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		Dogcat (NRC 2006)
		Programa Prático para Formulação de Dietas para Cães e Gatos																																				Fonte:http://www.papeldeparede.fotosdahora.com.br/papeisdeparede/1402/amigos_Sempre/
		Version 2.0 NRC 2006
		Junho, 2012
		Manoel Garcia Neto
		São Paulo State University - UNESP
		Para instruções, veja os arquivos:
		Este programa foi desenvolvido a partir de idéias e designs existentes
		no programa WUFFDA de autoria do Dr. Gene Pesti, The University of Georgia, Athens GA USA
Ficha da Dieta
Especificação da Dieta
Tabela de Peso (cão)
		http://books.google.com.br/books?id=aqeCwxbRWvsC&pg=PA47&dq=nrc+2006+dog+cat&hl=pt-BR&ei=8EwOTO6iN8OAlAfI9eVt&sa=X&oi=book_result&ct=result&resnum=7&ved=0CEYQ6AEwBg#v=onepage&q&f=false																										http://www.nap.edu/catalog.php?record_id=10668
				Dogcat/Programa Prático para Formulação de Dietas para Cães e Gatos (NRC 2006)																																														100
						Growing Puppies 14 Weeks and Older												Growing Puppies after Weaning Puppies 4-14 Weeks Old		Growing Puppies 14 Weeks and Older		Average for laboratory kenned dogs or active pet dogs (Adult Dogs for Maintenance)		Young adult laboratory dogs or young adult active pet dogs		Adult laboratory Great Danes or active pet Great Danes		Adult laboratory terriers or active pet terries		Inactive pet dogs		Older laboratory dogs or older active pet dogs or laboratory Newfoundlands		Bitches for Late Gestation (4 Weeks After Mating Until Parturition)		Lactation Bitches Based on Number of Puppies and Weeks of Lactation		Clicar para definir o número de filhotes (cães)						Growing Puppies 14 Weeks and Older		Adult Cats at Maintenance Domestic cats, lean		Adult Cats at Maintenance Domestic cats, overweiht		Adult Cats at Maintenance Exotic cats EM=55~260kcal*kgBW0,75		Queens in Late Gestation		Lactating Queens Peak Lactation<3 Kittens		Lactating Queens Peak Lactation3-4 Kittens		Lactating Queens Peak Lactation> 4 Kittens		Clicar para definir a semana de lactação da gata
				Peso Atual (kg)		17.00		170										c		c		c		c		c		c		c		c		c		c								g		g		g		g		g		g		g		g								c
				Peso Adulto (kg)		30.00		300										ca		ca		f		f		f		f		f		f		f		f								ga		f		f		f		f		f		f		f								ca
				Consumo (gramas)		0.00		680.0		680								0		0		0		0		0		0		0														0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0
				Energia Metabolizavel (EM)		1779.10		10,000.00		kcal								1779.0986595420684		1779.0986595420684		1088.37872371705		1172.1001640029767		1674.4288057185383		1506.9859251466844		795.3536827163057		879.0751230022325		1530.37872371705		2131.9608841459403								1071.3578717591442		667.4223984456393		403.75965520770524		837.2144028592692		942.8223984456392		942.8223984456392		1585.4223984456394		1738.4223984456394
				Proteína Bruta (PB)		102.14		1,000.00		g								131.44266124890524		102.14015714883082		27.460632413784026		27.460632413784026		27.460632413784026		27.460632413784026		27.460632413784026		27.460632413784026		205.95474310338022		205.95474310338022								78.75584301658543		33.10415096290371		33.10415096290371		33.10415096290371		78.75584301658543		78.75584301658543		78.75584301658543		78.75584301658543
				Cálcio		5.69		10,000.00		g								5.6930579394430305		5.6930579394430305		1.08837872371705		1.08837872371705		1.08837872371705		1.08837872371705		1.08837872371705		1.08837872371705		6.8651581034460065		6.8651581034460065								2.7364318336271207		0.4738699028964038		0.4738699028964038		0.4738699028964038		3.7709365512178614		3.7709365512178614		3.7709365512178614		3.7709365512178614
				Fósforo Total		5.69		10,000.00		g								5.6930579394430305		5.6930579394430305		0.8372144028592692		0.8372144028592692		0.8372144028592692		0.8372144028592692		0.8372144028592692		0.8372144028592692		4.855843536583761		4.855843536583761								2.482811322217778		0.4204761110207527		0.4204761110207527		0.4204761110207527		2.7431060576115773		2.7431060576115773		2.7431060576115773		2.7431060576115773
				P Disponível		0.00		10,000.00		g								0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0								0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0
				Potássio		2.51		10,000.00		g								2.5116432085778073		2.5116432085778073		1.172100164002977		1.172100164002977		1.172100164002977		1.172100164002977		1.172100164002977		1.172100164002977		3.6000219322948572		3.6000219322948572								1.394912812751386		0.8676491179793311		0.8676491179793311		0.8676491179793311		1.848760043694421		1.848760043694421		1.848760043694421		1.848760043694421
				Sódio		837.21		10,000.00		mg								837.2144028592692		837.2144028592692		219.3501735491285		219.3501735491285		219.3501735491285		219.3501735491285		219.3501735491285		219.3501735491285		1992.5702788050605		1992.5702788050605								493.89257484977304		111.45954054042174		111.45954054042174		111.45954054042174		947.7398057928077		947.7398057928077		947.7398057928077		947.7398057928077
				Cloro		1674.43		10,000.00		mg								1674.4288057185383		1674.4288057185383		334.88576114370767		334.88576114370767		334.88576114370767		334.88576114370767		334.88576114370767		334.88576114370767		2997.2275622361835		2997.2275622361835								310.35141527722226		158.1791084316165		158.1791084316165		158.1791084316165		1421.6097086892116		1421.6097086892116		1421.6097086892116		1421.6097086892116
				Lisina Total (T)		4.10		100,000.00		g								5.107007857441541		4.102350574010418		0.920935843145196		0.920935843145196		0.920935843145196		0.920935843145196		0.920935843145196		0.920935843145196		9.293079871737888		9.293079871737888								2.9366585531608127		0.560634814694337		0.560634814694337		0.560634814694337		2.536205114093429		5.005667988342294		5.005667988342294		5.005667988342294
				Metionina T		1.51		100,000.00		g								2.009314566862246		1.5069859251466844		0.920935843145196		0.920935843145196		0.920935843145196		0.920935843145196		0.920935843145196		0.920935843145196		3.1814147308652228		3.1814147308652228								1.5350715164249704		0.2803174073471685		0.2803174073471685		0.2803174073471685		1.1346180773575867		2.1357516750260457		2.1357516750260457		2.1357516750260457
				Met + Cis T		3.10		100,000.00		g								4.102350574010418		3.0976932905792958		1.7581502460044651		1.7581502460044651		1.7581502460044651		1.7581502460044651		1.7581502460044651		1.7581502460044651		6.3628294617304455		6.3628294617304455								3.070143032849941		0.560634814694337		0.560634814694337		0.560634814694337		2.069009435181482		3.73756543129558		3.73756543129558		3.73756543129558
				Triptofano T		1.09		100,000.00		g								1.3395430445748306		1.08837872371705		0.3851186253152638		0.3851186253152638		0.3851186253152638		0.3851186253152638		0.3851186253152638		0.3851186253152638		1.2558216042889037		1.2558216042889037								0.560634814694337		0.21357516750260455		0.21357516750260455		0.21357516750260455		0.4404987829741219		0.6674223984456393		0.6674223984456393		0.6674223984456393
				Treonina T		3.68		100,000.00		g								4.688400656011908		3.683743372580784		1.172100164002977		1.172100164002977		1.172100164002977		1.172100164002977		1.172100164002977		1.172100164002977		10.716344356598645		10.716344356598645								2.2024939148706095		0.8676491179793311		0.8676491179793311		0.8676491179793311		2.069009435181482		3.8710499109847074		3.8710499109847074		3.8710499109847074
T		3.85		100,000.00		g								4.604679215725981		3.851186253152638		0.920935843145196		0.920935843145196		0.920935843145196		0.920935843145196		0.920935843145196		0.920935843145196		10.29773715516901		10.29773715516901								3.337111992228196		1.2681025570467146		1.2681025570467146		1.2681025570467146		3.4705964719173243		5.406121427409678		5.406121427409678		5.406121427409678
				Gli + Ser T		0.00		100,000.00		g								0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0								0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0
				Valina T		3.27		100,000.00		g								3.9349076934385647		3.2651361711511497		1.3395430445748306		1.3395430445748306		1.3395430445748306		1.3395430445748306		1.3395430445748306		1.3395430445748306		13.395430445748307		13.395430445748307								2.2024939148706095		0.8676491179793311		0.8676491179793311		0.8676491179793311		2.335978394559737		4.271503350052091		4.271503350052091		4.271503350052091
				Isoleucina T		2.93		100,000.00		g								3.767464812866711		2.930250410007442		1.004657283431123		1.004657283431123		1.004657283431123		1.004657283431123		1.004657283431123		1.004657283431123		7.283765304875641		7.283765304875641								1.9355249554923537		0.7341646382902032		0.7341646382902032		0.7341646382902032		1.802040475803226		4.271503350052091		4.271503350052091		4.271503350052091
				Leucina T		4.77		100,000.00		g								7.534929625733422		4.772122096297833		1.841871686290392		1.841871686290392		1.841871686290392		1.841871686290392		1.841871686290392		1.841871686290392		20.59547431033802		20.59547431033802								4.471730069585783		1.668555996114098		1.668555996114098		1.668555996114098		4.204761110207527		7.141419663368341		7.141419663368341		7.141419663368341
