
According to NR-35.1.2, what is considered work at height? a) Any activity performed above 2 meters from the lower level, where there is a risk of...

According to NR-35.1.2, what is considered work at height?

a) Any activity performed above 2 meters from the lower level, where there is a risk of falling.
b) Any activity performed above 3 meters from the lower level, where there is a risk of falling.
c) Any activity performed above 4 meters from the lower level, where there is a risk of falling.
d) Any activity performed above 5 meters from the lower level, where there is a risk of falling.

Essa pergunta também está no material:

Atividade 2 uc3-TST senac Nota A
3 pág.

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De acordo com a NR-35.1.2, o trabalho em altura é considerado como qualquer atividade realizada acima de 2 metros do nível inferior, onde haja risco de queda. Portanto, a alternativa correta é a letra "a".



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