
Large companies actively seek individuals who have a mix of business skills and understand their specific knowledge. Socio-personal knowledge repre...

Large companies actively seek individuals who have a mix of business skills and understand their specific knowledge. Socio-personal knowledge represents the intangible values of a job, such as:

a) The ability to deal with people and communication.
b) The ability to deal with people, negotiation skills, and diversity.
c) The ability to deal with people, leadership skills, and communication.
d) The ability to deal with people, negotiation skills, and intuition.
e) The ability to deal with people, negotiation skills, and communication.

Essa pergunta também está no material:

Modelos de Liderança - Questionario Unidade 4
11 pág.

Rh Gestão Universidade Estácio de SáUniversidade Estácio de Sá


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A alternativa correta é a letra c) A habilidade de lidar com pessoas, habilidades de liderança e comunicação.



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