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Faça como milhares de estudantes: teste grátis o Passei Direto

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Faça como milhares de estudantes: teste grátis o Passei Direto

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Faça como milhares de estudantes: teste grátis o Passei Direto

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Prévia do material em texto

1. Assinale a alternativa que contém o plural correto dos seguintes substantivos: monkey - appendix - story - shrimp - 
tomato - proof: Monkeys - appendices - stories - shrimp - tomatoes - proofs 
2. Choose the alternative that correctly complete the given sentences: 1 - break out, 2- look forward to, 3- run out 
1. Don't smoke in the gas stations. Fires_____ easily at this time places. 2. I ___ seeing my parents again. 3. I'm afraid; 
we have _____ of meat. Will veal do? 
3. De acordo com a posição dos adjetivos, marque a alternativa correta: She has a clean cool looks. 
4. Choose the alternative that correctly translates the following word in English - LIBRARY: Biblioteca 
5. Could you turn _____ the TV? The soap opera is about to start: On 
6. What is Intralingual translation? Read the following paragraph and, in your own words, say what is it about: (You 
don´t need to translate it word by word ¿ MAIN IDEA) My Favorite Family Experience One of my favorite family experiences 
was when I went to see Anne Franks (a Jewish victim of the Nazi persecution during World War II) hideout in Amsterdam, 
Holland. I had read Annes published diary when I was younger, so I was extremely thrilled to actually have the chance to 
see where she and her family hid from the Germans for so many months. I walked up the stairs of an apartment building 
and into a room with only a bookshelf in it. From what I remembered from reading the diary, there was a doorknob behind 
the books. I found the doorknob and turned it and there was the secret annex. When I stepped into the room behind the 
bookshelf, I felt as if I had stepped back into history. I found Annes room still with pictures of her favorite celebrities on 
her walls. The Frank familys furniture was still placed where they had left them in the rooms, everything just as described 
in the diary. I toured each room in awe of actually seeing how they had lived, yet with sadness to know how it all ended. 
Anne¿s diary was no longer just a book to me, but true heart-felt, emotional life story written by a girl I felt I almost 
knew. Denise Rafferty. RESPOSTA: Intralingual translation: Or rewording refers to the interpretation of verbal signs by 
means of other signs in the same language. For example, the intralingual translation of bring up in the sentence She was 
brought up by her grandparents would be “take care for someone until s/he is an adult, often giving this person particular 
7. "Walking on air" means you are ___: happy 
8. Choose the alternative that correctly translates the following term in English - RECIPIENT: Recipiente 
9. Complete o diálogo, usando o advérbio correto:- Hasn't anyone caught the thief __?- No, he has't been caught __. 
He will be caught __: Yet - yet - soon 
10. To what extent are William Caxton´s contributions relevant to the field of translation? He posed a set of questions 
which would be of paramount importance for future translators 
11. Há quem acredite que o ato de traduzir é uma arte reservada a pessoas dotadas de uma capacidade especial. Essa 
crença, entretanto, pode ser refutada por pesquisas que mostram que: O tradutor bem-sucedido costuma ser experiente 
e qualificado. 
12. De modo geral, a tarefa do tradutor consiste em passar um texto de uma língua a outra. Dentre os tradutores, a 
língua do texto a ser traduzido ou vertido é denominada: Língua de partida 
13. A good example on how the English language differs in many aspects from Brazilian Portuguese is: The use of articles, 
gerunds and infinitives 
14. The "way the wind blows" is ___: The way things are 
15. Newmark (1981) suggests a series of strategies to cater for cultural gaps in translation, EXCEPT: Cultural mismatch 
16. The period called THE GREAT AGE OF TRANSLATION can be said to refer to: The Renaissance, a cultural movement 
which encompassed innovative flowering of Latin and vernacular literature 
17. Some aspects in Sociolinguistics which are applicable to translation studies are listed below, EXCEPT: Formal syntax 
18. The type of translation in which a computer program analyses a source text and produces a target text without any 
human intervention is called: Mechanical translation 
19. Once the translator has accepted a translation task, there are certain basic stages that should be followed. The 
process of translation may vary from one translator to another but basically the stages include the following, EXCEPT: 
Client proofreading 
20. A tradução __ é aquela na qual um programa de computador analisa um texto fonte e produz um texto na língua 
alvo sem a ajuda de um humano: Mecânica 
21. They had ___ arrived when they were told to go back to their houses again: Already 
22. Ao traduzir um texto, é preciso estar muito atento à presença dos falsos cognatos; que são palavras: Semelhantes 
entre duas línguas, mas de sentidos totalmente diferentes. 
