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Faça como milhares de estudantes: teste grátis o Passei Direto

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Avaiação Parcial: CEL0557_SM_201507485913 V.1 
Aluno(a): IZABELE ALVES LOPES SOEIRO Matrícula: 201507485913 
Acertos: 10,0 de 10,0 Data: 28/06/2017 19:19:25 (Finalizada) 
 1a Questão (Ref.: 201507739722) Acerto: 1,0 / 1,0 
A good example on how the English language differs in many aspects from Brazilian Portuguese is: 
the present continuous tense for actions happening at the moment of speaking 
the past simple to talk about action which happened at a specific time in the past 
the passive voice 
 the use of articles, gerunds and infinitives 
the future continuous 
 2a Questão (Ref.: 201507739723) Acerto: 1,0 / 1,0 
The study of the psychological and neurobiological factors that enable humans to acquire, use, comprehend and 
produce language, and which can be helpful in translation studies is also known as: 
corpus linguistics 
 3a Questão (Ref.: 201507739719) Acerto: 1,0 / 1,0 
Some aspects in Sociolinguistics which are applicable to translation studies are listed below, EXCEPT: 
language contact 
 formal syntax 
interaction dynamics 
language as action 
 Gabarito Comentado. 
 4a Questão (Ref.: 201507739708) Acerto: 1,0 / 1,0 
Once the translator has accepted a translation task, there are certain basic stages that should be followed. The 
process of translation may vary from one translator to another but basically the stages include the following, 
 client proofreading 
final delivery to client 
quality assurance and client approval 
glossary development and initial translation 
 Gabarito Comentado.
 5a Questão (Ref.: 201507739688) Acerto: 1,0 / 1,0 
The Rosetta Stone is divided into three set of texts. Due to the information in it, a language which had been a 
mystery for scholar could be finally decoded. Which language was it? 
The Proto-Indo European 
Classic Latin 
 Egyptian hieroglyphs 
Ancient Greek 
 6a Questão (Ref.: 201507739711) Acerto: 1,0 / 1,0 
Pragmatics can be defined as: 
the study of the structure and content of word forms 
the study of the origin of words 
 the study of the purposes for which sentences are used 
the search for multiple meanings a given word can convey according to its use in a specific context 
the detailed investigation on syntactic rules 
 Gabarito Comentado. 
 7a Questão (Ref.: 201507699604) Acerto: 1,0 / 1,0 
Complete o diálogo, usando o advérbio correto:- Hasn't anyone caught the thief _____?- No, he has't been 
caught _____. He will be caught _____. 
yet - already - at the moment 
now - already - tomorrow 
 yet - yet - soon 
already - still - just now 
still - yet - immediately 
 8a Questão (Ref.: 201507699601) Acerto: 1,0 / 1,0 
Read The following phrases: 1- He hard works everyday; 2- He spoke hardly this morning at the debate; 3- 
Don't drive so fast! Which alternative shows the correct one(s)? 
Apenas a 2. 
Apenas a 1. 
 Apenas a 3. 
1 e 2. 
Todas as sentenças. 
 9a Questão (Ref.: 201507739695) Acerto: 1,0 / 1,0 
As time went by, theories about the nature of translation started to emerge. Some issues concerning the 
challenges of a translation are listed below, EXCEPT: 
etymological knowledge 
 forward translation 
fidelity or transparency 
fixed word order versus free word order 
metaphrase and paraphrase 
 Gabarito Comentado. 
 10a Questão (Ref.: 201507739683) Acerto: 1,0 / 1,0 
The language from which a text to be translated is originally written is called: 
 source language 
final language 
basic language 
initial language 
target language 
1a Questão (Ref.: 201507739693) Acerto: 1,0 / 1,0 
To what extent are William Caxton´s contributions relevant to the field of translation? 
He offered an organized system which guaranteed an effective translation 
He was the first scholar to translate books from Greek to Latin 
 He posed a set of questions which would be of paramount importance for future translators 
He established a set of rules for the translation of religious documents 
He discovered the idiosyncrasies between Sanskrit and European Languages 
 Gabarito Comentado.
 2a Questão (Ref.: 201507699117) Acerto: 1,0 / 1,0 
Algumas pessoas moram algum tempo no exterior e, ao retornarem à terra natal, acreditam que poderão obter 
sucesso na carreira de tradutor por conta do conhecimento que detém da língua estrangeira. Elas acreditam, 
ainda, que as eventuais dúvidas relacionadas ao idioma poderão ser facilmente resolvidas com a ajuda de um 
bom dicionário. Esta crença ratifica a ideia equivocada de que, para a tarefa tradutória, 
o tradutor terá de recorrer a conhecimentos que transcendem os limites da língua. 
 o conhecimento meramente linguístico será sempre suficiente. 
os mecanismos de inferência são ativados com bastante frequência. 
o vocabulário adquirido na língua estrangeira não será sempre suficiente. 
a vivência no exterior pode contribuir para o conhecimento cultural. 