				Histidina T		1.42		100,000.00		g								2.260478887720027		1.4232644848607576		0.5190729297727469		0.5190729297727469		0.5190729297727469		0.5190729297727469		0.5190729297727469		1.0		4.520957775440054		4.520957775440054		Clicar para definir a semana de lactação (cadela)						1.1346180773575867		0.042715033500520916		0.042715033500520916		0.042715033500520916		1.0011335976684588		2.602947353937993		2.602947353937993		2.602947353937993
				Fenilalanina T		0.00		100,000.00		g								0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0								1.802040475803226		0.6607481744611828		0.6607481744611828		0.6607481744611828		0		0		0		0
				Fen + Tir T		5.86		100,000.00		g								7.534929625733422		5.860500820014884		2.009314566862246		2.009314566862246		2.009314566862246		2.009314566862246		2.009314566862246		2.009314566862246		12.641937483174964		12.641937483174964								6.674223984456392		2.536205114093429		2.536205114093429		2.536205114093429		4.404987829741219		6.874450703990084		6.874450703990084		6.874450703990084
				Matéria Seca		0.00		10,000.00		g								0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0								0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0
				Gordura		49.40		10,000.00		g								49.395649768696885		49.395649768696885		15.069859251466845		15.069859251466845		15.069859251466845		15.069859251466845		15.069859251466845		15.069859251466845		87.90751230022326		87.90751230022326								31.368852726945047		14.683292765804065		14.683292765804065		14.683292765804065		32.03627512539068		32.03627512539068		32.03627512539068		32.03627512539068
				Ácido Linoléico		6.70		1,000,000.00		g								6.697715222874153		6.697715222874153		3.013971850293369		3.013971850293369		3.013971850293369		3.013971850293369		3.013971850293369		3.013971850293369		13.395430445748307		13.395430445748307								1.9355249554923537		0.934391357823895		0.934391357823895		0.934391357823895		2.0022671953369175		2.0022671953369175		2.0022671953369175		2.0022671953369175
				Ácido Linolênico		0.42		100,000.00		g								0.4186072014296346		0.4186072014296346		0.11721001640029768		0.11721001640029768		0.11721001640029768		0.11721001640029768		0.11721001640029768		0.11721001640029768		0.8372144028592692		0.8372144028592692								0.06674223984456393		0		0		0		0.07341646382902031		0.07341646382902031		0.07341646382902031		0.07341646382902031
				Amido		0.00		10,000.00		g								0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0								0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0
				Fibra Bruta (FB)		0.00		10,000.00		g								0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0								0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0
				FDN		0.00		10,000.00		g								0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0								0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0
				FDA		0.00		10,000.00		g								0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0								0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0
				Ext. Não Nitrogenado (ENN)		0.00		10,000.00		g								0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0								0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0
				Matéria Orgânica (MO)		0.00		10,000.00		g								0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0								0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0
				Matéria Mineral		0.00		10,000.00		g								0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0								0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0
				Energia Bruta		0.00		10,000.00		kcal								0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0								0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0
				Na+K - Cl = BE		0.00		100,000.00		mEq								0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0								0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0
				Lactose		0.00		10,000.00		mg								0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0.75		0		0								0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0
				Magnésio		229.40		10,000.00		mg								229.39674638343973		229.39674638343973		164.931237363276		164.931237363276		164.931237363276		164.931237363276		164.931237363276		164.931237363276		577.6779379728957		577.6779379728957								133.48447968912785		63.40512785233573		63.40512785233573		63.40512785233573		213.57516750260456		213.57516750260456		213.57516750260456		213.57516750260456
				Manganês		3.18		10,000.00		mg								3.1814147308652228		3.1814147308652228		1.3395430445748306		1.3395430445748306		1.3395430445748306		1.3395430445748306		1.3395430445748306		1.3395430445748306		7.283765304875641		7.283765304875641								1.668555996114098		0.7942326541503106		0.7942326541503106		0.7942326541503106		2.536205114093429		2.536205114093429		2.536205114093429		2.536205114093429
				Ferro		51.07		10,000.00		mg								51.07007857441541		51.07007857441541		8.372144028592691		8.372144028592691		8.372144028592691		8.372144028592691		8.372144028592691		8.372144028592691		72.58648872789864		72.58648872789864								28.03174073471685		13.214963489223656		13.214963489223656		13.214963489223656		28.699163133162486		28.699163133162486		28.699163133162486		28.699163133162486
				Cobre		6.36		10,000.00		mg								6.3628294617304455		6.3628294617304455		1.6744288057185384		1.6744288057185384		1.6744288057185384		1.6744288057185384		1.6744288057185384		1.6744288057185384		12.725658923460891		12.725658923460891								2.9366585531608127		0.7942326541503106		0.7942326541503106		0.7942326541503106		3.1368852726945042		3.1368852726945042		3.1368852726945042		3.1368852726945042
				Zinco		57.27		10,000.00		mg								57.265465155574006		57.265465155574006		16.744288057185383		16.744288057185383		16.744288057185383		16.744288057185383		16.744288057185383		16.744288057185383		97.95408513453448		97.95408513453448								26.02947353937993		12.681025570467146		12.681025570467146		12.681025570467146		21.35751675026046		21.35751675026046		21.35751675026046		21.35751675026046
				Selênio		210.14		10,000.00		µg								210.14081511767657		210.14081511767657		98.79129953739377		98.79129953739377		98.79129953739377		98.79129953739377		98.79129953739377		98.79129953739377		360.0021932294857		360.0021932294857								105.452738954411		46.38585669197193		46.38585669197193		46.38585669197193		106.78758375130228		106.78758375130228		106.78758375130228		106.78758375130228
				Co		0.00		10,000.00		mg								0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0								0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0
				I		510.70		10,000.00		µg								510.7007857441542		510.7007857441542		247.81546324634368		247.81546324634368		247.81546324634368		247.81546324634368		247.81546324634368		247.81546324634368		904.1915550880107		904.1915550880107								620.7028305544445		233.59783945597374		233.59783945597374		233.59783945597374		640.7255025078136		640.7255025078136		640.7255025078136		640.7255025078136
				Flúor		0.00		10,000.00		mg								0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0								0		0		0		0		0		0
0		0
				Cr		0.00		10,000.00		mg								0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0								0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0
				Pb		0.00		10,000.00		mg								0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0								0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0
				Ni		0.00		10,000.00		mg								0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0								0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0
				Cd		0.00		10,000.00		mg								0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0								0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0
				Va		0.00		10,000.00		mg								0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0								0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0
				Vitamina A		879.08		100,000.00		RE								879.0751230022325		879.0751230022325		418.6072014296346		418.6072014296346		418.6072014296346		418.6072014296346		418.6072014296346		418.6072014296346		1557.2187893182406		1557.2187893182406								347.0596471917324		164.85333241607287		164.85333241607287		164.85333241607287		714.141966336834		714.141966336834		714.141966336834		714.141966336834
				Vitamina D 3		8.04		10,000.00		µg								8.037258267448983		8.037258267448983		3.767464812866711		3.767464812866711		3.767464812866711		3.767464812866711		3.767464812866711		3.767464812866711		14.232644848607574		14.232644848607574								1.9355249554923537		1.1346180773575867		1.1346180773575867		1.1346180773575867		2.4694628742488653		2.4694628742488653		2.4694628742488653		2.4694628742488653
				Vitamina E		17.58		10,000.00		mg								17.581502460044653		17.581502460044653		8.372144028592691		8.372144028592691		8.372144028592691		8.372144028592691		8.372144028592691		8.372144028592691		30.97693290579296		30.97693290579296								13.348447968912785		6.2737705453890085		6.2737705453890085		6.2737705453890085		11.145954054042175		11.145954054042175		11.145954054042175		11.145954054042175
