
What is the meaning of the parable in Matthew 25:1-12? A. The bridegroom represents Christ and his second coming. B. The virgins represent the pur...

What is the meaning of the parable in Matthew 25:1-12?

A. The bridegroom represents Christ and his second coming.
B. The virgins represent the pure church.
C. The lamps represent the word of God.
D. The oil represents the Holy Spirit of God.
E. The wise virgins obey Christ and have enough oil.
F. The foolish virgins represent those who claim to follow Christ but do not obey Him.
G. It is time to be filled with the Holy Spirit and be intimate with Him.
H. The bridegroom delayed his arrival and the ten virgins fell asleep.
I. The wise virgins were prepared with a reserve of oil.
J. The foolish virgins were not prepared because they did not have a reserve of oil.
K. The foolish virgins were like the church, but they were not the true church.
L. The foolish virgins did not pay the price of having the presence of the Holy Spirit.
M. The foolish virgins were not known by the bridegroom and were left outside.
N. The danger of not being prepared on that great day is not being known by the Lord Jesus.

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Administração Universidade PaulistaUniversidade Paulista


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A parábola em Mateus 25:1-12 é uma história contada por Jesus para ensinar sobre a importância da preparação para a segunda vinda de Cristo. A resposta correta é a alternativa A: O noivo representa Cristo e sua segunda vinda. As virgens representam as pessoas que esperam a vinda de Cristo. As lâmpadas representam a Palavra de Deus e o óleo representa o Espírito Santo. As virgens sábias representam aqueles que estão preparados para a vinda de Cristo, enquanto as virgens tolas representam aqueles que não estão preparados. A mensagem principal da parábola é que devemos estar sempre prontos para a vinda de Cristo, pois não sabemos quando Ele voltará.



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