
Identify the responsible for sponsoring, defending contents and being responsible for the Corporate Education process. The Corporate Universities ...

Identify the responsible for sponsoring, defending contents and being responsible for the Corporate Education process.

The Corporate Universities that are partners through the development of content, application of classes and tests.
The existing leaderships in the organization should be the sponsors and defenders of the contents.
a) Only the statement I is correct.
b) Only the statement II is correct.
c) Both statements are correct.
d) Both statements are incorrect.

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Captura de Tela 2023-12-27 as 00 04 45
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Desenvolvimento de Pessoas Centro Universitário Faculdade Maurício de NassauCentro Universitário Faculdade Maurício de Nassau


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A alternativa correta é a letra C) Ambas as afirmações estão corretas. As universidades corporativas são responsáveis por desenvolver conteúdos, aplicar aulas e testes, enquanto as lideranças da organização devem ser os patrocinadores e defensores desses conteúdos.



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