 3a Questão (Ref.: 201507699612) Acerto: 1,0 / 1,0 
Choose the correct alternative that bridges the gap of the sentence:: Mr. John's secretary was ill last week, so 
he had to type the letters _____. 
 4a Questão (Ref.: 201507700588) Acerto: 1,0 / 1,0 
"Watch out" means ___. 
 be careful 
hurry up 
be cool 
count down 
 5a Questão (Ref.: 201507739702) Acerto: 1,0 / 1,0 
There are different types of translation. Choose the alternative that is an example of MECHANICAL 
 translation in which a computer program analyses a source text and produces a target text without any 
human intervention. 
machine translation 
computer-assisted translation 
 6a Questão (Ref.: 201507699131) Acerto: 1,0 / 1,0 
In the relation between English and Portuguese, are examples of false cognates: 
University, quality, sensibility, pacific 
 Actually, college, grip, cigar 
Actually, information, pull, dictionary 
Eternity, patience, actor, color 
System, possible, push, contrary 
 7a Questão (Ref.: 201507778881) Acerto: 1,0 / 1,0 
The indeterminacy of translation, based on the fact that there are different ways with which one might break a 
sentence into words, and different ways to distribute functions among words, and that, depending on the 
translator¿s choices the meanings would vary considerably, was proposed by: 
Benjamin Whorf 
Roman Jackobson 
Edward Sapir 
 W.V. Quine 
Eugene A. Nida 
 Gabarito Comentado. 
 8a Questão (Ref.: 201507699605) Acerto: 1,0 / 1,0 
Mark the correct alternative according to the order that adjectives must be placed before a noun: 
 Intelligent and young girl. 
Old and tired man. 
Brown and valuable house 
Ancient and intriguing book. 
New and expensive car. 
 Gabarito Comentado. 
 9a Questão (Ref.: 201507700581) Acerto: 1,0 / 1,0 
If you are "quick on the trigger", you are quick to ___. 
quit or finish somethingrespond 
make mistakes 
 10a Questão (Ref.: 201507746174) Acerto: 1,0 / 1,0 
Muitos teóricos da Linguística também fizeram suas contribuições aos estudos da tradução. _____________, 
por exemplo, dizem que certas ideias de uma língua de partida não podem ser compreendidas por pessoas que 
falem outra língua porque a estrutura ou a semântica não dispõem de um correspondente. 
1a Questão (Ref.: 201507699114) Acerto: 1,0 / 1,0 
Há quem acredite que o ato de traduzir é uma arte reservada a pessoas dotadas de uma capacidade especial. 
Essa crença, entretanto, pode ser refutada por pesquisas que mostram que: 
A prática da tradução não é passível de aperfeiçoamento pelo tradutor. 
O conhecimento linguístico supre todas as necessidades do tradutor. 
Os bons tradutores atuais já nascem com o dom de escrever bem. 
O conhecimento cultural interfere muito pouco no resultado da tradução. 
 O tradutor bem-sucedido costuma ser experiente e qualificado. 
 2a Questão (Ref.: 201507699180) Acerto: 1,0 / 1,0 
De modo geral, a tarefa do tradutor consiste em passar um texto de uma língua a outra. Dentre os tradutores, a 
língua do texto a ser traduzido ou vertido é denominada: 
 Língua de partida 
Língua de tradução 
Língua alvo 
Língua estrangeira 
Língua de chegada 
 3a Questão (Ref.: 201507699118) Acerto: 1,0 / 1,0 
A competência tradutória pode ser descrita como: 
A possibilidade de um falante produzir um número sem fim de enunciados a partir do aprendizado de um 
conjunto finito de regras. 
A consciência de que nenhuma tradução será totalmente boa, pois o aprendizado da língua é um 
processo contínuo. 
A capacidade de o tradutor adequar seu discurso oral ao contexto, e não esperar que o contexto se 
adeque a seu discurso. 
 O conjunto de conhecimentos, habilidades e estratégias que permitem ao tradutor exercer de modo 
satisfatório a tarefa tradutória. 
O conjunto de mecanismos que permitem que o tradutor compreenda o processo tradutório à luz dos 
processo de aprendizagem da língua. 
 4a Questão (Ref.: 201507699599) Acerto: 1,0 / 1,0 
Assinale a alternativa em que todos os substantivos existem somente na forma plural (sem forma no singular): 
knives - pencils - jeans - glasses 
 pyjamas - police - jeans - people 
police - knives - jeans - pyjamas 
jeans - holidays - vacation - clocks 
pencils - glasses - clothes - children 
 5a Questão (Ref.: 201507699602) Acerto: 1,0 / 1,0 
Which of the following adverbs is not correctly inserted? 
