
Classify food as a cultural and symbolic artifact resulting in a national and regional cuisine, represented in literature. (Value 2.0 points) The r...

Classify food as a cultural and symbolic artifact resulting in a national and regional cuisine, represented in literature. (Value 2.0 points) The rapid history of man with the environment can be slowed down when we notice that at first, he did not know how to cultivate. From the moment he learns the planting technique, he will also implement the culinary taste. This will be present, today, in all regions and by regions, that is, a preference is adopted in each of the spaces. While literature and the perception of these different normalities, we can read: The act of eating is present in literature. A modern author like the Irishman James Joyce takes the protagonist Leopold Bloom, from his novel Ulysses, on his journey through Dublin, to think about food. Life was hard in Ireland, whose popular diet was basically composed of potatoes. As a colony of England, after the crop failure in 1845, four million Irish people died of hunger. Meanwhile, English deposits on the island were full of food that was not distributed so as not to break a liberal dogma. The abundant existence of food on the table seems central to the lordly residence of Eça de Queirós' novel, The Cities and the Mountains. Or in its ambiguous physical absence and constant desire in the work Vidas Secas, by Graciliano Ramos. This issue links the extremes of human experience and food reflected in literary work. (ÁLVAREZ, José Maurício Saldanha.) Thus, we infer that food links not only man to his environment, his land, but also to his narratives, since the authorial perception is also surrounded by cuisine. It is in this sense that we can see that man creates his things in a distinct way in certain scenarios, that is, for each local, it can be affirmed that there is a norm in consideration of numerous points and also gastronomic. The name 'typical' is given to what is part of the common in a region. Thus, we realize that acarajé, praised in Bahia, red beans, appreciated in São Paulo, baião de dois, common in the Northeast, are food taken that describe the regions to which they belong.

Os alimentos são um artefato cultural e simbólico que resultam em uma cozinha nacional e regional.
A literatura reflete a percepção das diferentes normalidades gastronômicas.
A alimentação é um tema presente na literatura.
Os alimentos são um elemento que liga o homem ao seu ambiente e às suas narrativas.

Essa pergunta também está no material:

Lugar Ambiente e Artes 2022 1 GABARITO
6 pág.

Lugar, Ambiente e Artes Universidade Federal FluminenseUniversidade Federal Fluminense


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A resposta correta é: Os alimentos são um artefato cultural e simbólico que resultam em uma cozinha nacional e regional. A literatura reflete a percepção das diferentes normalidades gastronômicas. A alimentação é um tema presente na literatura. Os alimentos são um elemento que liga o homem ao seu ambiente e às suas narrativas.



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