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Faça como milhares de estudantes: teste grátis o Passei Direto

Esse e outros conteúdos desbloqueados

16 milhões de materiais de várias disciplinas

Impressão de materiais

Agora você pode testar o

Passei Direto grátis

Faça como milhares de estudantes: teste grátis o Passei Direto

Esse e outros conteúdos desbloqueados

16 milhões de materiais de várias disciplinas

Impressão de materiais

Agora você pode testar o

Passei Direto grátis

Faça como milhares de estudantes: teste grátis o Passei Direto

Esse e outros conteúdos desbloqueados

16 milhões de materiais de várias disciplinas

Impressão de materiais

Agora você pode testar o

Passei Direto grátis

Você viu 3, do total de 123 páginas

Faça como milhares de estudantes: teste grátis o Passei Direto

Esse e outros conteúdos desbloqueados

16 milhões de materiais de várias disciplinas

Impressão de materiais

Agora você pode testar o

Passei Direto grátis

Faça como milhares de estudantes: teste grátis o Passei Direto

Esse e outros conteúdos desbloqueados

16 milhões de materiais de várias disciplinas

Impressão de materiais

Agora você pode testar o

Passei Direto grátis

Faça como milhares de estudantes: teste grátis o Passei Direto

Esse e outros conteúdos desbloqueados

16 milhões de materiais de várias disciplinas

Impressão de materiais

Agora você pode testar o

Passei Direto grátis

Você viu 6, do total de 123 páginas

Faça como milhares de estudantes: teste grátis o Passei Direto

Esse e outros conteúdos desbloqueados

16 milhões de materiais de várias disciplinas

Impressão de materiais

Agora você pode testar o

Passei Direto grátis

Faça como milhares de estudantes: teste grátis o Passei Direto

Esse e outros conteúdos desbloqueados

16 milhões de materiais de várias disciplinas

Impressão de materiais

Agora você pode testar o

Passei Direto grátis

Faça como milhares de estudantes: teste grátis o Passei Direto

Esse e outros conteúdos desbloqueados

16 milhões de materiais de várias disciplinas

Impressão de materiais

Agora você pode testar o

Passei Direto grátis

Você viu 9, do total de 123 páginas

Faça como milhares de estudantes: teste grátis o Passei Direto

Esse e outros conteúdos desbloqueados

16 milhões de materiais de várias disciplinas

Impressão de materiais

Agora você pode testar o

Passei Direto grátis

Prévia do material em texto

16/06/2021 Estácio: Alunos
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Teste de
 avalie sua aprendizagem
At school, the purposes of reading are established by teachers. Mark the option which is NOT a
purpose of reading:
Read the text below:
"A particular capacity and mode of behavior, the ability to understand and employ printed information in daily activities, at
home, at work and in the community - to achieve one's goals, and to develop one's knowledge and potential. It is based on
a variety of cognitive abilities, on deep knowledge of written and spoken linguistic elements, on knowledge of genres, and
on cultural knowledge as well".
► The previous text refers to an important definition. Which one?
Lupa Calc.
Aluno: KAROLINE CASTELO BRANCO PINA Matr.: 202106030794
Disc.: LEIT. RED. LING.INGL 2021.2 EAD (G) / EX
Prezado (a) Aluno(a),
Você fará agora seu TESTE DE CONHECIMENTO! Lembre-se que este exercício é opcional, mas não valerá ponto para sua
avaliação. O mesmo será composto de questões de múltipla escolha.
Após responde cada questão, você terá acesso ao gabarito comentado e/ou à explicação da mesma. Aproveite para se
familiarizar com este modelo de questões que será usado na sua AV e AVS.
It will probably be to study for a test.
It will probably be to reach conclusions about a specific subject.
It will probably be to buy a computer.
It will probably be to answer questions about a text.
It will probably be to write an article.
Your purposes will probably be to study for a test, to write an article, to answer questions about a text,
to reach conclusions about a specific subject, to find relevant information, to know about the results of
a research, to make summaries.
Non-Fictional Genre
The Top-Down View of Reading
Communicative Competence
The Schemata Theory
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Assinale a alternativa INCORRETA:
Readers should take some positions when reading, except.
Quando lemos temos em mente vários tipos de objetivos de leitura que devem ser identificados para uma compreensão
mais profunda do material a ser observado. Qual opção abaixo NÃO se enquadraria como um objetivo de leitura?
The text contains all the items related to literacy: the ability to exploit textual information, as well as linguistic, genre and
cultural ones.
O processo de leitura étambém um ato de criação, já que o leitor participa ativamente da constituição dos sentidos do
Um leitor proficiente precisa, apenas, saber decodificar os códigos lingüísticos para que possa atribuir significados à
A construção de sentido sofre influência de um maior ou menor conhecimento do código lingüístico do texto.
A leitura proporciona a quem lê um texto a capacidade de questionar, mas também de ser questionado, de rever seus
A recepção de sentido de um texto vai depender das experiências de vida e do conhecimento de mundo do leitor.
Kern states that literacy in a second language involves a competence to interpret and critically evaluate a large variety of
written and spoken texts in cultural, pragmatic and interactional contexts. I expect that the process of reading may reveal
readers who perform an active role and that recognize that they are responsible to build meanings in communicative contexts.
They should also have the ability to understand cultural differences and be able to function adequately in a literate foreign
society. But do not forget that as an efficient reader, you should be able to do that in an autonomous way.
Readers should evaluate texts in cultural, pragmatic and interactional contexts.
Readers should be able to function adequately in a literate foreign society.
Readers should be responsible to build meanings in communicative contexts.
Readers should behave in an autonomous way.
Readers should perform a passive role as they receiving the information.
Readers should perform as an active reader, as they are applying meaning to what is written.
Esquecer conteúdo
Chegar a conclusões específicas sobre um assunto.
Responder perguntas sobre um texto.
Fazer um resumo.
Estudar para uma prova
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Kern (2000) presents a definition of "literacy", which brings the notions we believe to be essential for
the understanding of reading as a social act. Mark the option that does NOT present this definition:
Read the text below:
"Some honeybees were making honey in the hollow of an oak tree. A shepherd discovered the bees' work and attempted to
carry away some of the honey. The honeybees flew all around him, stinging the man with their stings. In the end the
shepherd exclaimed, 'I give up! I don't need the honey if it means dealing with the bees'. "
Moral: Trouble awaits you if you pursue ill-gotten gains.
► The previous text refers to an important fictional genre. Which one?
Why is Reading important? Which alternative is wrong?
A resposta não se encaixa como um objetivo de leitura porque não está relacionado com o contexto de reter informação para
uma atividade posterior como as outras opções.
"Literacy" in a second language means much more than the separate abilities to read and write.
"Literacy" is a state whereby one is unable to read and write. In its simplest form, it can be
defined as lack of any or sufficient education.
