
The literature proposes numerous types of organizational strategies, however, according to Oliveira (2010), the most used types of strategies by or...

The literature proposes numerous types of organizational strategies, however, according to Oliveira (2010), the most used types of strategies by organizations correspond to four basic types: survival strategies, maintenance strategies, growth strategies, and development strategies. And each of these types of strategies encompasses subtypes of strategies that adapt to each of the scenarios of an organization: survival, maintenance, growth, and development. Regarding the presented types of strategies, associate the items using the following code:
I- Survival Strategy.
II- Maintenance Strategy.
III- Growth Strategy.
IV- Development Strategy.

I- Survival Strategy.
II- Maintenance Strategy.
III- Growth Strategy.
IV- Development Strategy.

Essa pergunta também está no material:

Avaliação I - Individual Planejamento Estratégico
5 pág.

Planejamento Estratégico UniasselviUniasselvi

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Com base nas informações fornecidas, podemos associar os tipos de estratégias organizacionais da seguinte forma: I- Estratégia de Sobrevivência. II- Estratégia de Manutenção. III- Estratégia de Crescimento. IV- Estratégia de Desenvolvimento. Espero que isso ajude! Se você tiver mais alguma pergunta, é só me dizer.


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