				Vitamina K3		0.92		100,000.00		mg								0.920935843145196		0.920935843145196		0.4520957775440053		0.4520957775440053		0.4520957775440053		0.4520957775440053		0.4520957775440053		0.4520957775440053		1.6744288057185384		1.6744288057185384								0.33371119922281967		0.16685559961140983		0.16685559961140983		0.16685559961140983		1.2013603172021505		1.2013603172021505		1.2013603172021505		1.2013603172021505
				Vitamina B1		0.80		100,000.00		mg								0.8037258267448983		0.8037258267448983		0.6195386581158592		0.6195386581158592		0.6195386581158592		0.6195386581158592		0.6195386581158592		0.6195386581158592		2.344200328005954		2.344200328005954								1.9355249554923537		0.934391357823895		0.934391357823895		0.934391357823895		2.1357516750260457		2.1357516750260457		2.1357516750260457		2.1357516750260457
				Vitamina B2		3.10		100,000.00		mg								3.0976932905792958		3.0976932905792958		1.4316366288893503		1.4316366288893503		1.4316366288893503		1.4316366288893503		1.4316366288893503		1.4316366288893503		5.358172178299323		5.358172178299323								1.4015870367358423		0.6607481744611828		0.6607481744611828		0.6607481744611828		1.4015870367358423		1.4015870367358423		1.4015870367358423		1.4015870367358423
				Ac.Nicotínico		9.88		100,000.00		mg								9.879129953739374		9.879129953739374		4.772122096297833		4.772122096297833		4.772122096297833		4.772122096297833		4.772122096297833		4.772122096297833		17.497781019758722		17.497781019758722								14.015870367358424		6.607481744611828		6.607481744611828		6.607481744611828		14.015870367358424		14.015870367358424		14.015870367358424		14.015870367358424
				Ac. Pantotênico		8.71		100,000.00		mg								8.7070297897364		8.7070297897364		4.102350574010418		4.102350574010418		4.102350574010418		4.102350574010418		4.102350574010418		4.102350574010418		15.404745012610553		15.404745012610553								2.0022671953369175		0.934391357823895		0.934391357823895		0.934391357823895		2.069009435181482		2.069009435181482		2.069009435181482		2.069009435181482
				Vitamina B6		0.84		100,000.00		mg								0.8372144028592692		0.8372144028592692		0.4102350574010419		0.4102350574010419		0.4102350574010419		0.4102350574010419		0.4102350574010419		0.4102350574010419		1.5488466452896479		1.5488466452896479								0.8676491179793311		0.4004534390673835		0.4004534390673835		0.4004534390673835		0.7341646382902032		0.7341646382902032		0.7341646382902032		0.7341646382902032
				Vitamina B12		20.09		100,000.00		µg								20.09314566862246		20.09314566862246		9.627965632881594		9.627965632881594		9.627965632881594		9.627965632881594		9.627965632881594		9.627965632881594		36.000219322948574		36.000219322948574								7.8755843016585425		3.73756543129558		3.73756543129558		3.73756543129558		6.674223984456392		6.674223984456392		6.674223984456392		6.674223984456392
				Ácido Fólico		157.40		100,000.00		µg								157.3963077375426		157.3963077375426		74.51208185447496		74.51208185447496		74.51208185447496		74.51208185447496		74.51208185447496		74.51208185447496		277.95518174927736		277.95518174927736								260.29473539379933		126.81025570467146		126.81025570467146		126.81025570467146		220.24939148706096		220.24939148706096		220.24939148706096		220.24939148706096
				Biotina		0.00		100,000.00		µg								0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0								26.02947353937993		12.681025570467146		12.681025570467146		12.681025570467146		22.024939148706093		22.024939148706093		22.024939148706093		22.024939148706093
				Colina		987.91		100,000.00		mg								987.9129953739376		987.9129953739376		468.8400656011907		468.8400656011907		468.8400656011907		468.8400656011907		468.8400656011907		468.8400656011907		1749.7781019758725		1749.7781019758725								887.6717899327002		420.47611102075274		420.47611102075274		420.47611102075274		754.1873102435724		754.1873102435724		754.1873102435724		754.1873102435724
				Taurina		0.00		10,000.00		g								0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0								0.14015870367358424		0.06607481744611829		0.06607481744611829		0.06607481744611829		0.12013603172021506		0.12013603172021506		0.12013603172021506		0.12013603172021506
				Nutriente		0.00		10,000.00		-								0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0								0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0
				Nutriente		0.00		10,000.00		-								0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0								0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0
				Nutriente		0.00		10,000.00										0.00		0.00		0.00		0.00		0.00		0.00		0.00		0.00		0.00		0.00								0.00		0.00		0.00		0.00		0.00		0.00		0.00		0.00
				Nutriente		0.00		10,000.00										0.00		0.00		0.00		0.00		0.00		0.00		0.00		0.00		0.00		0.00								0.00		0.00		0.00		0.00		0.00		0.00		0.00		0.00
				Nutriente		0.00		10,000.00										0.00		0.00		0.00		0.00		0.00		0.00		0.00		0.00		0.00		0.00								0.00		0.00		0.00		0.00		0.00		0.00		0.00		0.00
				Nutriente		0.00		10,000.00										0.00		0.00		0.00		0.00		0.00		0.00		0.00		0.00		0.00		0.00								0.00		0.00		0.00		0.00		0.00		0.00		0.00		0.00
				Nutriente		0.00		10,000.00										0.00		0.00		0.00		0.00		0.00		0.00		0.00		0.00		0.00		0.00								0.00		0.00		0.00		0.00		0.00		0.00		0.00		0.00
				Nutriente		0.00		10,000.00										0.00		0.00		0.00		0.00		0.00		0.00		0.00		0.00		0.00		0.00								0.00		0.00		0.00		0.00		0.00		0.00		0.00		0.00
				Nutriente		0.00		10,000.00										0.00		0.00		0.00		0.00		0.00		0.00		0.00		0.00		0.00		0.00								0.00		0.00		0.00		0.00		0.00		0.00		0.00		0.00
				Nutriente		0.00		10,000.00										0.00		0.00		0.00		0.00		0.00		0.00		0.00		0.00		0.00		0.00								0.00		0.00		0.00		0.00		0.00		0.00		0.00		0.00
				Nutriente		0.00		10,000.00										0.00		0.00		0.00		0.00		0.00		0.00		0.00		0.00		0.00		0.00								0.00		0.00		0.00		0.00		0.00		0.00		0.00		0.00
				Nutriente		0.00		10,000.00										0.00		0.00		0.00		0.00		0.00		0.00		0.00		0.00		0.00		0.00								0.00		0.00		0.00		0.00		0.00		0.00		0.00		0.00
				Nutriente		0.00		10,000.00										0.00		0.00		0.00		0.00		0.00		0.00		0.00		0.00		0.00		0.00								0.00		0.00		0.00		0.00		0.00		0.00		0.00		0.00
				Nutriente		0.00		10,000.00										0.00		0.00		0.00		0.00		0.00		0.00		0.00		0.00		0.00		0.00								0.00		0.00		0.00		0.00		0.00		0.00		0.00		0.00
				Nutriente		0.00		10,000.00										0.00		0.00		0.00		0.00		0.00		0.00		0.00		0.00		0.00		0.00								0.00		0.00		0.00		0.00		0.00
0.00		0.00		0.00
				Nutriente		0.00		10,000.00										0.00		0.00		0.00		0.00		0.00		0.00		0.00		0.00		0.00		0.00								0.00		0.00		0.00		0.00		0.00		0.00		0.00		0.00
				Nutriente		0.00		10,000.00										0.00		0.00		0.00		0.00		0.00		0.00		0.00		0.00		0.00		0.00								0.00		0.00		0.00		0.00		0.00		0.00		0.00		0.00
				Nutriente		0.00		10,000.00										0.00		0.00		0.00		0.00		0.00		0.00		0.00		0.00		0.00		0.00								0.00		0.00		0.00		0.00		0.00		0.00		0.00		0.00
				Nutriente		0.00		10,000.00										0.00		0.00		0.00		0.00		0.00		0.00		0.00		0.00		0.00		0.00								0.00		0.00		0.00		0.00		0.00		0.00		0.00		0.00
				Nutriente		0.00		10,000.00										0.00		0.00		0.00		0.00		0.00		0.00		0.00		0.00		0.00		0.00								0.00		0.00		0.00		0.00		0.00		0.00		0.00		0.00
				Nutriente		0.00		10,000.00										0.00		0.00		0.00		0.00		0.00		0.00		0.00		0.00		0.00		0.00								0.00		0.00		0.00		0.00		0.00		0.00		0.00		0.00
				Nutriente		0.00		10,000.00										0.00		0.00		0.00		0.00		0.00		0.00		0.00		0.00		0.00		0.00								0.00		0.00		0.00		0.00		0.00		0.00		0.00		0.00
				Nutriente		0.00		10,000.00										0.00		0.00		0.00		0.00		0.00		0.00		0.00		0.00		0.00		0.00								0.00		0.00		0.00		0.00		0.00		0.00		0.00		0.00
				Nutriente		0.00		10,000.00										0.00		0.00		0.00		0.00		0.00		0.00		0.00		0.00		0.00		0.00								0.00		0.00		0.00		0.00		0.00		0.00		0.00		0.00
				Nutriente		0.00		10,000.00										0.00		0.00		0.00		0.00		0.00		0.00		0.00		0.00		0.00		0.00								0.00		0.00		0.00		0.00		0.00		0.00		0.00		0.00
				Nutriente		0.00		10,000.00										0.00		0.00		0.00		0.00		0.00		0.00		0.00		0.00		0.00		0.00								0.00		0.00		0.00		0.00		0.00		0.00		0.00		0.00
				Nutriente		0.00		10,000.00										0.00		0.00		0.00		0.00		0.00		0.00		0.00		0.00		0.00		0.00								0.00		0.00		0.00		0.00		0.00		0.00		0.00		0.00
				Nutriente		0.00		10,000.00										0.00		0.00		0.00		0.00		0.00		0.00		0.00		0.00		0.00		0.00								0.00		0.00		0.00		0.00		0.00		0.00		0.00		0.00
																																																		Exotic cats EM=55-260kcal*kgBW0,75
				http://www.nap.edu/catalog.php?record_id=10668																																														Digitar o valor mais apropriado, entre 55 e 260 kcal