"Literacy" is a complex concept of familiarity with language and its use in context-primarily
written language, but by extension also spoken communication.
"Literacy" in a second language involves a competence to interpret and critically evaluate a large
variety of written and spoken texts in cultural, pragmatic and interactional contexts.
"Literacy" requires "a broader discourse competence that involves the ability to interpret and
critically evaluate a wide variety of written and spoken text".
Illiteracy is a state whereby one is unable to read and write. In its simplest form, it can be defined as
lack of any or sufficient education.
Fairy tale
Due to the presence of animals and moral elements at the end, the text is an example of a fable.
to improve in careers,
to gather information,
to improve their English understanding skills,
to improve our body in general.
to get a degree or post-graduation degree,
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Reading helps to improve our mind, not our body in general.
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Exercício inciado em 16/06/2021 16:04:29. 
16/06/2021 Estácio: Alunos
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Teste de
 avalie sua aprendizagem
Read the text below:
World-renowned Stanford University psychologist Carol Dweck, in decades of research on achievement and success, has
discovered a truly groundbreaking idea - the power of our mindset.
Dweck explains why it's not just our abilities and talent that bring us success - but whether we approach them with a fixed
or growth mindset. She makes clear why praising intelligence and ability doesn't foster self-esteem and lead to
accomplishment, but may actuallyjeopardize success. With the right mindset, we can motivate our kids and help them to
raise their grades, as well as reach our own goals - personal and professional. Dweck reveals what all great parents,
teachers, CEOs, and athletes already know: how a simple idea about the brain can create a love of learning and a resilience
that is the basis of great accomplishment in every area.
Praise for Mindset
"Everyone should read this book."
"Will prove to be one of the most influential books ever about motivation."
"A good book is one whose advice you believe. A great book is one whose advice you follow. I have found Carol Dweck's
work on mindsets invaluable in my own life, and even life-changing in my attitudes toward the challenges that, over the
years, become more demanding rather than less. This is a book that can change your life, as its ideas have changed mine."
(Adapted from: www.amazon.com.br)
► The previous text refers to an important genre. Which one?
Lupa Calc.
Aluno: KAROLINE CASTELO BRANCO PINA Matr.: 202106030794
Disc.: LEIT. RED. LING.INGL 2021.2 EAD (G) / EX
Prezado (a) Aluno(a),
Você fará agora seu TESTE DE CONHECIMENTO! Lembre-se que este exercício é opcional, mas não valerá ponto para sua
avaliação. O mesmo será composto de questões de múltipla escolha.
Após responde cada questão, você terá acesso ao gabarito comentado e/ou à explicação da mesma. Aproveite para se
familiarizar com este modelo de questões que será usado na sua AV e AVS.
A folktale
A textbook
A self-help book
An essay
A fable
The text contains Information with the intention of instructing readers on solving personal problems.
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As we know, readers have several roles. Mark the WRONG option about them:
Read the text below:
"Stories which are transmitted from generation to generation, whether in writing or, more typically, by word of mouth. They
represent and include archetypical information of culture, society and most importantly, details on specific points of view
members of a society have in relation to the world".
► The previous text refers to an important fictional genre. Which one?
Read the text below:
"The aspect of our competence which enables us to convey and interpret messages and to negotiate meanings
interpersonally within specific contexts."
► The previous text refers to an important concept. Which one?
The role as a reader is determined either by his/her purpose to read a text or by the previous
knowledge of the information he/she is going to find in it.
When a group of people read a text, this reading will have one interpretation.
A reader must have a wide range of capacities and abilities. These qualities include cognitive
capacities and motivation.
Readers have different interpretations from the same text due to their individual knowledge and
Each reader owns knowledge and previous experiences which are employed to build new
meanings when reading new texts.
When a group of people read a text, this reading may convey different interpretations.
Fairy tales
Folktales refer to stories which are passed on from one generation to another, especially by word of mouth, but which are also
registered in written form.
Communicative Competence
The Bottom-Up view of reading
The Cognitive view of reading
Fictional genre
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What are the characteristics of READING? Mark the WRONG option about them:
Reading in a first language (L1) and reading in a second language (L2) or foreign
language (FL) share many of the same component skills and the reading construct is
very similar in terms of underlying cognitive and linguistic components. Which
alternative is NOT correct?
Mark the only option which is not part of the capacities and abilities a reader must have:
The text offers the specific elements which define communicative competence: the ability to manipulate language according to
specific contexts.
The more symbols (letters or words) there are in a text, the longer it will take to read it.
Our understanding of a text comes from understanding the words of which it is composed.
We perceive and decode letters to read words.
Reading is the receptive skill in the written mode. It can depend on listening and speaking skills.
Reading can help build vocabulary that helps listening comprehension at the later stages,
Reading is the receptive skill in the written mode. It can develop independently of listening and
speaking skills.
Research has shown that strategic processing (inferencing, comprehension monitoring, and goal setting) and
metacognitive skills have an important impact on reading comprehension
More motivated readers both read more and have better reading comprehension skills.
There is not compelling evidence that extensive reading can have a significant impact on both learners¿ L1 and L2/FL
Research on morphological, syntactic and discourse knowledge has shown that
they all have an important impact on reading comprehension both on L1 and
Vocabulary knowledge: research on vocabulary knowledge has shown that fluent
readers have very large recognition-vocabulary knowledge skills and that
vocabulary knowledge is highly correlated with reading ability.
There is compelling evidence that extensive reading can have a significant impact on both learners¿ L1 and L2/FL
Discourse knowledge
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What are the characteristics of WRITTEN language? Mark the WRONG option about them:
Knowledge of many foreign languages
Explicação: Any reader should master their own languagein order to interact in a positive way with texts they go through.
Mastering a foreign language is not necessary to form a good reader.
Usually written by one person removed from an audience.
Must recreate for readers the context it is describing.
Monologic in Nature.
Used to communicate across time.
Written language can not be edited.
Written language can be edited and redrafted any number of times.
