
Correctly choose the alternative that completes the following blank: The rhythmic structure constitutes the perception of successive time, thus obs...

Correctly choose the alternative that completes the following blank: The rhythmic structure constitutes the perception of successive time, thus observing the educational importance of perceiving these structures, intervening in the domain of spoken and written language. When stimulated, the child can process ______________________________.

1. Functional flexibility.
2. Tonic organization.
3. Resistance to passive movement.
4. Palpation of flexor activity.
5. Rhythms and musicality.

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Piscicomotricidade Centro Universitário Faculdade Maurício de NassauCentro Universitário Faculdade Maurício de Nassau


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A alternativa correta que completa a lacuna é "5. Rhythms and musicality." A estrutura rítmica constitui a percepção do tempo sucessivo, e ao observar a importância educacional de perceber essas estruturas, intervém no domínio da linguagem falada e escrita. Quando estimulada, a criança pode processar ritmos e musicalidade.


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