
Regarding the affirmations about the literature of cordel, the activities with the written code for students of youth and adult education, and the ...

Regarding the affirmations about the literature of cordel, the activities with the written code for students of youth and adult education, and the relevance of the contents in this modality of education, is it correct to affirm that:

The literature of cordel is a cultural production.
The activities with the written code for students of youth and adult education should start from themes that deal with social exclusion.
In youth and adult education, the contents are irrelevant.
V, F, F.
F, V, F.
F, F, V.
V, V, F.
V, F, V.

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Sim, é correto afirmar que a literatura de cordel é uma produção cultural. Além disso, as atividades com o código escrito para estudantes da educação de jovens e adultos devem começar a partir de temas que abordem a exclusão social. No entanto, não é correto afirmar que os conteúdos são irrelevantes na educação de jovens e adultos. Portanto, a resposta correta seria V, F, V.


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