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Exercício inciado em 16/06/2021 16:05:11. 
16/06/2021 Estácio: Alunos
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Teste de
 avalie sua aprendizagem
A central idea for the definition of Reading refers to the perception that when you read something, it does not matter what,
you build
Read the text below:
"Robinson Crusoe, as a young and impulsive wanderer, defied his parents and went to sea. He was involved in a series of
violent storms at sea and was warned by the captain that he should not be a seafaring man. Ashamed to go home, Crusoe
boarded another ship and returned from a successful trip to Africa".
► The previous text refers to an important genre. Which one?
Lupa Calc.
Aluno: KAROLINE CASTELO BRANCO PINA Matr.: 202106030794
Disc.: LEIT. RED. LING.INGL 2021.2 EAD (G) / EX
Prezado (a) Aluno(a),
Você fará agora seu TESTE DE CONHECIMENTO! Lembre-se que este exercícioé opcional, mas não valerá ponto para sua
avaliação. O mesmo será composto de questões de múltipla escolha.
Após responde cada questão, você terá acesso ao gabarito comentado e/ou à explicação da mesma. Aproveite para se
familiarizar com este modelo de questões que será usado na sua AV e AVS.
funny stories
oral patterns
moral values
Explicação: When we reade we are reconstructing a message that was once proposed by the author. Weare building meaning.
The meaning previously proposed.
A reference book
An essay
A summary
A textbook
A self-help book
16/06/2021 Estácio: Alunos
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Mark the false statement about the act of "reading":
What are the characteristics of SPOKEN language? Mark the WRONG option about them:
►Choose the words which can complete the following sentence about literacy:
''It requires a broader discourse competence that involves the ability to ______ a wide variety of written and spoken texts."
Kern (2000) presents a definition of "literacy", which brings the notions we believe to be essential for
The text is a summary of Daniel Defoe's literary masterpiece: Robinson Crusoe. It is an overview of content that provides a
reader with the overarching theme but does not expand on specific details. A summary describes a larger work (such as an
entire book, speech, or research project), and should include noticeably less content then the original work.
The reader must active their cognitive abilities and motivation for reading.
Previous knowledge of the subject alters the understanding of the text.
It is a social act.
There is no need to use any comprehension strategy to better understand the text.
The role of a reader can be determined by their purpose to read a text.
In order to acquire a greater understanding of a certain text, it is necessary to apply comprehension strategies that allow the
reader to retain more content from said text.
Dialogic in Nature.
Used to communicate at same time.
Relies on shared knowledge and often makes reference to shared situation.
Usually involves two or more speakers creating spoken texts together.
Interactants build written texts within social and linguistic parameters.
Interactants build spoken texts within social and linguistic parameters.
recognize and translate
select and pronounce words correctly
interpret and critically evaluate
listen and speak
understand and reproduce
Texts are effectively interpretated if readers are able to fully understand what they are reading, what words actually mean.
That is why discourse competence are closely connected to effective critical reading.
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the understanding of reading as a social act. Mark the option that does NOT present this definition:
Quando lemos temos em mente vários tipos de objetivos de leitura que devem ser identificados para uma compreensão
mais profunda do material a ser observado. Qual opção abaixo NÃO se enquadraria como um objetivo de leitura?
Read the text below:
"A particular capacity and mode of behavior, the ability to understand and employ printed information in daily activities, at
home, at work and in the community - to achieve one's goals, and to develop one's knowledge and potential. It is based on
a variety of cognitive abilities, on deep knowledge of written and spoken linguistic elements, on knowledge of genres, and
on cultural knowledge as well".
► The previous text refers to an important definition. Which one?
"Literacy" requires "a broader discourse competence that involves the ability to interpret and
critically evaluate a wide variety of written and spoken text".
"Literacy" is a state whereby one is unable to read and write. In its simplest form, it can be
defined as lack of any or sufficient education.
"Literacy" is a complex concept of familiarity with language and its use in context-primarily
written language, but by extension also spoken communication.
"Literacy" in a second language involves a competence to interpret and critically evaluate a large
variety of written and spoken texts in cultural, pragmatic and interactional contexts.
"Literacy" in a second language means much more than the separate abilities to read and write.
Illiteracy is a state whereby one is unable to read and write. In its simplest form, it can be defined as
lack of any or sufficient education.
Esquecer conteúdo
Estudar para uma prova
Fazer um resumo.
Chegar a conclusões específicas sobre um assunto.
Responder perguntas sobre um texto.
A resposta não se encaixa como um objetivo de leitura porque não está relacionado com o contexto de reter informação para
uma atividade posterior como as outras opções.
The Schemata Theory
Non-Fictional Genre
The Top-Down View of Reading
Communicative Competence
The text contains all the items related to literacy: the ability to exploit textual information, as well as linguistic, genre and
cultural ones.
16/06/2021 Estácio: Alunos
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Exercício inciado em 16/06/2021 16:05:45. 
16/06/2021 Estácio: Alunos
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Teste de
 avalie sua aprendizagem
Here are some characteristics of a top-down reading model. Mark the option which is NOT a
characteristic of a top-down reading:
READ the following situation:
"Carolina is a very good reader. As she is always interested in a varied number of different
subjects, we can say she is a better reader than others because she..."
► Choose the right option to complete the situation above.
Lupa Calc.
Aluno: KAROLINE CASTELO BRANCO PINA Matr.: 202106030794
Disc.: LEIT. RED. LING.INGL 2021.2 EAD (G) / EX
Prezado (a) Aluno(a),
Você fará agora seu TESTE DE CONHECIMENTO! Lembre-se que este exercício é opcional, mas não valerá ponto para sua
avaliação. O mesmo será composto de questões de múltipla escolha.
Após responde cada questão, você terá acesso ao gabarito comentado e/ou à explicação da mesma. Aproveite para se
familiarizar com este modelo de questões que será usado na sua AV e AVS.
Emphasizes what the reader brings to the text.
Points out reading is driven by meaning, and proceeds from whole to part.
The processing of a text begins in the mind of the readers with meaning-driven processes, or an
assumption about the meaning of a text.
Emphasizes the written or printed text.
The processing of a text begins in the mind of the readers who identify letters and words only to
confirm their assumptions about the meaning of the text.
A bottom-up reading model is a reading model that emphasizes the written or printed text.
always carries a dictionary with her
... owns knowledge and a lot of previous experiences.
she memorized a list of synonyms
16/06/2021 Estácio: Alunos