 Gary always is dreaming of you. 
He hasn't met me yet. 
They will travel by car. 
It was rather cold yesteday. 
We hardly work on Sundays. 
 6a Questão (Ref.: 201507746173) Acerto: 1,0 / 1,0 
A tradução ____________ é um tipo de tradução oral no qual as sentenças produzidas na língua fonte são 
traduzidas quase que ao mesmo tempo em que são pronunciadas. 
não literal 
 7a Questão (Ref.: 201507739700) Acerto: 1,0 / 1,0 
There are different types of translation. Choose the alternative that is an example of HUMAN TRANSLATION 
computer-assisted translation 
machine translation 
translation in which a computer program analyses a source text and produces a target text without any 
human intervention. 
 8a Questão (Ref.: 201507699606) Acerto: 1,0 / 1,0 
De acordo com a posição dos adjetivos, marque a alternativa correta. 
They live in a house old. 
I had a headache terrible yesterday. 
I know that boy tall. 
We have a trouble enormous to solve. 
 She has a clean cool looks. 
 9a Questão (Ref.: 201507699607) Acerto: 1,0 / 1,0 
Choose the alternative that is INCORRECT 
Last week we saw an intersting movie. 
 The old man is sad. 
My children are happy. 
My dress is new. 
 They are intelligents boys. 
 10a Questão (Ref.: 201507699127) Acerto: 1,0 / 1,0 
O termo "cotejo" é usado para descrever a atividade de 
adequação do texto traduzido à cultura do local onde será lido. 
releitura do texto original de forma a adequar o texto traduzido. 
verificação dos conhecimentos linguísticos do tradutor. 
editoração do texto traduzido de forma a eliminar erros. 
 comparação entre o texto original e o texto traduzido. 
Read the following paragraph and, in your own words , say what is it about: (You don´t need to 
translate it word by word ¿ MAIN IDEA) A Once In a Life Time Experience The one day I spent in 
Morocco, Africa was an experience of a lifetime. When I finally reached Morocco and got off 
the bus, there were four little girls standing shoeless in the hot sun. After I swallowed my 
tears, I could not even try to picture this in America as it is not something you often see in the 
U.S. Meanwhile my tourist guide instructed me not to give them money as it encouraged the 
children to beg; however, I was wearing four silver bracelets. As I walked over to the girls, their 
eyes watched my every move. Then I kneeled down to their level while I gave each girl a 
bracelet. They stood there gleaming at me, for they were pleased. I felt completely in disbelief 
that this tiny gesture could mean so much. Though this experience was upsetting, and a huge 
culture shock, it will stay with me forever. ~© Kayla Marie Anfinson 2005~ 
Resposta: Uma experiência única de vida. Um único dia que passei no Marrocos (África) foi 
uma experiência para toda a vida. Quando desci do ônibus tinham 4 garotas descalças no sol 
quente. Depois de secar minhas lágrimas, eu não conseguiria imaginar esta mesma cena na 
América, pois não é uma coisa que você vê com frequência nos Estados Unidos. Meu guia me 
instruiu a não dar dinheiro para evitar que as crianças ficassem pedindo. Eu estava usando 4 
braceletes de prata. Quando passei pelas garotas, os olhos delas acompanhavam cada 
movimento meu. Então eu ajoelhei e dei para cada garota 1 bracelete. Elas ficaram 
hipnotizadas e agradecidas. Eu não acreditei que esse simples gesto poderia significar tanto. 
Passar por isso foi triste e um grande “choque cultural", e ficará comigo para sempre. 
In your own words, COMMENT on the following excerpt (you don't need to translate all the 
text): ''The Rosetta Stone is a stone with writing on it in two languages (Egyptian and Greek), 
using three scripts (hieroglyphic, demotic and Greek). The Rosetta Stone is written in three 
scripts because when it was written, there were three scripts being used in Egypt. The first was 
hieroglyphic which was the script used for important or religious documents. The second was 
demotic which was the common script of Egypt. The third was Greek which was the language 
of the rulers of Egypt at that time. The Rosetta Stone was written in all three scripts so that the 
priests, government officials and rulers of Egypt could read what it said". 
Resposta: O texto traz informações sobre a Pedra de Rosetta e as línguas que foram utilizadas 
na mensagem contida na pedra. 
Roman Jakobson (1959) was one of the first linguists to consider the contributions of linguistics 
to the study of translation. In his text (On Linguistic Aspect of Translation), he deals with issues 
that are crucial in understanding the translation process suchas INTERLINGUAL,

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