
What is the concept of positive orientation in Green's Theorem? a) It means that the region is to the left when we traverse the curve countercloc...

What is the concept of positive orientation in Green's Theorem?

a) It means that the region is to the left when we traverse the curve counterclockwise.
b) It means that the region is to the right and left when we traverse the curve. In the figure presented, we traverse curve 'C' clockwise.
c) It means that the region is in the center when we traverse the curve. In the figure presented, we traverse curve 'C' clockwise.
d) It means that the region is to the right when we traverse the curve counterclockwise.
e) It means that the region is to the left when we traverse the curve clockwise.

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Kompiladão - 27-02-2024 - 20h
32 pág.

Cálculo II Universidade Estácio de SáUniversidade Estácio de Sá


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A resposta correta é a letra A) Significa que a região está à esquerda quando percorremos a curva no sentido anti-horário. A orientação positiva em Teorema de Green é importante para determinar o sinal da integral dupla que aparece na fórmula do teorema.



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