																																																														Growing Puppies after Weaqning Puppies 4-14 Weeks Old		Growing Puppies 14 Weeks and Older		Average for laboratory kenned dogs or active pet dogs (Adult Dogs for Maintenance)		Young adult laboratory dogs or young adult active pet dogs		Adult laboratory Great Danes or active pet Great Danes		Adult laboratory terriers or active pet terries		Inactive pet dogs		Older laboratory dogs or older active pet dogs or laboratory Newfoundlands		Bitches for Late Gestation (4 Weeks After Mating Until Parturition)		Lactation Bitches Based on Number of Puppies and Weeks of Lactation																																																						Adult Cats for Maintenance
																				TABLE 1  Requisito nutricional para cães (recomendação/kg PV0,75)														Peso Atual kg =		17.0												TABLE   4 Calculated Metabolizable Protein and Metabolizable Energy Requirements of Dogs in Various Physiological Statesa												Energia Met.		1779.0986595420684		1779.0986595420684		1088.37872371705		1172.1001640029767		1674.4288057185383		1506.9859251466844		795.3536827163057		879.0751230022325		1530.37872371705		2131.9608841459403		kcal																																																		Growing of Kittens After Weaning		Domestic cats, lean		Domestic cats, overweiht		Exotic cats		Late Gestation		Peak Lactation<3 Kittens		Peak Lactation3-4 Kittens		Peak Lactation> 4 Kittens
																																				Exigências diárias, segundo o peso do animal														Peso atual=		17.0								Proteína Bruta (PB)		131.44266124890524		102.14015714883082		27.460632413784026		27.460632413784026		27.460632413784026		27.460632413784026		27.460632413784026		27.460632413784026		205.95474310338022		205.95474310338022		g										TABLE 1  Requisito nutricional para gatos (recomendação/kg PV0,67)														Peso Atual kg =		17.0												TABLE   4 Calculated Metabolizable Energy Requirements of Cat s in Various Physiological Statesa										Energia Met.		1071.3578717591442		667.4223984456393		403.75965520770524		837.2144028592692		942.8223984456392		942.8223984456392		1585.4223984456394		1738.4223984456394		kcal
																				Nutrient		Unit		Puppies 4-14 Weeks Old		Growing Puppies 14 Weeks and Older		Adult Dogs for Maintenance		Bitches for Late Gestation and Peak Lactation				Unit		Puppies 4-14 Weeks Old		Growing Puppies 14 Weeks and Older		Adult Dogs for Maintenance		Bitches for Late Gestation and Peak Lactation						Physiological State		Daily Metabolizable Energy Requirements for Dogs		30.0								Cálcio		5.6930579394430305		5.6930579394430305		1.08837872371705		1.08837872371705		1.08837872371705		1.08837872371705		1.08837872371705		1.08837872371705		6.8651581034460065		6.8651581034460065		g																										Exigências diárias, segundo o peso do animal														Peso Atual kg=		17.0						Proteína Bruta (PB)		78.75584301658543		33.10415096290371		33.10415096290371		33.10415096290371		78.75584301658543		78.75584301658543		78.75584301658543		78.75584301658543		g
																				Crude Protein		g		15.7		12.2		3.28		24.6		Crude Protein		g		131.44266124890524		102.14015714883082		27.460632413784026		205.95474310338022						Growing Puppies after Weaqning		1779.0986595420684		1779.0986595420684								Fósforo Total		5.6930579394430305		5.6930579394430305		0.8372144028592692		0.8372144028592692		0.8372144028592692		0.8372144028592692		0.8372144028592692		0.8372144028592692		4.855843536583761		4.855843536583761		g										Nutrient		Unit		Growing of Kittens After Weaning		Adult Cats for Maintenance		Gestating Adult Cats		Lactation Adult Cats				Unit		Growing of Kittens After Weaning		Adult Cats for Maintenance		Gestating Adult Cats		Lactation Adult Cats						Physiological State		Metabolizable Energy Requirement (kcal per Wkg0.67 per day)		30.0						Cálcio		2.7364318336271207		0.4738699028964038		0.4738699028964038		0.4738699028964038		3.7709365512178614		3.7709365512178614		3.7709365512178614		3.7709365512178614		g
																				Arginine		g		0.55		0.46		0.11		1.23		Arginine		g		4.604679215725981		3.851186253152638		0.920935843145196		10.29773715516901						Average for laboratory kenned dogs or active pet dogs (Adult Dogs for Maintenance)		1088.37872371705		1088.37872371705								P Disponível																						mg										Crude Protein		g		11.8		4.96		7.4		16.1		Crude Protein		g		78.75584301658543		33.10415096290371		49.38925748497731		107.45500614974793						Weaning				Exigência						Fósforo Total		2.482811322217778		0.4204761110207527		0.4204761110207527		0.4204761110207527		2.7431060576115773		2.7431060576115773		2.7431060576115773		2.7431060576115773		g
																				Histidine		g		0.27		0.17		0.062		0.54		Histidine		g		2.260478887720027		1.4232644848607576		0.5190729297727469		4.520957775440054						Above average requirements:												Potássio		2.5116432085778073		2.5116432085778073		1.172100164002977		1.172100164002977		1.172100164002977		1.172100164002977		1.172100164002977		1.172100164002977
3.6000219322948572		3.6000219322948572		g										Arginine		g		0.5		0.19		0.52		0.81		Arginine		g		3.337111992228196		1.2681025570467146		3.4705964719173243		5.406121427409678						Growing of Kittens After Weaning		1071.3578717591442		1071.3578717591442						P Disponível																		mg
																				Isoleucine		g		0.45		0.35		0.12		0.87		Isoleucine		g		3.767464812866711		2.930250410007442		1.004657283431123		7.283765304875641						Young adult laboratory dogs or young adult active pet dogs		1172.1001640029767		1172.1001640029767								Sódio		837.2144028592692		837.2144028592692		219.3501735491285		219.3501735491285		219.3501735491285		219.3501735491285		219.3501735491285		219.3501735491285		1992.5702788050605		1992.5702788050605		mg										Histidine		g		0.17		0.0064		0.15		0.39		Histidine		g		1.1346180773575867		0.042715033500520916		1.0011335976684588		2.602947353937993						Adult Cats for Maintenance										Potássio		1.394912812751386		0.8676491179793311		0.8676491179793311		0.8676491179793311		1.848760043694421		1.848760043694421		1.848760043694421		1.848760043694421		g
																				Methionine		g		0.24		0.18		0.11		0.38		Methionine		g		2.009314566862246		1.5069859251466844		0.920935843145196		3.1814147308652228						Adult laboratory Great Danes or active pet Great Danes		1674.4288057185383		1674.4288057185383								Cloro		1674.4288057185383		1674.4288057185383		334.88576114370767		334.88576114370767		334.88576114370767		334.88576114370767		334.88576114370767		334.88576114370767		2997.2275622361835		2997.2275622361835		mg										Isoleucine		g		0.29		0.11		0.27		0.64		Isoleucine		g		1.9355249554923537		0.7341646382902032		1.802040475803226		4.271503350052091						Domestic cats, lean		667.4223984456393		667.4223984456393						Sódio		493.89257484977304		111.45954054042174		111.45954054042174		111.45954054042174		947.7398057928077		947.7398057928077		947.7398057928077		947.7398057928077		mg
																				Methionine-cystine		g		0.49		0.37		0.21		0.76		Methionine-cystine		g		4.102350574010418		3.0976932905792958		1.7581502460044651		6.3628294617304455						Adult laboratory terriers or active pet terries		1506.9859251466844		1506.9859251466844								Lisina T		5.107007857441541		4.102350574010418		0.920935843145196		0.920935843145196		0.920935843145196		0.920935843145196		0.920935843145196		0.920935843145196		9.293079871737888		9.293079871737888		mg										Methionine		g		0.23		0.042		0.17		0.32		Methionine		g		1.5350715164249704		0.2803174073471685		1.1346180773575867		2.1357516750260457						Domestic cats, overweiht		403.75965520770524		403.75965520770524						Cloro		310.35141527722226		158.1791084316165		158.1791084316165		158.1791084316165		1421.6097086892116		1421.6097086892116		1421.6097086892116		1421.6097086892116		mg
																				Leucine		g		0.9		0.57		0.22		2.46		Leucine		g		7.534929625733422		4.772122096297833		1.841871686290392		20.59547431033802						Below average requirements												Metionina T		2.009314566862246		1.5069859251466844		0.920935843145196		0.920935843145196		0.920935843145196		0.920935843145196		0.920935843145196		0.920935843145196		3.1814147308652228		3.1814147308652228		mg										Methionine-cystine		g		0.46		0.084		0.31		0.56		Methionine-cystine		g		3.070143032849941		0.560634814694337		2.069009435181482		3.73756543129558						Exotic cats		837.2144028592692		837.2144028592692						Lisina T		2.9366585531608127		0.560634814694337		0.560634814694337		0.560634814694337		2.536205114093429		5.005667988342294		5.005667988342294		5.005667988342294		g
																				Lysine		g		0.61		0.49		0.11		1.11		Lysine		g		5.107007857441541		4.102350574010418		0.920935843145196		9.293079871737888						Inactive pet dogs		795.3536827163057		795.3536827163057								Met + Cis T		4.102350574010418		3.0976932905792958		1.7581502460044651		1.7581502460044651		1.7581502460044651		1.7581502460044651		1.7581502460044651		1.7581502460044651		6.3628294617304455		6.3628294617304455		mg										Leucine		g		0.67		0.25		0.63		1.07		Leucine		g		4.471730069585783		1.668555996114098		4.204761110207527		7.141419663368341						Peak Lactation		942.8223984456392		942.8223984456392						Metionina T		1.5350715164249704		0.2803174073471685		0.2803174073471685		0.2803174073471685		1.1346180773575867		2.1357516750260457		2.1357516750260457		2.1357516750260457		g
