
Identify the correct statement regarding the process of slow, gradual, and safe relaxation. A) identified the slow, gradual, and safe relaxation pr...

Identify the correct statement regarding the process of slow, gradual, and safe relaxation.
A) identified the slow, gradual, and safe relaxation process as positive.
B) limited the accountability for politically motivated crimes only to those with a final judgment and disregarding the violent actions of the State.
C) marked the transition to a democratic regime, allowing the return of exiles, but prevented the punishment of those who led the exception regime.
D) the indiscriminate amnesty constitutes an integral norm of the Brazilian judicial system, conferring a legitimacy to the State's actions and national reconciliation.
1 B
2 E
3 D
4 A
5 A
6 C

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A resposta correta é a alternativa A) identified the slow, gradual, and safe relaxation process as positive. As outras alternativas parecem estar fora de contexto e não se relacionam com o tema proposto.



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