23. Em seu livro "In other words: a coursebook on translation", Mona Baker comenta que "As well as expanding a text to 
provide the necessary background information, a translator may decide to delete information that the target readership 
can be assumed to be familiar with" (p.248). Ao dizer isso, a autora reforça a postura de ___ do tradutor diante de um 
texto em língua estrangeira: Autonomia 
24. Algumas pessoas moram algum tempo no exterior e, ao retornarem à terra natal, acreditam que poderão obter 
sucesso na carreira de tradutor por conta do conhecimento que detém da língua estrangeira. Elas acreditam, ainda, que 
as eventuais dúvidas relacionadas ao idioma poderão ser facilmente resolvidas com a ajuda de um bom dicionário. Esta 
crença ratifica a ideia equivocada de que, para a tarefa tradutória: O conhecimento meramente linguístico será sempre 
25. If you are "quick on the trigger", you are quick to ___: Respond 
26. "Watch out" means ___: Be careful 
27. Na frase, "Can you believe she went out with him last night? But please, mum's the word", o trecho que pode ser 
considerado uma expressão idiomática que significa "boca de siri" é: "mum's the word" 
28. Observe a seguir duas versões para um trecho da cança "Smile", de Charles Chaplin. O trecho em inglês é o original, 
e o segundo trecho, em português, é da canção "Sorri", de Djavan. "Smile though your heart is aching Smile even though 
it's breaking. When there are clouds in the sky you'll get by." "Sorrir
 Quando a dor te torturar
 E a saudade atormentar
Os teus dias tristonhos, vazios." A tradução apresentada em português é literal ou não literal? Justifique sua resposta: 
GABARITO: Trata-se de uma tradução não literal, pois os trechos da mesma não equivalem em significado aos trechos do 
original em língua inglesa. 
29. In the relation between English and Portuguese, are examples of false cognates: Actually, college, grip, cigar 
30. As expressões sublinhadas e destacadas em negrito nas frases a seguir são consideradas expressões idiomáticas da 
língua inglesa: I don't know him from Adam. 
31. Your dress looks like - something out of the ark. Ao traduzi-las para o português, o ideal é que o tradutor: Encontre 
expressões equivalentes, como "Nunca o vi mais gordo" ou "Seu vestido é do tempo da onça". 
32. Choose the correct alternative that bridges the gap of the sentence:: Mr. John's secretary was ill last week, so he 
had to type the letters _____: Himself 
33. A linguagem coloquial está presente não só na língua falada, mas também em textos escritos que reproduzem 
diálogos, por exemplo. Assim sendo, parte da tarefa do tradutor será adequar as chamadas expressões coloquiais ou 
idiomáticas à cultura local de maneira que as mesmas façam sentido para o público leitor. Um exemplo de expressão 
coloquial do inglês é "it¿s raining cats and dogs", cuja melhor tradução em português seria:"está chovendo canivetes". 