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To describe an object,no matter abstract or concrete, the faculty of the mind to use is: (Para descrever um objeto, não
importa se abstrato ou concreto, a habilidade mental usada é:)
Leia o texto abaixo que fala sobre supostos encontros entre ETs e russos e responda a pergunta que o segue:
Russian Governor Says He Made Friends With ETs (May 7)
You can't make this stuff up, or can you? Kirsan Ilyumzhinov, the governor of Russia's Buddhist republic, Kalmykia, claims
he was abducted in 1997 from his Moscow apartment by aliens who took him into their spaceship.Apparently, some in the
Russian government aren't scoffing at his story and want President Dmitry Medvedev to interrogate Ilyumzhinov, concerned
that he may have spilled official secrets to the alien visitors. According to his tale, Ilyumzhinov was in bed, falling asleep,
and heard a voice call him from his balcony. When he went outside, Ilyumzhinov claims he was met by humanoids dressed
in yellow spacesuits, which then whisked him on a tour of their spaceship."I would probably have not believed this if there
had not been three witnesses -- those were my driver, a minister and my assistant," Ilyumzhinov said. He added that the
alleged aliens "spoke" with him telepathically and said they had come to Earth for samples.
 "You can't make this stuff up, or can you?" isto foi dito pelo governador russo para deixar claro que ele não
estava mentindo sobre:
she has a very beautiful voice when she reads texts
she knows many language grammar rules
Previous knowledge - The process of comprehension of a text also depends on the experiences the reader had had before in
life. These experiences will influence the way the reader sees the world and how much of these experiences he is going to use
while developing his expectations towards what he is going to read.
a. Observation and memory.
b. Intuition
c. Memory.
d. Memory and intuition
e. Reason.
Descriptive texts are concerned with the location of persons and things in space. They will tell us what
lies to the right or left, in the background or foreground, or they will provide background information
which, perhaps, sets the stage for narration. It is immaterial whether a description is more technical-
objective or more impressionistic subjective.
Rumors that he had a mistress.
He had made friends with aliens.
He will be running for president.
His election promises.
Rumors that he had earned illicit money with public contracts.
Kirsan Ilyumzhinov, the governor of Russia's Buddhist republic, Kalmykia, claims he was abducted in 1997 from his Moscow
apartment by aliens who took him into their spaceship.
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A key feature of nonfiction texts is:
What could NOT be considered the behavior of an efficient reader?
Que tipo de texto é desenvolvido no parágrafo abaixo?
"Mr. Jones woke early one morning, before the sun had risen. It was a beautiful morning, so he went to the
window and looked out. He was surprised to see a neatly dressed, middle-aged professor, who worked in the
university just up the road from Mr. Jones's house, coming from the direction of the town. He had grey hair and
thick glasses, and was carrying an umbrella, a morning newspaper and a bag. Mr. Jones thought that he must
have arrived by the night train and decided to walk to the university instead of taking a taxi."
Something will happen to the characters or the extract will lead up to something happening
The style of writing will be straightforward and factual.
There will be a main idea (a theme) explored in the passage
There will be characters - probably one or two main ones
Language will be used imaginatively. The writer will employ literary techniques to put across her or his ideas.
Non-fiction is a type or genre of writing based on facts and real life rather than a made-up or fictional story. Non-
fiction includes any kind of text designed to give information.
Skipping inconsequential or less important words.
Reading in broad phrases.
Employing reading strategies just for the first paragraph of the text.
Keeping the meaning of the passage in mind while reading.
Having a positive self-concept as a reader.
The reading strategies must be applied throughout the text to obtain good comprehension results.
Narrative texts have to do with real-world events and time. They may be fictional (fairy tales, novels) or nonfictional
 (newspaper report). They are characterised by a sequencing of events expressed by dynamic verbs and by adverbials such
as ¿and then¿, ¿first¿, ¿second¿, ¿third¿
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The text type which is predominant in a recipe is:
 An instructive text is a text that instructs or tells you how to do something. A recipe wants to instruct you how to cook
something. A leaflet with a piece of furniture wants to tell you how to put it together or take care of it. Instructive texts: are
written as though the reader is being spoken to - (although the word 'you' is not usually used) - language is direct and
unnecessary words are left out - often use 'must' and 'must not' - sometimes use diagrams or pictures to help understanding
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Exercício inciado em 16/06/2021 16:06:14. 
16/06/2021 Estácio: Alunos
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Teste de
 avalie sua aprendizagem
Mark the only option that could not complete the following sentence: Paraphrasing is a valuable skill, except for:
Qual seria a definição de um texto injuntivo?
Lupa Calc.
Aluno: KAROLINE CASTELO BRANCO PINA Matr.: 202106030794
Disc.: LEIT. RED. LING.INGL 2021.2 EAD (G) / EX
Prezado (a) Aluno(a),
Você fará agora seu TESTE DE CONHECIMENTO! Lembre-se que este exercício é opcional, mas não valerá ponto para sua
avaliação. O mesmo será composto de questões de múltipla escolha.
Após responde cada questão, você terá acesso ao gabarito comentado e/ou à explicação da mesma. Aproveite para se
familiarizar com este modelo de questões que será usado na sua AV e AVS.
it is better than quoting information from an undistinguished passage
you keep the original meaning but use your own words
it is always possible to copy passages without indicating authorship
the mental process required for successful paraphrasing helps you to grasp the full meaning of the original.
it helps you control the temptation to quote too much
Paraphrasing involves taking a set of facts or opinions and rewording them. When paraphrasing, it is important to keep the
original meaning and to present it in a new form. Basically, you are simply writing something in your own words that
expresses the original idea. 
Descrição da realidade ou ficção que é baseado.
Um texto que expressa uma ordem dada pelo autor para o leitor.
Um texto que desenvolve um argumento.
Um texto que expõe informação sobre algo.
Narração de acontecimentos.
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Leia o texto abaixo e assinale a alternativa que revela a principal razão para que se ensine inglês desde cedo nas
escolas europeias.
"The use of English as a global tongue is booming. English has become part of the daily routine. It is not
different in European nations! There, students as young as 7 are learning multiplication or discussing the
weather in English. In one classroom, lists of songs that the first grade has already mastered include not only
local German tunes but "Old McDonald" and "How are you doing this morning?" . Parents are delighted. "It is
something that you need", said Beatriz Caforeo, whose son, Andrea, goes to the school there. "Everywhere
people are speaking English, not just abroad. Throughout Europe, English is growing in use and acceptability.
