was the inability to communicate with deafblind people
Communication was the most reported interest in learning among non-specialized people

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A principal dificuldade relatada por pessoas não especializadas em trabalhar com pessoas surdocegas é a dificuldade em se comunicar com elas. A falta de informações e treinamento na área também é uma dificuldade relatada, assim como a incerteza sobre suas necessidades específicas de aprendizagem. A comunicação foi o interesse mais relatado em aprender entre pessoas não especializadas.


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