																				Phenylalanine		g		0.45		0.35		0.15		1.02		Phenylalanine		g		3.767464812866711		2.930250410007442		1.2558216042889037		8.539586909164546						Older laboratory dogs or older active pet dogs or laboratory Newfoundlands		879.0751230022325		879.0751230022325								Triptofano T		1.3395430445748306		1.08837872371705		0.3851186253152638		0.3851186253152638		0.3851186253152638		0.3851186253152638		0.3851186253152638		0.3851186253152638		1.2558216042889037		1.2558216042889037		mg										Lysine		g		0.44		0.084		0.38		0.75		Lysine		g		2.9366585531608127		0.560634814694337		2.536205114093429		5.005667988342294						Queens in Late Gestation										Met + Cis T		3.070143032849941		0.560634814694337		0.560634814694337		0.560634814694337		2.069009435181482		3.73756543129558		3.73756543129558		3.73756543129558		g
																				Phenylalanine-tyrosine		g		0.9		0.7		0.24		1.51		Phenylalanine-tyrosine		g		7.534929625733422		5.860500820014884		2.009314566862246		12.641937483174964						Bitches for Late Gestation (4 Weeks After Mating Until Parturition)		1530.37872371705		1530.37872371705								Treonina T		4.688400656011908		3.683743372580784		1.172100164002977		1.172100164002977		1.172100164002977		1.172100164002977		1.172100164002977		1.172100164002977		10.716344356598645		10.716344356598645		mg										Phenylalanine		g		0.27		0.099						Phenylalanine		g		1.802040475803226		0.6607481744611828		0		0						<3 Kittens		942.8223984456392		942.8223984456392						Triptofano T		0.560634814694337		0.21357516750260455		0.21357516750260455		0.21357516750260455		0.4404987829741219		0.6674223984456393		0.6674223984456393		0.6674223984456393		g
																				Threonine		g		0.56		0.44		0.14		1.28		Threonine		g		4.688400656011908		3.683743372580784		1.172100164002977		10.716344356598645						Lactation Bitches Based on Number of Puppies and Weeks of Lactation												Arginina T		4.604679215725981		3.851186253152638		0.920935843145196		0.920935843145196		0.920935843145196		0.920935843145196		0.920935843145196		0.920935843145196		10.29773715516901		10.29773715516901		mg										Phenylalanine-tyrosine		g		1.0		0.38		0.66		1.03		Phenylalanine-tyrosine		g		6.674223984456392		2.536205114093429		4.404987829741219		6.874450703990084						3-4 Kittens		1585.4223984456394		1585.4223984456394						Treonina T		2.2024939148706095		0.8676491179793311		0.8676491179793311		0.8676491179793311		2.069009435181482		3.8710499109847074		3.8710499109847074		3.8710499109847074		g
																				Tryptophan		g		0.16		0.13		0.046		0.15		Tryptophan		g		1.3395430445748306		1.08837872371705		0.3851186253152638		1.2558216042889037						Lactation Bitches Based on Number of Puppies and Weeks of Lactation		2131.9608841459403		2131.9608841459403								Gli + Ser T																						mg										Threonine		g		0.33		0.13		0.31		0.58		Threonine		g		2.2024939148706095		0.8676491179793311		2.069009435181482		3.8710499109847074						> 4 Kittens		1738.4223984456394		1738.4223984456394						Arginina T		3.337111992228196		1.2681025570467146		1.2681025570467146		1.2681025570467146		3.4705964719173243		5.406121427409678		5.406121427409678		5.406121427409678		g
																				Valine		g		0.47		0.39		0.16		1.6		Valine		g		3.9349076934385647		3.2651361711511497		1.3395430445748306		13.395430445748307																		Valina T		3.9349076934385647		3.2651361711511497		1.3395430445748306		1.3395430445748306		1.3395430445748306		1.3395430445748306		1.3395430445748306		1.3395430445748306		13.395430445748307		13.395430445748307		mg										Tryptophan		g		0.084		0.032		0.066		0.1		Tryptophan		g		0.560634814694337		0.21357516750260455
0.4404987829741219		0.6674223984456393																Gli + Ser T																		g
																				Fat		g		5.9		5.9		1.8		10.5		Fat		g		49.395649768696885		49.395649768696885		15.069859251466845		87.90751230022326						http://www.nap.edu/openbook.php?record_id=15&page=45												Isoleucina T		3.767464812866711		2.930250410007442		1.004657283431123		1.004657283431123		1.004657283431123		1.004657283431123		1.004657283431123		1.004657283431123		7.283765304875641		7.283765304875641		mg										Valine		g		0.33		0.13		0.35		0.64		Valine		g		2.2024939148706095		0.8676491179793311		2.335978394559737		4.271503350052091						http://www.nap.edu/openbook.php?record_id=15&page=45										Valina T		2.2024939148706095		0.8676491179793311		0.8676491179793311		0.8676491179793311		2.335978394559737		4.271503350052091		4.271503350052091		4.271503350052091		g
																				Linoleic acid		g		0.8		0.8		0.36		1.6		Linoleic acid		g		6.697715222874153		6.697715222874153		3.013971850293369		13.395430445748307																		Leucina T		7.534929625733422		4.772122096297833		1.841871686290392		1.841871686290392		1.841871686290392		1.841871686290392		1.841871686290392		1.841871686290392		20.59547431033802		20.59547431033802		mg										Glutaic Acid		g										Glutaic Acid		g		0		0		0		0																Isoleucina T		1.9355249554923537		0.7341646382902032		0.7341646382902032		0.7341646382902032		1.802040475803226		4.271503350052091		4.271503350052091		4.271503350052091		g
																				α Linolenic acid		g		0.05		0.05		0.014		0.1		α Linolenic acid		g		0.4186072014296346		0.4186072014296346		0.11721001640029768		0.8372144028592692																		Histidina T		2.260478887720027		1.4232644848607576		0.5190729297727469		0.5190729297727469		0.5190729297727469		0.5190729297727469		0.5190729297727469		0.5190729297727469		4.520957775440054		4.520957775440054		mg										Taurine		g		0.021		0.0099		0.018		0.018		Taurine		g		0.14015870367358424		0.06607481744611829		0.12013603172021506		0.12013603172021506																Leucina T		4.471730069585783		1.668555996114098		1.668555996114098		1.668555996114098		4.204761110207527		7.141419663368341		7.141419663368341		7.141419663368341		g
																				Arachidonic Acid		g		0.022		0.022						Arachidonic Acid		g		0.1841871686290392		0.1841871686290392		0		0																		Fenilalanina T																						mg										Fat		g		4.7		2.2		4.8		4.8		Fat		g		31.368852726945047		14.683292765804065		32.03627512539068		32.03627512539068										0.8						Histidina T		1.1346180773575867		0.042715033500520916		0.042715033500520916		0.042715033500520916		1.0011335976684588		2.602947353937993		2.602947353937993		2.602947353937993		g
																				Eicosapentaenoic + Docosahexaenoic Acid		g		0.036		0.036		0.03		0.06		Eicosapentaenoic + Docosahexaenoic Acid		g		0.3013971850293369		0.3013971850293369		0.25116432085778073		0.5023286417155615						n=number of puppies between 1 and 4												Fen + Tir T		7.534929625733422		5.860500820014884		2.009314566862246		2.009314566862246		2.009314566862246		2.009314566862246		2.009314566862246		2.009314566862246		12.641937483174964		12.641937483174964		mg										Linoleic acid		g		0.29		0.14		0.3		0.3		Linoleic acid		g		1.9355249554923537		0.934391357823895		2.0022671953369175		2.0022671953369175										0.9						Fenilalanina T		1.802040475803226		0.6607481744611828		0.6607481744611828		0.6607481744611828		0		0		0		0		g
																				Calcium		g		0.68		0.68		0.13		0.82		Calcium		g		5.6930579394430305		5.6930579394430305		1.08837872371705		6.8651581034460065								1.0		2131.9608841459403								Matéria Seca																						g										α Linolenic acid		g		0.01				0.011		0.011		α Linolenic acid		g		0.06674223984456393		0		0.07341646382902031		0.07341646382902031																Fen + Tir T		6.674223984456392		2.536205114093429		2.536205114093429		2.536205114093429		4.404987829741219		6.874450703990084		6.874450703990084		6.874450703990084		g
																				Phosphorus		g		0.68		0.68		0.1		0.58		Phosphorus		g		5.6930579394430305		5.6930579394430305		0.8372144028592692		4.855843536583761						3.0		2.0										Gordura		49.395649768696885		49.395649768696885		15.069859251466845		15.069859251466845		15.069859251466845		15.069859251466845		15.069859251466845		15.069859251466845		87.90751230022326		87.90751230022326		g										Arachidonic Acid		g		0.001		0.0015		0.011		0.011		Arachidonic Acid		g		0.006674223984456392		0.010011335976684589		0.07341646382902031		0.07341646382902031																Matéria Seca																		g
																				Magnesium		mg		27.4		27.4		19.7		69.0		Magnesium		mg		229.39674638343973		229.39674638343973		164.931237363276		577.6779379728957								3.0										Ácido Linoléico		6.697715222874153		6.697715222874153		3.013971850293369		3.013971850293369		3.013971850293369		3.013971850293369		3.013971850293369		3.013971850293369		13.395430445748307		13.395430445748307		mg										Eicosapentaenoic + Docosahexaenoic Acid		g		0.005		0.0025		0.0044		0.0044		Eicosapentaenoic + Docosahexaenoic Acid		g		0.033371119922281964		0.016685559961140982		0.02936658553160813		0.02936658553160813																Gordura		31.368852726945047		14.683292765804065		14.683292765804065		14.683292765804065		32.03627512539068		32.03627512539068		32.03627512539068		32.03627512539068		g
