
Considering what was studied about teaching with mathematical games in early childhood education according to Dante(1996), analyze the text below a...

Considering what was studied about teaching with mathematical games in early childhood education according to Dante(1996), analyze the text below and fill in the blanks below CORRECTLY.

“The _________ becomes a very important teaching strategy, as it stimulates interaction, participation, curiosity, and creativity. The game situation, placed within the child's interests and possibilities, ___________ action and thinking, releases courage and adventure towards the new. The challenge of discovery leads the child to ___________, to manipulate, to act, to solve a problem situation. The game gives her pleasure, she ___________ playing and satisfied, unlike the boredom caused by routine activities.”

Toy, stimulates, reflect, learns.
Game, stimulates, reflect, learns.
Play, stimulates, reflect, learns.
Activity, stimulates, reflect, learns.

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Pedagogia Faculdade Educacional da LapaFaculdade Educacional da Lapa


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A alternativa correta é: "O jogo se torna uma estratégia de ensino muito importante, pois estimula a interação, a participação, a curiosidade e a criatividade. A situação de jogo, colocada dentro dos interesses e possibilidades da criança, estimula a ação e o pensamento, libera a coragem e a aventura em direção ao novo. O desafio da descoberta leva a criança a brincar, a manipular, a agir, a resolver uma situação-problema. O jogo lhe dá prazer, ela aprende brincando e fica satisfeita, ao contrário do tédio causado pelas atividades rotineiras." Portanto, a alternativa correta é "Play, stimulates, reflect, learns."



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