
Which of the following statements is true about environmental education? A. Environmental education is only important for those who work in the e...

Which of the following statements is true about environmental education?

A. Environmental education is only important for those who work in the environmental field.
B. Environmental education is not important for the general population.
C. Environmental education is a complex issue that only involves the public sector.
D. The third action needs to be encouraged and carried out more frequently, as everyone needs to know about environmental education to put it into practice correctly.

Essa pergunta também está no material:

Avaliação I - Ed Ambiental
8 pág.

Gestão e Desenvolvimento de Pessoas Centro Universitário Leonardo da VinciCentro Universitário Leonardo da Vinci


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The correct statement about environmental education is option D: The third action needs to be encouraged and carried out more frequently, as everyone needs to know about environmental education to put it into practice correctly. Environmental education is not only important for those who work in the environmental field, but also for the general population. It is a complex issue that involves not only the public sector, but also the private sector and civil society. Environmental education aims to promote awareness, knowledge, skills, attitudes, and values that contribute to the protection and conservation of the environment.



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