																				Sodium		mg		100.0		100.0		26.2		238.0		Sodium		mg		837.2144028592692		837.2144028592692		219.3501735491285		1992.5702788050605																		Ácido Linolênico		0.4186072014296346		0.4186072014296346		0.11721001640029768		0.11721001640029768		0.11721001640029768		0.11721001640029768		0.11721001640029768		0.11721001640029768		0.8372144028592692		0.8372144028592692		mg										Calcium		mg		0.41		0.071		0.565		0.565		Calcium		g		2.7364318336271207		0.4738699028964038		3.7709365512178614		3.7709365512178614						L=Factor for stage of lactation from week 1 to week7										Ácido Linoléico		1.9355249554923537		0.934391357823895		0.934391357823895		0.934391357823895		2.0022671953369175		2.0022671953369175		2.0022671953369175		2.0022671953369175		mg
																				Potassium		g		0.3		0.3		0.14		0.43		Potassium		g		2.5116432085778073		2.5116432085778073		1.172100164002977		3.6000219322948572																		Amido																						g										Phosphorus		mg		0.372		0.063		0.411		0.411		Phosphorus		g		2.482811322217778		0.4204761110207527		2.7431060576115773		2.7431060576115773						1.0		0.9								Ácido Linolênico		0.06674223984456393		0		0		0		0.07341646382902031		0.07341646382902031		0.07341646382902031		0.07341646382902031		mg
																				Chloride		mg		200.0		200.0		40.0		358.0		Chloride		mg		1674.4288057185383		1674.4288057185383		334.88576114370767		2997.2275622361835																		Fibra Bruta (FB)																						g										Magnesium		mg		20.0		9.5		32.0		32.0		Magnesium		mg		133.48447968912785		63.40512785233573		213.57516750260456		213.57516750260456						2.0		0.9								Amido																		g
																				Iron		mg		6.1		6.1		1.0		8.67		Iron		mg		51.07007857441541		51.07007857441541		8.372144028592691		72.58648872789864																		FDN																						g										Sodium		mg		74.0		16.7		142.0		142.0		Sodium		mg		493.89257484977304		111.45954054042174		947.7398057928077		947.7398057928077						3.0		1.2								Fibra Bruta (FB)																		g
																				Copper		mg		0.76		0.76		0.2		1.52		Copper		mg		6.3628294617304455		6.3628294617304455		1.6744288057185384		12.725658923460891						0		4.0										FDA																						g										Potassium		mg		0.209		0.13		0.277		0.277		Potassium		g		1.394912812751386		0.8676491179793311		1.848760043694421		1.848760043694421						4.0		1.2								FDN																		g
																				Zinc		mg		6.84		6.84		2.0		11.7		Zinc		mg		57.265465155574006		57.265465155574006		16.744288057185383		97.95408513453448						m= number of puppies between 5 and 8 (<5 puppies m=0)												Ext. Não Nitrogenado
(ENN)																						g										Chloride		mg		46.5		23.7		213.0		213.0		Chloride		mg		310.35141527722226		158.1791084316165		1421.6097086892116		1421.6097086892116						5.0		1.1								FDA																		g
																				Manganese		mg		0.38		0.38		0.16		0.87		Manganese		mg		3.1814147308652228		3.1814147308652228		1.3395430445748306		7.283765304875641								5.0										Matéria Orgânica (MO)																						g										Iron		mg		4.2		1.98		4.3		4.3		Iron		mg		28.03174073471685		13.214963489223656		28.699163133162486		28.699163133162486						6.0		1.0								Ext. Não Nitrogenado (ENN)																		g
																				Selenium		µg		25.1		25.1		11.8		43.0		Selenium		µg		210.14081511767657		210.14081511767657		98.79129953739377		360.0021932294857								6.0										Matéria Mineral																						g										Copper		mg		0.44		0.119		0.47		0.47		Copper		mg		2.9366585531608127		0.7942326541503106		3.1368852726945042		3.1368852726945042						7.0		0.8								Matéria Orgânica (MO)																		g
																				Iodine		µg		61.0		61.0		29.6		108.0		Iodine		µg		510.7007857441542		510.7007857441542		247.81546324634368		904.1915550880107						0		7.0										Energia Bruta																						kcal										Zinc		mg		3.9		1.9		3.2		3.2		Zinc		mg		26.02947353937993		12.681025570467146		21.35751675026046		21.35751675026046																Matéria Mineral																		g
																				A		IU		105.0		105.0		50.0		186.0		A		IU		879.0751230022325		879.0751230022325		418.6072014296346		1557.2187893182406								8.0										Na+K - Cl																						mEq										Manganese		mg		0.25		0.119		0.38		0.38		Manganese		mg		1.668555996114098		0.7942326541503106		2.536205114093429		2.536205114093429																Energia Bruta																		kcal
																				D3		µg		0.96		0.96		0.45		1.7		D3		µg		8.037258267448983		8.037258267448983		3.767464812866711		14.232644848607574																		Lactose																						mg										Selenium		µg		15.8		6.95		16.0		16.0		Selenium		µg		105.452738954411		46.38585669197193		106.78758375130228		106.78758375130228																Na+K - Cl																		mEq
																				E		mg		2.1		2.1		1.0		3.7		E		mg		17.581502460044653		17.581502460044653		8.372144028592691		30.97693290579296						L= correction factor for stage of lactation												Magnésio		229.39674638343973		229.39674638343973		164.931237363276		164.931237363276		164.931237363276		164.931237363276		164.931237363276		164.931237363276		577.6779379728957		577.6779379728957		mg										Iodine		mg		93.0		35.0		96.0		96.0		Iodine		µg		620.7028305544445		233.59783945597374		640.7255025078136		640.7255025078136																Lactose																		mg
																				K		mg		0.11		0.11		0.054		0.2		K		mg		0.920935843145196		0.920935843145196		0.4520957775440053		1.6744288057185384								Week 1						0.75				Manganês		3.1814147308652228		3.1814147308652228		1.3395430445748306		1.3395430445748306		1.3395430445748306		1.3395430445748306		1.3395430445748306		1.3395430445748306		7.283765304875641		7.283765304875641		mg										A		µg		52.0		24.7		107.0		107.0		A		µg		347.0596471917324		164.85333241607287		714.141966336834		714.141966336834																Magnésio		133.48447968912785		63.40512785233573		63.40512785233573		63.40512785233573		213.57516750260456		213.57516750260456		213.57516750260456		213.57516750260456		mg
																				Thiamin		mg		0.096		0.096		0.074		0.28		Thiamin		mg		0.8037258267448983		0.8037258267448983		0.6195386581158592		2.344200328005954								Week 2						0.95				Ferro		51.07007857441541		51.07007857441541		8.372144028592691		8.372144028592691		8.372144028592691		8.372144028592691		8.372144028592691		8.372144028592691		72.58648872789864		72.58648872789864		mg										D3		µg		0.29		0.17		0.37		0.37		D3		µg		1.9355249554923537		1.1346180773575867		2.4694628742488653		2.4694628742488653																Manganês		1.668555996114098		0.7942326541503106		0.7942326541503106		0.7942326541503106		2.536205114093429		2.536205114093429		2.536205114093429		2.536205114093429		mg
																				Riboflavin		mg		0.37		0.37		0.171		0.64		Riboflavin		mg		3.0976932905792958		3.0976932905792958		1.4316366288893503		5.358172178299323						0.75		Week 3						1.1				Cobre		6.3628294617304455		6.3628294617304455		1.6744288057185384		1.6744288057185384		1.6744288057185384		1.6744288057185384		1.6744288057185384		1.6744288057185384		12.725658923460891		12.725658923460891		mg										E		mg		2.0		0.94		1.67		1.67		E		mg		13.348447968912785		6.2737705453890085		11.145954054042175		11.145954054042175																Ferro		28.03174073471685		13.214963489223656		13.214963489223656		13.214963489223656		28.699163133162486		28.699163133162486		28.699163133162486		28.699163133162486		mg
																				Pyridoxine		mg		0.1		0.1		0.049		0.185		Pyridoxine		mg		0.8372144028592692		0.8372144028592692		0.4102350574010419		1.5488466452896479								Week 4						1.2				Zinco		57.265465155574006		57.265465155574006		16.744288057185383		16.744288057185383		16.744288057185383		16.744288057185383		16.744288057185383		16.744288057185383		97.95408513453448		97.95408513453448		mg										K		mg		0.05		0.025		0.18		0.18		K		mg		0.33371119922281967		0.16685559961140983		1.2013603172021505		1.2013603172021505																Cobre		2.9366585531608127		0.7942326541503106		0.7942326541503106		0.7942326541503106		3.1368852726945042		3.1368852726945042		3.1368852726945042		3.1368852726945042		mg
																				Niacin		mg		1.18		1.18		0.57		2.09		Niacin		mg		9.879129953739374		9.879129953739374		4.772122096297833		17.497781019758722																		Selênio		210.14081511767657		210.14081511767657		98.79129953739377		98.79129953739377		98.79129953739377		98.79129953739377		98.79129953739377		98.79129953739377		360.0021932294857		360.0021932294857		µg										Thiamin		mg		0.29		0.14		0.32		0.32		Thiamin		mg		1.9355249554923537		0.934391357823895		2.1357516750260457		2.1357516750260457																Zinco		26.02947353937993		12.681025570467146		12.681025570467146		12.681025570467146		21.35751675026046		21.35751675026046		21.35751675026046		21.35751675026046		mg
																				Pantothenic acid		mg		1.04		1.04		0.49		1.84		Pantothenic acid		mg		8.7070297897364		8.7070297897364		4.102350574010418		15.404745012610553																		Co																						mg										Riboflavin		mg		0.21		0.099		0.21		0.21		Riboflavin		mg		1.4015870367358423		0.6607481744611828		1.4015870367358423		1.4015870367358423																Selênio		105.452738954411		46.38585669197193		46.38585669197193		46.38585669197193		106.78758375130228		106.78758375130228		106.78758375130228		106.78758375130228		µg