Beyond the schoolhouse here, European Universities, particularly in Northern Europe, are giving courses in
science, philosophy and business in English."
The paragraph below is organized according to the following pattern:
At the start of 2000, the price of combination antiretroviral drugs to treat one patient for one year was typically
between US$ 10 000 and US$ 12 000. By the end of 2000, prices of US$ 500 to US$ 800 were approved for
patented and generic drugs for low- and middle-income countries. By December 2001, certain combinations
became available for US$350 per person per year.
In 2007, Rowling described her religious background in an interview with the Dutch newspaper the Volkskrant. From when I
was 13, 14 I went to church alone. I found it very interesting what was being said there, and I believed in it. When I went
to university, I became more critical. I got more annoyed with the smugness of religious people and I went to church less
and less. Now I'm at the point where I started: yes, I believe. And yes, I go to the church. A Protestant church here in
Edinburgh. My husband is also raised Protestant, but he comes from a very strict Scottish group. One where they couldn't
sing and talk.¿
Um texto injuntivo tem conexão direta com o ato de ordenar, como por exemplo em manuais de instrução.
Because people think English is a cool and easy language.
Because they all want to visit Disneyland.
Children communicate better in English
English is necessary all around the word
Children learn faster than adults.
A topic sentence is the most important sentence in a paragraph. Sometimes referred to as a focus
sentence, the topic sentence helps organize the paragraph by summarizing the information in the
paragraph. In formal writing, the topic sentence is usually the first sentence in a paragraph (although it
doesn't have to be).
The use of English as a global tongue is booming. English has become part of the daily routine.
Compare and contrast
Question and answer
Cause and effect
Classification and listing
It begins with what happened first and take it from there always setting the time.
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The text above in written in the following structure:
The paragraph below is organized according to the following pattern:
"In 2007, Rowling described her religious background in an interview with the Dutch newspaper the Volkskrant. From when
I was 13, 14 I went to church alone. I found it very interesting what was being said there, and I believed in it. When I went
to university, I became more critical. I got more annoyed with the smugness of religious people and I went to church less
and less. Now I'm at the point where I started: yes, I believe. And yes, I go to the church. A Protestant church here in
Edinburgh. My husband is also raised Protestant, but he comes from a very strict Scottish group. One where they couldn't
sing and talk."
The intention of the text below is: 
Enjoy an Enchanting Holiday in the Maldives. Scattered across the Indian Ocean lie islands with the finest white sand
beaches and clearest crystal blue waters. These are the MALDIVES! Over 1,000 coral islands. Temperatures here are always
in the 80s. What can our holiday offer you? Luxurious accommodation aboard the fabulous Orient Explorer. Water sports for
the entire duration of your holiday. Drinks and entertainment included at no extra charge. Chauffeur-driven limousine to
and from the airport. Combine this with another seven-night holiday in our opulent apartments at the Kelai Country Club.
Prices start from just £899 per person.
Space order
Chronological order
Cause and effect order
Temporal order
Exemplification order
There is a date stated at the beginning of the sentence ¿ In 2007.
compare and contrast
classification and listing
cause and effect
The paragraph starts with a date, 2007, and then it is set the time: `when I was 13, 14¿.
To describe a place
To be mandatory
To tell a story
To persuade
To expose the facts about the island.
It is an advertisement. The intention of the text is to persuade.
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Leia o texto proposto e responda a questão que o segue.
Much of the information we have today about chimpanzees comes from the groundbreaking, long-term research of the
great conservationist, Jane Goodall. Jane Goodall was born in London, England, on April 3, 1934. On her second birthday,
her father gave her a toy chimpanzee named Jubilee. Jubilee was named after a baby chimp in the London Zoo, and
seemed to foretell the course Jane's life would take. To this day, Jubilee sits in a chair in Janes London home. From an early
age, Jane was fascinated by animals and animal stories. By the age of 10, she was talking about going to Africa to live
among the animals there. At the time, in the early 1940s, this was a radical idea because women did not go to Africa by
themselves. As a young woman, Jane finished school in London, attended secretarial school, and then worked for a
documentary filmmaker for a while. When a school friend invited her to visit Kenya, she worked as a waitress until she had
earned the fare to travel there by boat. She was 23 years old. Once in Kenya, she met Dr. Louis Leakey, a famous
paleontologist and anthropologist. He was impressed with her thorough knowledge of Africa and its wildlife, and hired her to
assist him and his wife on a fossil-hunting expedition to Olduvai Gorge. Dr. Leakey soon realized that Jane was the perfect
person to complete a study he had been planning for some time. She expressed her interest in the idea of studying animals
by living in the wild with them, rather than studying dead animals through paleontology. Dr. Leakey and Jane began
planning a study of a group of chimpanzees who were living on the shores of Lake Tanganyika in Kenya. /.../. One of the
first significant observations that Jane made during the study was that chimpanzees make and use tools, much like humans
do, to help them get food. It was previously thought that humans alone used tools. Also thanks to Jane¿s research, we now
know that chimps eat meat as well as plants and fruits. In manyways, she has helped us to see how chimpanzees and
humans are similar. In doing so, she has made us more sympathetic toward these creatures, while helping us to better
understand ourselves. The study started by Jane Goodall in 1960 is now the longest field study of any animal species in
their natural habitat. Research continues to this day in Gombe and is conducted by a team of trained Tanzanians.
Qual é o propósito do autor a escrever esse texto?
to warn the reader about the challenges of working in Africa in the 40's.
To inform the reader about the importance of studying chmipanzees.
To inform the reader about cientist's life in Africa and their life experience.
to entertain the reader with stories about chimpanzees and nature.
to inform the reader of the importance of a wildlife conservationists's work
Expository texts identify and characterize phenomena. They include text forms such as
definitions, explications, summaries and many types of essay may be subjective (essay) or
objective (summary, explication, definition) may be analytical (starting from a concept and
then characterizing its parts; e.g. definitions) or synthetic (recounting characteristics and
ending with an appropriate concept or conclusion; e.g. summaries) are characterized by state
verbs and epistemic modals (Pop music has a strong rhythmic beat; Texts may consist of one
or more sentences) or by verbs indicating typical activities or qualities (fruit flies feed on
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Exercício inciado em 16/06/2021 16:06:45. 
16/06/2021 Estácio: Alunos
