
What is the meaning of the term 'currículo oculto'? I- It refers to intentional and planned learning that students acquire through their interacti...

What is the meaning of the term 'currículo oculto'?

I- It refers to intentional and planned learning that students acquire through their interactions with the school environment.
II- It refers to unintentional or unplanned learning that students acquire through their interactions with the school environment.
III- It is formally included in the official curriculum or teaching structure.
IV- It has no impact on the formation of students.
a) I and III are correct.
b) II and IV are correct.
c) II and III are correct.
d) I and II are correct.

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O termo "currículo oculto" refere-se ao aprendizado não intencional ou não planejado que os alunos adquirem por meio de suas interações com o ambiente escolar. Portanto, a alternativa correta é a letra b) II e IV estão corretas.


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