
Like other characters in the story, character 35 is designated by a number and not by a name. What effect can this procedure have on the narrative ...

Like other characters in the story, character 35 is designated by a number and not by a name. What effect can this procedure have on the narrative sense?

I - The character's private life is focused on, to the detriment of his professional activity.
II - The character is dehumanized, devoid of particular characteristics, reduced to a function in his professional activity, just another one.
III - The character's age is expressed, older than his colleagues at Estação, younger than the proletarians on the street.
IV - A mathematical equivalence is established between the desires of the infantile character and the achievements of the adult character.
V - The character gains depth, ceases to be an index and begins to be seen as a person, in its various aspects.
(A) I and II are correct.
(B) II and III are correct.
(C) III and V are correct.
(D) IV and V are correct.
(E) I and V are correct.

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24 pág.

Medicina USP - São PauloUSP - São Paulo


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A designação do personagem 35 por um número e não por um nome pode ter o efeito de desumanizar o personagem, privando-o de características particulares e reduzindo-o a uma função em sua atividade profissional, como apenas mais um. Portanto, a alternativa correta é a letra B, que afirma que as opções II e III estão corretas.



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