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Teste de
 avalie sua aprendizagem
Classify the paragraph below: On one corner of my dresser sits a smiling toy clown on a tiny unicycle--a gift I received last
Christmas from a close friend. The clown's short yellow hair, made of yarn, covers its ears but is parted above the eyes. The
blue eyes are outlined in black with thin, dark lashes flowing from the brows. It has cherry-red cheeks, nose, and lips, and
its broad grin disappears into the wide, white ruffle around its neck. The clown wears a fluffy, two-tone nylon costume. The
left side of the outfit is light blue, and the right side is red. The two colors merge in a dark line that runs down the center of
the small outfit. Surrounding its ankles and disguising its long black shoes are big pink bows. The white spokes on the
wheels of the unicycle gather in the center and expand to the black tire so that the wheel somewhat resembles the inner
half of a grapefruit. The clown and unicycle together stand about a foot high. As a cherished gift from my good friend Tran,
this colorful figure greets me with a smile every time I enter my room.
De acordo com o texto, assinale a alternativa que indica a razão do funeral de Jim Davis ter sido diferente dos outros: FAKE
FUNERAL SCAM It was quite a send-off for Jim Davis, or so the people paying his funeral bills were led to believe. They
were told Davis was laid to rest at Abbey Memorial Park in Compton after being placed in an ornate, top-of-the-line casket
lined with elaborate floral arrangements. Altogether, the bill to bury Davis at the palm-lined cemetery came to nearly
$31,000. But there was a problem: There was no Jim Davis. He was dreamed up by a group of scam artists, authorities say.
Lupa Calc.
Aluno: KAROLINE CASTELO BRANCO PINA Matr.: 202106030794
Disc.: LEIT. RED. LING.INGL 2021.2 EAD (G) / EX
Prezado (a) Aluno(a),
Você fará agora seu TESTE DE CONHECIMENTO! Lembre-se que este exercício é opcional, mas não valerá ponto para sua
avaliação. O mesmo será composto de questões de múltipla escolha.
Após responde cada questão, você terá acesso ao gabarito comentado e/ou à explicação da mesma. Aproveite para se
familiarizar com este modelo de questões que será usado na sua AV e AVS.
Descriptive texts are concerned with the location of persons and things in space. They will
tell us what lies to the right or left, in the background or foreground, or they will provide
background information which, perhaps, sets the stage for narration. It is immaterial whether
a description is more technical-objective or more impressionistic subjective.
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And prosecutors say the coffin that was lowered into the ground was made out of cheap plywood or cardboard, filled with
either rocks or animal bones, apparently to convince those who handled it that there was a body inside.
Thinking about the process envolved when we describe a landscape we can affirm that the main intellectual faculty used is
the following: (Pensando sobre o processo que é desenvolvido quando produzimos a descrição de uma paisagem, podemos
dizer que a principal habilidade mental trabalhada é a seguinte:)
Traffic Accidents
Much of the blood on the street flows essentially from uncivil behavior of drivers who refuse to respect the legal
and moral rights of others. So the massacre on the road may be regarded as a social problem. Safety standards
for vehicle have been raised both at the point of manufacture and through periodic road-worthiness inspections.
In addition, speed limits have been lowered. Due to these measures, the accident rate has decreased. But the
accident experts still worry because there has been little or no improvement in the way drivers behave.
According to the passage, traffic accidents may be regarded as a social problem since ----.
e. Jim was buried naked
a. Jim Davis was a fictitious person
c. He had a top-of-the-line casket
b. It cost nearly $31,000
d. He was buried alive
But there was a problem: There was no Jim Davis. He was dreamed up by a group of scam artists, authorities say. And
prosecutors say the coffin that was lowered into the ground was made out of cheap plywood or cardboard, filled with either
rocks or animal bones, apparently to convince those who handled it that there was a body inside.
d. Observation.
b. Reason.
e. Brains.
c. Memory and imagination.
a. Memory.
Descriptive texts are concerned with the location of persons and things in space. They will tell us what
lies to the right or left, in the background or foreground, or they will provide background information
which, perhaps, sets the stage for narration. It is immaterial whether a description is more technical-
objective or more impressionistic subjective.
traffic accidents can cause serious economic damage
the accidents have more to do with hazardous conditions than hazardous drivers
most of the accidents are caused by drivers who don't pay attention to the traffic rules
the motor vehicle is a very dangerous invention
the irresponsibility that accounts for much of the problem is not confined to drivers
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Choose the right alternative about interactive reading model:
Rembrandt self portrait
The auction house thought the portrait was a 17th century Rembrandt knockoff, and valued it at just $3,100. But the British
buyer who paid about 1,500 times more than that apparentlyknew what he was doing. Experts have confirmed "Rembrandt
Laughing" - bought for a bargain price of $4.5 million at an English auction house in October - is a self-portrait by the Dutch
master himself, depicted with his head tilted back in easygoing laughter. 
William Noortman from Noortman Master Paintings, specializing in Dutch and Flemish masters, said it's worth $30 million to
$40 million, adding: "I'm very surprised it didn't make more at auction." 
The 9 1/2-inch-by-6 1/2-inch painting will hang in the Rembrandt House Museum in Amsterdam through June 29, on loan
from the anonymous Briton who bought it at the auction by Moore, Allen and Innocent in Gloucestershire and had it cleaned
and examined by British experts. 
Art expert Jan Six from another auction house, Sotheby's, declined to put a new value on the painting. But he said the sale
itself was a rare opportunity, as Rembrandt's works come on the market only once every few years. "A self-portrait by
Rembrandt, that's absolutely unique ¿ not in my lifetime," Six said. 
Rembrandt made the self-portrait about 1628, when he was in his early 20s and still in his hometown, Leiden. Already he
was earning his reputation as an artist, and experimenting with a mirror and his own face to capture expressions. 
 Why did the first auction house give the painting such a low value?
Most of the accidents are caused by drivers who don't pay attention to the traffic rules ¿ This can be seen in
¿Much of the blood on the street flows essentially from uncivil behavior of drivers who refuse to respect the legal and
moral rights of others.¿
It takes into account that you start with the top-down process and ends with the bottom-up process;
 It takes into the account that you can choose one of them to use.
It takes into account that you start with the bottom-up process and ends with the top-down process;
It takes into account the criticisms posed against each one
It takes into account the strong points of the bottom-up and top-down models
An interactive reading model is a reading model that proposes the interaction of bottom-up and top-down processes
simultaneously throughout the reading process. It is able to combine the valid insights of bottom-up and top-down models.
