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Faça como milhares de estudantes: teste grátis o Passei Direto

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Faça como milhares de estudantes: teste grátis o Passei Direto

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Faça como milhares de estudantes: teste grátis o Passei Direto

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Faça como milhares de estudantes: teste grátis o Passei Direto

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1a aula
		Exercício: CEL1636_EX_A1_201803288311_V1 
	Aluno(a): xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
	2019.3 EAD
	 1a Questão
	Há quem acredite que o ato de traduzir é uma arte reservada a pessoas dotadas de uma capacidade especial. Essa crença, entretanto, pode ser refutada por pesquisas que mostram que:
	O tradutor bem-sucedido costuma ser experiente e qualificado.
	O conhecimento cultural interfere muito pouco no resultado da tradução.
	O conhecimento linguístico supre todas as necessidades do tradutor.
	A prática da tradução não é passível de aperfeiçoamento pelo tradutor.
	Os bons tradutores atuais já nascem com o dom de escrever bem.
	Respondido em 19/09/2019 19:06:51
Certamente, para que uma pessoa seja considerado um bom tradutor, ele precisa de experiência e conhecimento sobre os tópicos trabalhados no texto que será traduzido.
	 2a Questão
	De modo geral, a tarefa do tradutor consiste em passar um texto de uma língua a outra. Dentre os tradutores, a língua do texto a ser traduzido ou vertido é denominada:
	Língua de tradução
	Língua estrangeira
	Língua de chegada
	Língua de partida
	Língua alvo
	Respondido em 19/09/2019 19:20:50
	 3a Questão
	Algumas pessoas moram algum tempo no exterior e, ao retornarem à terra natal, acreditam que poderão obter sucesso na carreira de tradutor por conta do conhecimento que detém da língua estrangeira. Elas acreditam, ainda, que as eventuais dúvidas relacionadas ao idioma poderão ser facilmente resolvidas com a ajuda de um bom dicionário. Esta crença ratifica a ideia equivocada de que, para a tarefa tradutória,
	a vivência no exterior pode contribuir para o conhecimento cultural.
	o conhecimento meramente linguístico será sempre suficiente.
	o vocabulário adquirido na língua estrangeira não será sempre suficiente.
	o tradutor terá de recorrer a conhecimentos que transcendem os limites da língua.
	os mecanismos de inferência são ativados com bastante frequência.
	Respondido em 19/09/2019 19:20:54
De fato, existe uma crença equivocada de que só porque uma pessoa viveu um bom tempo no exterior, ela é capaz de trabalhar bem como tradutora.
	 4a Questão
	A good example on how the English language differs in many aspects from Brazilian Portuguese is:
	the future continuous
	the passive voice
	the use of articles, gerunds and infinitives
	the present continuous tense for actions happening at the moment of speaking
	the past simple to talk about action which happened at a specific time in the past
	Respondido em 19/09/2019 19:21:09
	 5a Questão
	Newmark (1981) suggests a series of strategies to cater for cultural gaps in translation, EXCEPT:
	cultural mismatch
	descriptive and functional equivalent
	explanation as footnote and compensation
	Respondido em 19/09/2019 19:21:22
	 6a Questão
	Read the text below:
"In the early years of the 15th century, Renaissance humanists insisted that the capacity to translate texts from Greek and Hebrew into Latin, and later into and between vernacular tongues, was a critical aspect of grammar and rhetoric. When performed by students, schoolmasters claimed that translation and double translation facilitated eloquence in both languages. When performed by adepts, men and women of letters praised translation for transmitting texts to a new or wider readership, or to a more culturally and geographically specific one. Contemporaries regarded translations as literary works in their own right."
According to the text above, we can state that umanism inspired the translation of many ancient texts and the job of translating a text from a foreign language into one's vernacular was seen by many as (choose the right option):
	a way to teach people right values
	a difficult and illogical task
	a contribution to national literature
	a way to impose ideas
	something useless
	Respondido em 19/09/2019 19:21:30
	 7a Questão
	Choose the WRONG definition about a competent translator:
	A competent translator does not need experience and the more translations he does the more practice will he get. It has been suggested that it will take a person about 10 years of practice to become an accomplished translator. Simply being able to speak the SL and the TL is enough.
	A competent translator must never censor the text being translated. The work of a translator is simply transferring the information from a SL to a TL as faithfully as possible without placing any sort of judgment on what is being said.
	​​​​​​A competent translator must have very good knowledge (written and spoken) of the SL and an excellent command of the TL. Translators have to make choices when transferring information from a SL to a TL, and therefore, they must be well aware of the alternatives they have.
	A competent translator must have a profound understanding of the etymological and idiomatic correlates between the two languages in order to avoid using equivalents that do not carry the meaning being implied by the author.
	A competent translator must be not only bilingual but bicultural as he needs to make use of intercultural references so as to be able to make choices in order to make his translation transparent.
	Respondido em 19/09/2019 19:21:42
A competent translator does need experience and the more translations he does the more practice will he get. It has been suggested that it will take a person about 10 years of practice to become an accomplished translator. Simply being able to speak the SL and the TL is not enough.
	 8a Questão
	What does " translation" mean? Mark the CORRECT option:
	Translation means providing written captions that appear at the bottom of the screen and are synchronized with the dialogue in the film.
	Translation means using computers and online translation tools as a valuable aid for the translator`s job.
	Translation means changing the audio track of a film itself so that the characters appear to be speaking in the TL.
	Translation means having to listen to what a person says in a SL and converting it, either immediately or after a few sentences, into a TL.
	Translation means converting writing from a SL to a TL.
	Respondido em 19/09/2019 19:22:37
Translating means converting writing from a SL to a TL. This is the same kind of work done by an interpreter, but unlike interpreters, who have to translate in real time, translators can spend more time considering the best words and expressions to express their meaning. This usually involves a very nuanced understanding of language's more complicated aspects, such as connotation. Computers and online translation tools constitute an invaluable aid for the translator´s job but they cannot understand connotation and other figures of speech.

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