34. O termo "cotejo" é usado para descrever a atividade de: Comparação entre o texto original e o texto traduzido. 
35. A teoria da indeterminação da tradução foi proposta por __ e sugere que alguns textos não podem ser traduzidos 
devido à falta de correspondência entre significados ou referências na língua de chegada: Quine 
36. The need of translation has been present in the history of mankind since the very beginning of times, and the first 
attempt to decode messages across language was that of translating the message from: God to the language of man 
37. Nomes genéricos precisam de atenção especial quando traduzidos do inglês para o português, pois o uso de 
substantivos contáveis e incontáveis fará diferença na tradução brasileira. Sobre isso, é correto afirmar que: Em inglês, o 
artigo definido não é usado com substantivos contáveis no plural, mas o mesmo deve estar presente no português. 
38. Comment the following fragment extracted from your study material ¿there is similarity of mental and linguistic 
structures which will cater for the understanding of the message (as is the case of the translation of one if the types of 
snow into Brazilian Portuguese, the possible choice would be simply never due to the lack of specific vocabulary). 
RESPOSTA: Is talking about of the indeterminacy of translation and the work of Hejwowski. He said not any text can be 
translated, translation is possible if there is a common human experience (allow the TL reader relate to the experience 
being described),if there is similarity of mental and linguistic structures (as you can check above) and texts must to be 
interesting to be likely to be translated. 
39. A tradução ___ é um tipo de tradução oral no qual as sentenças produzidas na língua fonte são traduzidas quase que 
ao mesmo tempo em que são pronunciadas: Simultânea 
40. There are different types of translation. Choose the alternative that is an example of COMPUTER AIDED 
TRANSLATION: Machine translation 
41. Muitos teóricos da Linguística também fizeram suas contribuições aos estudos da tradução. ___, por exemplo, dizem 
que certas ideias de uma língua de partida não podem ser compreendidas por pessoas que falem outra língua porque a 
estrutura ou a semântica não dispõem de um correspondente: Sapir-Whorf 
42. Read The following phrases: 1- He hard works everyday; 2- He spoke hardly this morning at the debate; 3- Don't 
drive so fast! Which alternative shows the correct one(s)? Apenas a 3. 
43. Discuta por que os provérbios representam um grande desafio para os tradutores e dê exemplos que ratifiquem sua 
explicação: RESPOSTA: Os provérbios se utilizam de metáforas para passarem os ensinamentos desejados, e isso dificulta 
sua tradução, pois em cada cultura uma metáfora tem um significado diferente de outra cultura. Ou até a perda total de 
significado pode ocorrer. 
44. Choose the CORRECT alternative: The trip to Boston was very exciting. 
45. To "wet one's whistle" is to ___: Have a drink 
46. Dentre os adjetivos abaixo, qual deles só, ou na maioria das vezes, é usado APÓS verbos de ligação? Asleep 
47. Sapir-Whorf´s Hypothesis basically states that: Certain ideas from a SL language cannot be understood by those who 
speak another language either because the structure or the semantics of the language does not have a corresponding 
48. Roman Jakobson makes a distinction among three possible types of translation. Which of them refers to "the 
interpretation of verbal signs by means of signs of nonverbal signs systems"? Intersemiotic translation 
49. (T)rue or (F)alse? According to Hejwowski (2004) translation is possible if: (T) there is a common human experience 
which will allow the TL reader relate to the experience being described - (T) there is similarity of mental and linguistic 
structures which will cater for the understanding of the message - (F) texts which would not attract anyone¿s attention 
or which would be translated out of context, would be likely to be translated - (T) there is empathy - (F) certain thoughts 
of speakers of a language that cannot be understood by individuals that speak another language - The correct sequence 
for the information above is: T, T, F, T, F 
50. The indeterminacy of translation, based on the fact that there are different ways with which one might break a 
sentence into words, and different ways to distribute functions among words, and that, depending on the translators 
choices the meanings would vary considerably, was proposed by: W.V. Quine 
51. Mark the correct alternative according to the order that adjectives must be placed before a noun: New and 
expensive car. 