It takes into account the strong points of the bottom-up and top-down models, and tries to avoid the criticisms posed against
each, making it one of the most promising approaches to the theory of reading today.
Because Rembrandt was very young when he painted it.
They thought it was a fake.
They forgot to add a "0" to the number.
They wanted the sale to be anonymous.
They thought it was only worth that much.
They thought it was a fake = The auction house thought the portrait was a 17th century Rembrandt knockoff,
and valued it at just $3,100.
knockoff = a copy that sells for less than the original; broadly : a copy or imitation of someone or
something popular.
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Read the set of actions employed by readers:
1. Use their prior knowledge to reflect upon the topic.
2. Make predictions about the probable meaning of the text.
3. Preview the text by skimming and scanning to get a sense of its overall meaning.
► The previous techniques should be used:
Read the text below:
"According to Scrivener (1994, p.188)* , this reading strategy implies that readers carefully and closely read a short text
with the intention of gaining an understanding of as much as detail as possible. Consequently, this means that the learner
will focus on the language more than the text itself. Readers will read in the text, focusing on the new vocabulary,
grammatical forms, the purpose of the author and the problems of the text."
*SCRIVENER, J. Learning teaching. Oxford: Heinemann Publishers, 1994.
► The previous text provides an important concept. Which one?
As soon as students get in touch with a text
After students have read half of the text
After students have read the text in full
After a thorough discussion on the text
While students are reading the last paragraph of the text
The set of actions should be applied as students get hold of the text.
Intensive reading
Reading for detail
Reading for gist
Since the purpose relies on focusing more on the language than in the text itself, it characterizes the idea of intensive
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Exercício inciado em 16/06/2021 16:07:17. 
16/06/2021 Estácio: Alunos
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Teste de
 avalie sua aprendizagem
Read the following text, identify the text type and mark the correct option: " She is tall
and slender. She has short red hair and a beard. She is wearing a white shirt and pink
pants and she seems happy."
Leia o texto com atenção e assinale a alternativa que apresenta um exemplo de mau comportamento acidental:
Children and Difficult Behaviour /May 2010 - Newsweek
 Every child misbehaves from time to time. This is always distressing to us as parents because we would all like to be
perfect parents of perfect children! Children can misbehave by accident or on purpose, and it is important to understand the
difference, for example: ¿ Accidental misbehaviour - Your eight-year old throws a snowball in a friendly snowball fight and
injure another child because a stone was accidentally packed into the snowball. ¿ Intentional misbehaviour - Your child
steals candy from the corner store after you refused to give his/ her allowance two days early. The most important things
you can do are to be patient, avoid losing your temper and remember that love is more persuasive than punishment. Before
you act, try to think a few things through - ask yourself questions. Then, act as calmly and as thoughtfully as you can.
Lupa Calc.
Aluno: KAROLINE CASTELO BRANCO PINA Matr.: 202106030794
Disc.: LEIT. RED. LING.INGL 2021.2 EAD (G) / EX
Prezado (a) Aluno(a),
Você fará agora seu TESTE DE CONHECIMENTO! Lembre-se que este exercício é opcional, mas não valerá ponto para sua
avaliação. O mesmo será composto de questões de múltipla escolha.
Após responde cada questão, você terá acesso ao gabarito comentado e/ou à explicação da mesma. Aproveite para se
familiarizar com este modelo de questões que será usado na sua AV e AVS.
injunctive text;
 descriptive text;
expository text;
narrative text;
argumentative text;
Descriptive texts: describes places, objects or characters.
Using bad language,
Destroying property,
Lying to parents,
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 Leia a seguinte passagem sobre as rotinas de Paulo Souza e de seu amigo Paul, escolhendo um
dos verbos entre parênteses para completer cada sentença:
My name is Paulo Souza and I am a doctor. I work at a big hospital in Resende. I get up very
early and I usually ( have/ has) a small breakfast. I eat fruit, bread, cheese and I generally drink
coffee, but my friend Paul, who is an American, always ( have/has) bacon and eggs for breakfast.
He ( eat/eats) bacon and eggs and ( drink/drinks) orange juice. After breakfast we go to work.Paul ( go/goes) downtown by subway. At midday, we stop for lunch. I try to eat healthy food but
Paul ( do/does) not ( worry/worries) about that. He ( try/tries) to find a place where he can eat
far food. Then, we go back to work and in the evening we go home. I never drink alcoholic drinks,
but he (do/does). I go to bed by eleven but Paul always ( watch/ watches/ a good film before
Assinale a alternativa cujos verbos completam corretamente as sentenças do texto.
Read the sentence below:
"This encyclopedia ranges from antiquity1 to the present2."
(Adapted from: HAASE, Donald. The Greenwood Encyclopedia of Folktales and Fairy Tales. Westport: Greenwood Press, 2008.)
► The underlined elements can be classified as:
Stealing a toy,
Dropping a glass.
Children can misbehave by accident or on purpose, and it is important to understand the difference, for example: ¿ Accidental
misbehaviour - Your eight-year old throws a snowball in a friendly snowball fight and injure another child because a stone was
accidentally packed into the snowball. ¿ Intentional misbehaviour - Your child steals candy from the corner store after you
refused to give his/ her allowance two days early. 
Dropping a glass = accidental misbehave.
Third person sigular =- verb in the simple present = add S or ES.
noun phrases
adjective phrases
prepositional phrases
adverbial phrases
 verb phrases
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READ the text below:
"Anthropology is the study of humankind, especially of Homo sapiens, the biological species to which we
human beings belong. It is the study of how our species evolved from more primitive organisms; it is also
the study of how our species developed a mode of communication known as language and a mode of social
life known as culture. It is the study of how culture evolved and diversified. And finally, it is the study of
how culture, people, and nature interact wherever human beings are found."
► Identify the topic sentences in the previous paragraph.
There are seven basic uses of the simple present tense. Mark the option that does not
suit them:
According to what we have studied about text structures, mark the RIGHT definition
about them:
A prepositional phrase is formed by combining a PREPOSITIN + A COMPLEMENT. Both underlined elements have this
And finally, it is the study of how culture, people, and nature interact wherever human beings are found.
it is also the study of how our species developed a mode of communication known as language and a mode of social
life known as culture.
Anthropology is the study of humankind.
It is the study of how our species evolved from more primitive organisms.
It is the study of how culture evolved and diversified
A topic sentence is the most important sentence in a paragraph. Sometimes referred to as a focus sentence, the topic
sentence helps organize the paragraph by summarizing the information in the paragraph. In formal writing, the topic
