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Faça como milhares de estudantes: teste grátis o Passei Direto

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1a Questão (Ref.:201807178204)
	Acerto: 1,0  / 1,0
 The political and moral problems in valuing some cultures above others has led many sociologists to adopt a more relativistic position when thinking about and comparing cultures. In this view,
	 No one culture is "correct"- rather, different cultures are simply different and should be tolerated as such.
	There are no differences between cultures
	Cultures must be judged by moral standards determined by superior cultures
	Some cultures are good, others are not.
	Different cultures should not be tolerated because they are inferior
	2a Questão (Ref.:201807178204)
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	Read the following paragraph and and choose the alternative the best reflects the relation between anthropologists and culture. All anthropologists share a reliance upon the culture concept, which they take as a starting point for understanding human experience regardless of subdiscipline, specialization, or theoretical orientation. Being so,
	anthropologists do not define culture and have not extended its meaning and applicability beyond a simple term to a comprehensive theoretical paradigm.
	physicians, instead of anthropologists, define culture differently from common usage and have extended its meaning and applicability beyond a simple term to a comprehensive theoretical paradigm.
	anthropologists define culture weirdly from common usage and have extended its meaning and applicability beyond a simple term to a comprehensive theoretical paradigm.
	a. anthropologists define culture differently from common usage and have extended its meaning and applicability beyond a simple term to a comprehensive theoretical paradigm.
	anthropologists define culture differently from animal behaviour and have extended its meaning and applicability beyond a simple term to a comprehensive theoretical paradigm.
	3a Questão (Ref.:201809845444)
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	Anthropologists have thoroughly repudiated the 19th century approach in relation to social and cultural research. They repudiated it based on critical perspective in relation to methods, theory and point of view. Anthropologists saw the 19th century approach as an expression of:
	racialism and ethnocentrism, the practice of not interpreting and judging other cultures by the values of one's own.
	racialism and ethnocentrism, the practice of interpreting and judging other cultures by the values of one's own.
	racialism and ethnocentrism, the practice of interpreting and judging other cultures by politic values..
	racialism and ethnocentrism, the practice of interpreting and judging other cultures by democratic values.
	racialism and ethnocentrism, the practice of interpreting and judging other cultures by artistic values.
	4a Questão (Ref.:201807178208)
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	Anthropologists have thoroughly repudiated the 19th century approach as an expression of:
	racialism and ethnocentrism, the practice of not interpreting and judging other cultures by the values of one's own.
	racialism and ethnocentrism, the practice of interpreting and judging other cultures by artistic values.
	racialism and ethnocentrism, the practice of interpreting and judging other cultures by democratic values.
	racialism and ethnocentrism, the practice of interpreting and judging other cultures by the values of one's own.
	racialism and ethnocentrism, the practice of interpreting and judging other cultures by politic values..
	5a Questão (Ref.:201807712388)
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	Choose the only option which does NOT describe culture according to sociological action:
	It´s a process but not a fluid one.
	It´s a collective set of meanings
	It´s produced by individual consciousness.
	It´s a dynamic and fluid process
	It´s something that individuals do
	Gabarito Coment.
	6a Questão (Ref.:201807178215)
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	Which of the following is not an example of participant observation?
	dancing in a festival
	take part in a hunt
	All of the above are examples of participant-observation.
	compete in the games popular in the community
	singing during a ritual
	7a Questão (Ref.:201807192592)
	Acerto: 1,0  / 1,0
	What is modernity? Choose the RIGHT alternative
	Although it is difficult to pinpoint exactly, what we call "modernity", it is usually associated with the era of precarious technology.
	Although it is difficult to pinpoint exactly, what we call "modernity", it is not usually associated with the era of industrialization and the time when sociology was developed by its founders.
	Although it is difficult to pinpoint exactly, what we call "modernity", it is usually associated with the era of industrialization and the time when sociology was developed by its founders.
	Although it is difficult to pinpoint exactly, what we call "modernity", it is usually associated with the era of industrialization and the time when artcraft was developed.
	Although it is difficult to pinpoint exactly, what we call "modernity", it is usually associated with the medieval means of production and the time when sociology was developed by its founders.
	8a Questão (Ref.:201807638282)
	Acerto: 1,0  / 1,0
	Mark the only option which does not suit Habermas´ ideas: Habermas seeks a society in which unrestricted communication can occur, a society free from domination, free from the constraints of ideology. The existence of ideology is seen to
	A lack of critical thinking
	Passive acceptance of society as it is
	Inequalities of power during communication
	Individual acceptance to promote changes
	9a Questão (Ref.:201807195203)
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	Since the 80's a process of construction of a global scale culture had been developed, considering not only the already consolidated mass culture, but also a true cultural world system that followed the economical political system resulted from globalization. The Post-Modernity phenomenon arises from this context as
	a set of values that control the future cultural production, where communication and the Cultural Industry have minor roles while diffusing values and ideas of the old system.
	a set of values that control the future social production, where communication and the Cultural Industry have no roles diffusing values and ideas of the old system.
	a set of rules that control the subsequent social production, where communication and the Cultural Industry have important roles while diffusing values and ideas of the new system.
	a set of values that control the subsequent cultural production, where communication and the Cultural Industry have important roles while diffusing values and ideas of the new system.
	a set of rules to control the subsequent cultural production, where communication and the Cultural Industry have no chances while diffusing values and ideas of the new system.
	10a Questão (Ref.:201807178229)
	Acerto: 1,0  / 1,0
	The process by which one generation passes culture to the next is called
	cultural integration.
	cultural universals.
	cultural repression.
	cultural manifestation.
	cultural transmission.

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