
Conditional sentences consist of a conditional clause and a main or result clause. Depending on the meaning we want to expose, we have different co...

Conditional sentences consist of a conditional clause and a main or result clause. Depending on the meaning we want to expose, we have different conditionals to express ourselves clearly. Referente às Mixed Conditionals, que expressam situações irreais, associe os itens, utilizando o código a seguir: I- Present Unreal Conditional/Past Unreal Conditional. II- Past Unreal Conditional/Present Unreal Conditional. ( ) If She had won the lottery, she would be rich. ( ) If Beth spoke Russian, she would have translated the letter for you. ( ) If he had been born in the Brazil, he wouldn't need a speak English to work here. ( ) If we didn't have to work so much, we would have gone to the party last night. Assinale a alternativa que apresenta a sequência CORRETA:

A II - II - I - I.
B I - I - II - II.
C II - I - II - I.
D I - II - I - II.

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Língua Inglesa V - AV2
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