52. There are different types of translation. Choose the alternative that is an example of HUMAN TRANSLATION: Written-
53. ____ foi um dos primeiros linguistas a refletir sobre as contribuições da Linguística para os estudos da tradução. Em 
seu texto ¿On Linguistic Aspecto f Translation¿, ele discute questões cruciais na compreensão dos processos de tradução 
como sendo intralingual e interlingual, por exemplo: Roman Jakobson 
54. ____ contribuíram para os estudos da tradução com a hipótese de que a tradução entre as línguas seria impossível 
por conta da impossibilidade de os falantes de uma determinada língua compreenderem os pensamentos dos falantes de 
outra língua: Sapir-Whorf 
55. As time went by, theories about the nature of translation started to emerge. Some issues concerning the challenges 
of a translation are listed below, EXCEPT: Forward translation 
56. One of the first linguists to consider the contributions of linguistics to the study of translation, understanding that 
the translation process should be considered through interlingual, intralingual and semiotic differences was: Roman 
57. The language from which a text to be translated is originally written is called: Source language 
58. Read the examples below: 1) Karen is having her hair dyed right now; 2) Peter always has his car washed at the 
same gas station; 3) Anna will have her house painted next year. All the sentences above are examples of: Causative Form 
59. In the sentece, "I had been running for half an hour when I met Anna for the first time", the clauses "I had been 
running" and "I met" can, respectively, refer to the following Verb Tenses: Past Perfect Continuous and Simple Past 
60. When dealing with translation, more specifically, comparing verb phrases in Portuguese and in English, the 
fundamental distinction between Tense and Aspect must be taken into account. TENSE refers to the specific location of 
the action or event in time and the verb used to express this action or event is inflected. On the other hand, ASPECT 
refers to how an event or action can be viewed with respect to time, rather than to its actual location in time, and it 
indicates if an action is completed or not. Bearing those ideas in mind, which of the ASPECTS in the English language 
"indicates that the action / condition is known and is used to emphasize the fact that the action is complete (in the 
present, in the past, or in the future)? The perfect aspect 
61. What is the basic difference between Tense and Aspect? Aspect expresses the fact that a state or action is ongoing, 
whereas Tense refers to time. 
62. Tick the only correct alternative: He always drives his car carefully. 
63. One of the most complex issues involving Brazilian Portuguese and the English language can be related to the notion 
of 'verbal aspect', i.e., how an action, event or state, denoted by a verb, relates to the flow of time. Bearing this 
information in mind, which pairs of sentences would have the same translation in Portuguese, but different aspects in the 
English language? I should have been studyinghard AND I should be studying hard. 
64. Complete a seguinte sentença: "What time did the sun come ____ today?" Up 
65. Complete a sentença: "Because I was walking so slowly, my wife kept saying, 'Come __, come __ !'" On, on 
66. The language into which a text is translated is conceived of as being the: Target langauge 
67. A melhor definição para a Phrasal Verb "TO COME IN FOR" é: To receive criticism or punishment 
68. To say "word for word" means to ___: say it exactly the same 
69. Which of the options below DOES NOT include one of the uses of the Present Perfect in English? Focus on the moment 
in which the action took place. 
70. Choose the alternative that correctly translates the following word in English - DISCO: Discoteca 
71. A frase ¿Time flies¿, quando traduzida para o português, vira ¿O tempo voa¿ porque: Em português, substantivos 
comuns não devem iniciar frases. 