																				B12		µg		2.4		2.4		1.15		4.3		B12		µg		20.09314566862246		20.09314566862246		9.627965632881594		36.000219322948574																		I		510.7007857441542		510.7007857441542		247.81546324634368		247.81546324634368		247.81546324634368		247.81546324634368		247.81546324634368		247.81546324634368		904.1915550880107		904.1915550880107		µg										Pyridoxine		mg		0.13		0.06		0.11		0.11		Pyridoxine		mg		0.8676491179793311		0.4004534390673835		0.7341646382902032		0.7341646382902032																Co																		mg
																				Folic acid		µg		18.8		18.8		8.9		33.2		Folic acid		µg		157.3963077375426		157.3963077375426		74.51208185447496		277.95518174927736																		Flúor																						mg										Niacin		mg		2.1		0.99		2.1		2.1		Niacin		mg		14.015870367358424		6.607481744611828		14.015870367358424		14.015870367358424																I		620.7028305544445		233.59783945597374		233.59783945597374		233.59783945597374		640.7255025078136		640.7255025078136		640.7255025078136		640.7255025078136		mg
																				Biotin		µg										Biotin		µg		0		0		0		0																		Cr																						mg										Pantothenic acid		mg		0.3		0.14		0.31		0.31		Pantothenic acid		mg		2.0022671953369175		0.934391357823895		2.069009435181482
2.069009435181482																Flúor																		mg
																				Choline		mg		118.0		118.0		56.0		209.0		Choline		mg		987.9129953739376		987.9129953739376		468.8400656011907		1749.7781019758725																		Pb																						mg										B12		µg		1.18		0.56		1.0		1.0		B12		µg		7.8755843016585425		3.73756543129558		6.674223984456392		6.674223984456392																Cr																		mg
																																																												Ni																						mg										Folic acid		µg		39.0		19.0		33.0		33.0		Folic acid		µg		260.29473539379933		126.81025570467146		220.24939148706096		220.24939148706096																Pb																		mg
																				http://www.nap.edu/catalog.php?record_id=10668																																								Cd																						mg										Biotin		µg		3.9		1.9		3.3		3.3		Biotin		µg		26.02947353937993		12.681025570467146		22.024939148706093		22.024939148706093																Ni																		mg
																																																												Va																						mg										Choline		mg		133.0		63.0		113.0		113.0		Choline		mg		887.6717899327002		420.47611102075274		754.1873102435724		754.1873102435724																Cd																		mg
																																																												Vitamina A		879.0751230022325		879.0751230022325		418.6072014296346		418.6072014296346		418.6072014296346		418.6072014296346		418.6072014296346		418.6072014296346		1557.2187893182406		1557.2187893182406		UI																																																Va																		mg
																																																												Vitamina D 3		8.037258267448983		8.037258267448983		3.767464812866711		3.767464812866711		3.767464812866711		3.767464812866711		3.767464812866711		3.767464812866711		14.232644848607574		14.232644848607574		UI										http://www.nap.edu/catalog.php?record_id=10668																																						Vitamina A		347.0596471917324		164.85333241607287		164.85333241607287		164.85333241607287		714.141966336834		714.141966336834		714.141966336834		714.141966336834		µg
																																																												Vitamina E		17.581502460044653		17.581502460044653		8.372144028592691		8.372144028592691		8.372144028592691		8.372144028592691		8.372144028592691		8.372144028592691		30.97693290579296		30.97693290579296		UI																																																Vitamina D 3		1.9355249554923537		1.1346180773575867		1.1346180773575867		1.1346180773575867		2.4694628742488653		2.4694628742488653		2.4694628742488653		2.4694628742488653		µg
																																																												Vitamina K3		0.920935843145196		0.920935843145196		0.4520957775440053		0.4520957775440053		0.4520957775440053		0.4520957775440053		0.4520957775440053		0.4520957775440053		1.6744288057185384		1.6744288057185384		µg																																																Vitamina E		13.348447968912785		6.2737705453890085		6.2737705453890085		6.2737705453890085		11.145954054042175		11.145954054042175		11.145954054042175		11.145954054042175		mg
																																																												Vitamina B1		0.8037258267448983		0.8037258267448983		0.6195386581158592		0.6195386581158592		0.6195386581158592		0.6195386581158592		0.6195386581158592		0.6195386581158592		2.344200328005954		2.344200328005954		µg																																																Vitamina K3		0.33371119922281967		0.16685559961140983		0.16685559961140983		0.16685559961140983		1.2013603172021505		1.2013603172021505		1.2013603172021505		1.2013603172021505		mg
																																																												Vitamina B2		3.0976932905792958		3.0976932905792958		1.4316366288893503		1.4316366288893503		1.4316366288893503		1.4316366288893503		1.4316366288893503		1.4316366288893503		5.358172178299323		5.358172178299323		µg																																																Vitamina B1		1.9355249554923537		0.934391357823895		0.934391357823895		0.934391357823895		2.1357516750260457		2.1357516750260457		2.1357516750260457		2.1357516750260457		mg
																																																												Ac.Nicotínico		9.879129953739374		9.879129953739374		4.772122096297833		4.772122096297833		4.772122096297833		4.772122096297833		4.772122096297833		4.772122096297833		17.497781019758722		17.497781019758722		µg																																																Vitamina B2		1.4015870367358423		0.6607481744611828		0.6607481744611828		0.6607481744611828		1.4015870367358423		1.4015870367358423		1.4015870367358423		1.4015870367358423		mg
																																																												Ac. Pantotênico		8.7070297897364		8.7070297897364		4.102350574010418		4.102350574010418		4.102350574010418		4.102350574010418		4.102350574010418		4.102350574010418		15.404745012610553		15.404745012610553		µg																																																Ac.Nicotínico		14.015870367358424		6.607481744611828		6.607481744611828		6.607481744611828		14.015870367358424		14.015870367358424		14.015870367358424		14.015870367358424		mg
																																																												Vitamina B6		0.8372144028592692		0.8372144028592692		0.4102350574010419		0.4102350574010419		0.4102350574010419		0.4102350574010419		0.4102350574010419		0.4102350574010419		1.5488466452896479		1.5488466452896479		µg																																																Ac. Pantotênico		2.0022671953369175		0.934391357823895		0.934391357823895		0.934391357823895		2.069009435181482		2.069009435181482		2.069009435181482		2.069009435181482		mg
																																																												Vitamina B12		20.09314566862246		20.09314566862246		9.627965632881594		9.627965632881594		9.627965632881594		9.627965632881594		9.627965632881594		9.627965632881594		36.000219322948574		36.000219322948574		µg																																																Vitamina B6		0.8676491179793311		0.4004534390673835		0.4004534390673835		0.4004534390673835		0.7341646382902032		0.7341646382902032		0.7341646382902032		0.7341646382902032		mg
																																																												Ácido Fólico		157.3963077375426		157.3963077375426		74.51208185447496		74.51208185447496		74.51208185447496		74.51208185447496		74.51208185447496		74.51208185447496		277.95518174927736		277.95518174927736		µg																																																Vitamina B12		7.8755843016585425		3.73756543129558		3.73756543129558		3.73756543129558		6.674223984456392		6.674223984456392		6.674223984456392		6.674223984456392		µg
																																																												Biotina		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		µg																																																Ácido Fólico		260.29473539379933		126.81025570467146		126.81025570467146		126.81025570467146		220.24939148706096		220.24939148706096		220.24939148706096		220.24939148706096		µg
																																																												Colina		987.9129953739376		987.9129953739376		468.8400656011907		468.8400656011907		468.8400656011907		468.8400656011907		468.8400656011907		468.8400656011907		1749.7781019758725		1749.7781019758725		mg																																																Biotina		26.02947353937993		12.681025570467146		12.681025570467146		12.681025570467146		22.024939148706093		22.024939148706093		22.024939148706093		22.024939148706093		µg
																																																												Taurina																						mg																																																Colina		887.6717899327002		420.47611102075274		420.47611102075274		420.47611102075274		754.1873102435724		754.1873102435724		754.1873102435724		754.1873102435724		mg
