
Among the basic features of the Direct Method, are: a) Lesson carried out the mother language, contextualised vocabulary, oral practice based on q...

Among the basic features of the Direct Method, are:

a) Lesson carried out the mother language, contextualised vocabulary, oral practice based on question-answer exchanges, vocabulary taught by explanation.
b) Lesson carried out the target language, decontextualised vocabulary, oral practice based on question-answer exchanges, grammar taught by explanation of rules.
c) Lesson carried out the target language, contextualised vocabulary, oral practice based on question-answer exchanges, vocabulary taught by demonstration/ association of ideas.
d) Lesson carried out the target language, decontextualised vocabulary, grammatical practice based on question-answer exchanges, vocabulary taught by demonstration/ association of ideas.
e) Lesson carried out mother language, contextualised vocabulary, grammatical practice based on question-answer exchanges, vocabulary taught by demonstration/ association of ideas.

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12 pág.

Linguística Aplicada ao Ensino de Língua Inglesa Universidade Estácio de Sá - EADUniversidade Estácio de Sá - EAD

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A alternativa correta é a letra c) "Aula realizada na língua-alvo, vocabulário contextualizado, prática oral baseada em trocas de perguntas e respostas, vocabulário ensinado por demonstração/associação de ideias."


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