72. If someone is looking for an AVOCADO they are looking for: Um abacate 
73. Quem procura um livro sobre DESSERTS está querendo uma informação a respeito de: Sobremesas 
74. "The style of language that is appropriate in a given context. Thus, the different types of language that are used in 
more or less formal contexts are examples of it". The previous citation is a good definition for the term: Register 
75. Choose the alternative that correctly translates the following word in English - COMPREHENSIVE: Abrangente 
76. A ___ deve ser utilizada quando o falante desejava enfatizar a pessoa que executa a ação, e não aquela que a sofre: 
voz ativa 
77. O uso e a formação da ___ no inglês e no português são basicamente os mesmos. Prefere-se utilizá-la quando o 
falante desejava enfatizar a pessoa que sofre a ação, e não aquela que a executa: voz passiva 
78. De modo geral, a tarefa do tradutor consiste em passar um texto de uma língua a outra. Dentre os tradutores, a 
língua do texto que resulta da tradução ou versão é denominada: Língua de chegada 
79. The regional speech patterns of grammar, vocabulary, and pronunciation of a region or social class is defined as: 
80. When translating proverbs it is not correct to say that: There is no need of a more careful vision since it does not 
matter if there is no correspondence between proverbs in different languages 
81. Choose the alternative that IS NOT CORRECT in relation to colloquial language: Colloquial language is considered 
informal, and for this reason, it is not usually used during academic or professional writing or speaking. Even so, people 
may use colloquialisms when writing or speaking to their family members, friends, or neighbors. Usually, these people are 
familiar with the language and the meaning. Colloquialisms are usually accepted within certain kinds of creative writing, 
such as fiction novels and short stories, and other kinds of creative works. This is especially true if a story takes place in 
a geographical area well known for certain kinds of colloquial language. 
82. Choose the correct alternative: The Tower of Babel is referred to in the Book of Genesis. 
83. Choose the incorrect alternative about the Renaissance: Translators were formally recognized as a class of workers. 
84. Read the following statements: Choose the correct answer: Only (a) is wrong. 
(a) Translators must be native speakers in the SL. (b) Translators need to be bilingual and bicultural. (c) Translators need 
to be familiarised with the topic being translated. (d) Translators cannot be judgmental about the text being translated. 
85. The type of translation in which the writer translates the SL into the TL and then back into to SL to guarantee that 
the original meaning has been kept is called: Back translation 
86. The type of translation in which the writer translates the SL into the TL and then back into to SL to guarantee that 
the original meaning has been kept is called: Weather forecast 
87. ___is the kind of translation in which a written text is translated orally into the TL: Sight translation 
88. The basic difference between the work of a translator and the work of an interpreter is that: The translator does 
not need to process the information from SL to the TL simultaneously. 
89. Read the following statements and decide choose the correct alternative: Only one sentence is right. 
(1) After the translation work is done, there is no need to have it proofread. (2) The client needs to validate the translation 
work before the translator works on its final version. (3) Usually, there is no need for the translator to have any knowledge 
about the field of the text being translated. 
90. In the following translation: SL: She has lived in England since she was a teenager. TL: Ela mora na Inglaterra desde 
a sua adolescencia. The change in the verb tense is an example of a ___ equivalence: Grammar 
91. When translating the sentence "/ have no Idea obouts she lives" to Brazilian Portuguese, the translator would: 
Probably have to explain the meaning of whereabouts to the receiver. 
92. An example of naturalization is: The use of the word feedback in Brazilian Portuguese. 
93. The use of the word globalizacao as the translation for globalization in Brazilian Portuguese: Analyse the usage of a 
given word in context. 
94. When translating the above ad to Brazilian Portuguese, the translator: Would find no difficulties in explaining the 
ad as it would be very close to the Brazilian reality. 
95. The words medicaid and medicare: Have no equivalents in Brazilian Portuguese. 
96. In the sentence 'The president decided to speak to the board of directors during his campaign": The use of the 
definite article would be kept in BrP. 
97. The only sentence in which the definite article is going to be used in BrP is: Life can be a blessing, or a curse. 
98. Read the following sentences and choose the Best answer about them: One sentence is in the passive voice. 
1. The three prisoners were reported killed in combat. 2. They've bought a lot of items for the party. 3. Williams father 
reported the crime to the Police in the morning. 
99. In which of the sentences below the verb would be translated in the gerund in BrP (-ndo): Amanda is visiting her 
grandparents in Australia.

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