																																																												Nutriente																																																																						Taurina		0.14015870367358424		0.06607481744611829		0.06607481744611829		0.06607481744611829		0.12013603172021506		0.12013603172021506		0.12013603172021506		0.12013603172021506		g
Nutriente																																																																						Nutriente
																																																												Nutriente																																																																						Nutriente
																																																												Nutriente																																																																						Nutriente
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																																																												Nutriente																																																																						Nutriente
																																																												Nutriente																																																																						Nutriente
Corrigir consumo conforme a ingestão voluntária/observada
Ex: Ver "Tabela peso (cão)"
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Corrigir o peso em kg
Corrigir o peso em kg
Corrigir o peso em kg
Corrigir o peso em kg
Corrigir o peso em kg
Corrigir o peso em kg
Corrigir o peso em kg
Corrigir o peso em kg
Corrigir o peso em kg
Corrigir o peso em kg
Corrigir o peso em kg
Corrigir o peso em kg
Corrigir o peso em kg
Corrigir o peso em kg
Corrigir o peso em kg
Corrigir o peso em kg
Corrigir o peso em kg
Corrigir o peso em kg
Corrigir o peso em kg (somente para cães em crescimento)
Corrigir o peso em kg (somente para cães em crescimento)
Corrigir o peso em kg (somente para cães e gatos em crescimento)
Corrigir o peso em kg (somente para gatos em crescimento)
Digitar o valor mais apropriado, entre 55 e 260 kcal
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Corrigir o peso em kg
Corrigir o peso em kg (somente para cães em crescimento)
Ficha da Dieta
SEMANA 1 e 2
SEMANA 3 e 4
		Dogcat/Programa Prático para Formulação de Dietas para Cães e Gatos
				Atenção: atualizar o preço dos alimentos (kg)
						Custo por kg		Mínimo (gramas)		Máximo (gramas)		Peso		Consumo		Energia Met. *		Proteína Bruta (PB)		Cálcio		Fósforo Total		P Disponível		Potássio		Sódio		Cloro		Lisina Total (T)		Metionina T		Met + Cis T		Triptofano T		Treonina T		Arginina T		Gli + Ser T		Valina T		Isoleucina T		Leucina T		Histidina T		Fenilalanina T		Fen + Tir T		Matéria Seca		Gordura		Ácido Linoléico		Ácido Linolênico		Amido		Fibra Bruta (FB)		FDN		FDA		Ext. Não Nitrogenado (ENN)		Matéria Orgânica (MO)		Matéria Mineral		Energia Bruta		Na + K - Cl = BE		Lactose		Magnésio		Manganês		Ferro		Cobre		Zinco		Selênio		Cobalto		Iodo		Flúor		Cr		Pb		Ni		Cd		Va		Vitamina A		Vitamina D 3		Vitamina E		Vitamina K3		Vitamina B1		Vitamina B2		Ac.Nicotínico		Ac. Pantotênico		Vitamina B6		Vitamina B12		Ácido Fólico		Biotina		Colina		Taurina		Nutriente		Nutriente		Nutriente		Nutriente		Nutriente		Nutriente		Nutriente		Nutriente		Nutriente		Nutriente		Nutriente		Nutriente		Nutriente		Nutriente		Nutriente		Nutriente		Nutriente		Nutriente		Nutriente		Nutriente		Nutriente		Nutriente		Nutriente		Nutriente		Nutriente		Nutriente		Nutriente		Nutriente
				COMPOSIÇÃO DOS INGREDIENTES ATIVOS										g		kcal/kg		g		g		g		g		g		mg		mg		g		g		g		g		g		g		g		g		g		g		g		g		g		g		g		g		g		g		g		g		g		g		g		g		kcal/kg		mEq/kg		mg		mg		mg/kg		mg/kg		mg/kg		mg/kg		µg/kg		mg/kg		µg/kg		mg/kg		mg/kg		mg/kg		mg/kg		mg/kg		mg/kg		RE		µg/kg		mg/kg		mg/kg		mg/kg		mg/kg		mg/kg		mg/kg		mg/kg		µg/kg		µg/kg		µg/kg		mg/kg		g/kg		-		-
		1		1		0		0		10000		1		1000		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		Inerte
8		8		0.25		0		10000		1		1000		3491		84.7		0.4		1.6		0.5		1.9		200		400		2.8		2.1		3.8		1.1		2.7		5.9		7.3		4.4		3.5		6.9		1.8		3.9		7.7		880.4		12.2		3.5		2		744.5		5.5		42.8		74.3		768.3		870.7		9.7		3846		46.0124303622		0		800		16.6		15.6		2.3		10.3		310		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		Arroz Quirera
		23		23		1.3		0		10000		1		1000		2798		601		75.4		38		38		4.7		6000		5500		31		7.7		13.6		3.7		18.5		40.6		103.5		26.6		16.3		35.1		11.4		20		32.7		940.7		104.9		2.9		0.6		0		0		0		0		17.2		723.1		217.6		4341		226.0601692005		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		Carne e Ossos Far. -60%
		28		28		1.5		0		10000		1		1000		8228		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		996		990		206		12.9		0		0		0		0		0		996		0		9282		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		Gordura de Aves
		34		34		3		0		10000		1		1000		4266		253		8.9		7.2		7.2		10.5		3600		14800		22.4		6.1		10.2		4.1		10.3		9.2		0		17.4		13.2		25.4		7.1		13.3		26.4		950		263		0		0		0		2		0		0		0		0		54		0		7.6909655075		375000		900		0.4		0.018		0.9		21.7		0		0.005		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		3.8		19.6		8		22.7		4.71		0		0		380		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		Leite em pó integral
		50		50		0.5		0		10000		1		1000		3444		76.1		0.2		1.8		0.6		2.5		200		0		2.6		1.8		3.6		0.6		3		3.3		7.2		4		3.2		10.1		2.7		3.9		6.6		883.3		17.1		6.2		0		610		12.3		106.4		23.7		767.9		873.4		9.9		3987		72.6409092042		0		400		11.4		43.9		2.7		26.5		160		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		Milho Pré-Cozido
		61		61		8		0		10000		1		1000		3714		722		2		4.4		4.4		5.6		31200		0		66.9		10.3		30.8		12.6		44		38.8		70.7		49.7		22.7		71.3		21.4		41		71.9		905.5		13.5		0		0		0		0		0		0		50.7		786.3		119.3		4732		1500.3523276718		0		200		0		105.9		45.9		89.2		420		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		Plasma Sanguíneo
		73		73		0.5		0		10000		1		1000		3260		114.9		0.5		3.2		1		4		100		700		3.5		2		4.9		1.5		3.7		6.1		11.7		5.5		4.5		8.7		3.1		6		9.1		877.7		16.8		6.8		0		549.3		23.7		122.6		31.9		706.4		861.8		15.9		3819		86.9115430883		0		1200		29.7		68.4		5.6		49.8		350		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		Trigo
		86		86		3		0		10000		1		1000		0		0		245		185		141		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		9100		284.2		4023		11.7		40.3		0		0		0		1400		17.4		24		19.7		3.6		74		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		Fosfato Bicálcico
		104		104		0.2		0		10000		1		1000		0		0		0		0		0		0		397000		596000		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		457.5385849209		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		Sal Comum
		107		107		0.9		0		10000		1		1000		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		330000		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		Sulfato de Cobalto (CoSO4 H2O)
		111		111		0.9		0		10000		1		1000		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		345000		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		Sulfato de Cobre (CuSO4 H2O)
		114		114		0.9		0		10000		1		1000		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		300000		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		Sulfato Ferroso (FeSO4 H2O)
		118		118		0.9		0		10000		1		1000		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		590000000		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		Iodato de Potássio (KIO3)
		124		124		0.9		0		10000		1		1000		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		310000		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		Sulfato de Manganês (MnSO4 H2O)
		127		127		0.9		0		10000		1		1000		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		450000000		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		Selenito de Sódio (Na2SeO3)
		130		130		0.9		0		10000		1		1000		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		350000		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		Sulfato de Zinco (ZnSO4 H2O)
		135		135		6		0		10000		1		1000		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		607500		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		Cloreto de Colina - 70%
		137		137		6		0		10000		1		1000		3607		944		0		0		0		0		0		194300		744.2		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		-5480.4953036414		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		L-Lisina HCl
		147		147		10		0		10000		1		1000		3606		575.2		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		980		980		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		DL-Metionina
		148		148		6		0		10000		1		1000		6300		849		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		985		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		L-Triptofano
		159		159		6		0		10000		1		1000		3802		780.9		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		968		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		4173		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		L-Treonina
		168		168		1		0		10000		1		1000		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		40000		80000		12000		100000		360000		0		1000000		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0		0

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