
In any language, it is important to know the characteristics of the text you intend to write. To facilitate this understanding, scholars have divid...

In any language, it is important to know the characteristics of the text you intend to write. To facilitate this understanding, scholars have divided these productions into INTERACTIONAL and INFORMATIONAL. Interactional productions are those that establish greater interaction with their receivers, informational ones, less interaction. Read the following statements on this subject: I. The linguistic elements normally found in interactional productions are contractions, first person pronouns, and relative pronouns. II. Texts such as news and reports are interactional. III. On the internet, in networks such as FACEBOOK, LINKEDIN, and TWITTER, the texts produced are normally interactional. IV. Longer words, more formal texts, and little or no contraction are characteristics of informational texts. Are the statements correct?

I. The linguistic elements normally found in interactional productions are contractions, first person pronouns, and relative pronouns.
II. Texts such as news and reports are interactional.
III. On the internet, in networks such as FACEBOOK, LINKEDIN, and TWITTER, the texts produced are normally interactional.
IV. Longer words, more formal texts, and little or no contraction are characteristics of informational texts.
a. III and IV only.
b. I, III and IV only.
c. I, II, III and IV.
d. I, II and III only.
e. I and II only.

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A alternativa correta é a letra d) I, II e III apenas. Explicação: I. A afirmação é verdadeira, pois as produções interacionais geralmente usam esses elementos linguísticos para estabelecer uma maior conexão com o receptor. II. A afirmação é falsa, pois textos como notícias e relatórios são produções informativas, que buscam transmitir informações de forma objetiva e clara. III. A afirmação é verdadeira, pois as redes sociais, como Facebook, LinkedIn e Twitter, são plataformas que incentivam a interação entre os usuários, o que reflete na produção de textos mais interacionais. IV. A afirmação é falsa, pois textos informativos geralmente usam palavras mais longas e formais, além de evitar o uso de contrações, para transmitir informações de forma mais precisa e objetiva. Portanto, apenas as afirmações I, II e III são corretas.

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b. I, III, and IV only.


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