
Regarding the organization of basic education, in the elementary and high school levels, the following criterion will be observed: A) There will b...

Regarding the organization of basic education, in the elementary and high school levels, the following criterion will be observed:

A) There will be autonomy in the creation of its teaching, technical and administrative staff, as well as a salary plan, meeting the pertinent general norms and the available resources.
B) The participation of education professionals must be ensured and encouraged in the preparation of the school's pedagogical project, as well as that of the school and local communities.
C) The national education policy, articulated with different levels and systems, must exercise the normative, redistributive and supplementary function in relation to other educational instances.
D) The school will develop and execute educational policies and plans, in accordance with national education guidelines and plans, integrating and coordinating its actions and those of its municipalities.
E) To guarantee compliance with compulsory education, the Public Power will create alternative forms of access to different levels of education, regardless of previous schooling.
A) A
B) B
C) C
D) D
E) E

Essa pergunta também está no material:

Prova legislação AP4
11 pág.

Legislação Universidade do Grande Rio Professor José de Souza HerdyUniversidade do Grande Rio Professor José de Souza Herdy


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A alternativa correta é a letra D) D) A escola desenvolverá e executará políticas e planos educacionais, de acordo com as diretrizes e planos nacionais de educação, integrando e coordenando suas ações e as de seus municípios. Essa alternativa está de acordo com o que é estabelecido pela Lei de Diretrizes e Bases da Educação Nacional (LDB), que define as diretrizes e bases da educação nacional. A LDB estabelece que a educação básica deve ser organizada de acordo com as diretrizes e planos nacionais de educação, e que a escola deve desenvolver e executar políticas e planos educacionais em consonância com essas diretrizes e planos.


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