
What were the steps analyzed in the CARS model for the research corpus in the studied section? The CARS model was used to analyze the rhetorical s...

What were the steps analyzed in the CARS model for the research corpus in the studied section?

The CARS model was used to analyze the rhetorical steps of the research corpus in the studied section.
The steps analyzed were inserted in the literature of the abstracts.
The steps with high recurrence appeared in at least 07 abstracts.
The steps with intermediate recurrence appeared in 04 to 07 abstracts.
The steps with low recurrence appeared in 02 to 03 abstracts.

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Políticas Educacionais Faculdade de AlmenaraFaculdade de Almenara

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O modelo CARS (Critérios de Avaliação de Revisões Sistemáticas) foi utilizado para analisar os passos retóricos do corpus de pesquisa na seção estudada. Os passos analisados foram inseridos na literatura dos resumos. Os passos com alta recorrência apareceram em pelo menos 07 resumos. Os passos com recorrência intermediária apareceram em 04 a 07 resumos. Os passos com baixa recorrência apareceram em 02 a 03 resumos.


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