
According to the American Association of Endodontics, 2013, classify and diagnose pulp and periapical diseases. Which of the following statements i...

According to the American Association of Endodontics, 2013, classify and diagnose pulp and periapical diseases. Which of the following statements is correct?

I. Pulp necrosis is characterized by no symptoms and normal positive response to thermal tests.
II. Reversible pulpitis is characterized by provoked pain (cold), localized and of short duration.
III. Irreversible symptomatic pulpitis is characterized by spontaneous, intense, continuous, diffuse pain.
IV. Acute apical periodontitis or symptomatic is characterized by moderate to intense pain, provoked, localized, and may have the sensation of an extruded tooth.
V. Chronic apical periodontitis or asymptomatic is characterized by diffuse or circumscribed periapical rarefaction.
VI. Chronic apical abscess is characterized by the presence of a fistula and periapical rarefaction.
a) I, II, III, IV, V, and VI are correct.
b) I, II, III, IV, and V are correct.
c) II, III, IV, V, and VI are correct.
d) II, III, IV, and V are correct.

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Endodontia Faculdade Integral DiferencialFaculdade Integral Diferencial

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A alternativa correta é a letra d) II, III, IV, e V estão corretas. I. Pulpite reversível é caracterizada por dor provocada (frio), localizada e de curta duração. II. Pulpite irreversível sintomática é caracterizada por dor espontânea, intensa, contínua e difusa. III. Periodontite apical aguda ou sintomática é caracterizada por dor moderada a intensa, provocada, localizada e pode ter a sensação de um dente extruído. IV. Periodontite apical crônica ou assintomática é caracterizada por rarefação periapical difusa ou circunscrita. V. Abscesso apical crônico é caracterizado pela presença de uma fístula e rarefação periapical.


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