sentence is usually the first sentence in a paragraph (although it doesn't have to be).
habitual actions;
permanent lies;
observations and declarations;
Permanent truths.
Sequence: the author explains a topic, idea, person, place, or thing by listing
characteristics, features, and examples. The focus is on one thing and its
Cause - Effect: the author lists one or more causes or events and the resulting
consequences. The purpose of this kind of text is to explain why or how something
happened, exists or works.
Compare - Contrast: the author states a problem and lists one or more possible
solutions to it. It may also include the pros and cons for the solutions presented.
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Read the following text, identify the text type and mark the correct option: "In a bowl,
cream butter and sugar until fluffy. Add eggs, one at a time, beating well after each
addition. Combine flour, cocoa, baking soda and salt; add to creamed mixture
alternately with milk, beating until smooth after each addition. Pour batter into a
greased and floured 13x9-in. pan.."
Description: the author lists items or events in numerical or chronological order.
(S)he describes the order of events or how to do or make something.
 Problem / Solution: the author explains how two or more things are alike and/or
how they are different.
 Cause - Effect: the author lists one or more causes or events and the resulting
consequences or effects (effect = what happened? / Cause = what made it happen?). The
purpose of this kind of text is to explain why or how something happened, exists or
descriptive text;
 injunctive text;
argumentative text;
narrative text;
expository text;
Injunctive texts: give suggestions, orders, and instructions (e.g.: recipes, medical
prescriptions, prayers, drafts of a law).
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Exercício inciado em 16/06/2021 16:07:50. 
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Teste de
 avalie sua aprendizagem
Read the following text, identify the text type and mark the correct option: "It was a
pleasant, sunny day in August in a coastal village in New Brunswick, Canada. Damian
and Danny both 16, decided to go for a walk on one of the woodland trails near the
village. The thought of danger on that trail never crossed their minds, but within
minutes they found themselves in an unusual and terrifying three-hour ordeal!"
READ the text below:
"The maintenance of order in pre-state societies is rooted in a commonality of material interests. The
greater the amount of common interests, the less need there is for law-and-order specialists. Among band-
level cultures law and order stem directly from the relations between people and the natural habitat from
which subsistence is derived. All adults usually have open access to this habitat: the rivers, lakes, beaches,
oceans; all the plants and animals; the soil and the subsoil. In so far as these are basic to the extraction of
life-sustaining energy and materials they are communal "property."
(Adapted from: http://www.uefap.com/writing/exercise)
►The topic sentence of the previous paragraph is (choose the right option):
Lupa Calc.
Aluno: KAROLINE CASTELO BRANCO PINA Matr.: 202106030794
Disc.: LEIT. RED. LING.INGL 2021.2 EAD (G) / EX
Prezado (a) Aluno(a),
Você fará agora seu TESTE DE CONHECIMENTO! Lembre-se que este exercício é opcional, mas não valerá ponto para sua
avaliação. O mesmo será composto de questões de múltipla escolha.
Após responde cada questão, você terá acesso ao gabarito comentado e/ou à explicação da mesma. Aproveite para se
familiarizar com este modelo de questões que será usado na sua AV e AVS.
argumentative text;
narrative text;
injunctive text;
expository text;
descriptive text;
Narrative texts ¿ describe real or imaginary happenings which, to a certain extent, are
linked to each other.
The greater the amount of common interests, the less need there is for law-and-order specialists
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Com que advérbio de frequência podemos completar a lacuna na seguinte frase com o objetivo de afirmar que ele quase
nunca limpa a casa?
David __________ cleans the house.
Read the text below:
"It is commonly said that building paragraphs resembles the steps of building a skyscraper: we must have a well-planned
foundation that supports what we are building. Any cracks, inconsistencies, or other corruptions of the foundation can cause
your whole paper to crumble."
► Bearing the previous information in mind, which demand of a well-structured paragraph entails the
following characteristic?
"The sentences should be arranged in a logical manner and should follow a definite plan for development".
READ the text below:
All adults usually have open access to this habitat: the rivers, lakes, beaches, oceans;
In so far as these are basic to the extraction of life-sustaining energy and materials they are communal "property."
Among band-level cultures law and order stem directly from the relations between people and the natural habitat from
which subsistence is derived
The maintenance of order in pre-state societies is rooted in a commonality of material interests
A topic sentence is the most important sentence in a paragraph. Sometimes referred to as a focus sentence, the topic
sentence helps organize the paragraph by summarizing the information in the paragraph. In formal writing, the topic
sentence is usually the first sentence in a paragraph (although it doesn't have to be).
A palavra "seldom" tem a conotação de "quase nunca", "raramente".
A paragraph being detached
A paragraph being clearly related to the central idea
A paragraph being coherent
A paragraph being well-developed
A paragaph being unified.
The principle of coherence implies logical arrangement of ideas according to a definite developmental writing plan.
Consequently, the text in question refers to a paragraph being coherent.
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A quick tour through my house will convince you that I am an extremely messy person. In fact, some would
say I'm a slob. Starting in my bedroom, you will see clothes tossed around as if thieves had just looted the
place. T-shirts dangle from door knobs, socks sit balled up on top of the dresser, and blue jeans cover the
floor like a drop cloth. A trail of shoes and sneakers leads you out of the bedroom and into the bathroom.
There you will stand on a sopping towel and see a blow-dryer and a copy of Newsweek lying on the sink
alongside an uncapped tube of Crest.
►Mark the option which presents the topic sentence of the previous text:
Paragraphs should contain ideas, thoughts and clear purposes. It is important to ask yourself, EXCEPT.
Read the text below:
"The scope of this work is accordingly broad in terms of its geographic and cultural coverage, its historical range, its
disciplinary breadth, and its topical variety."
(Adapted from: HAASE, Donald. The Greenwood Encyclopedia of Folktales and Fairy Tales. Westport: Greenwood Press,
► The previous text is an example of a:
you will see clothes tossed around as if thieves had just looted the place.
Newsweek lying on the sink alongside an uncapped tube of Crest.
T-shirts dangle from door knobs.
A quick tour through my house will convince you that I am an extremely messy person.
A trail of shoes and sneakers leads you out of the bedroom.
A topic sentence is the most important sentence in a paragraph. Sometimes referred to as a focus sentence, the topic
sentence helps organize the paragraph by summarizing the information in the paragraph. In formal writing, the topic
sentence is usually the first sentence in a paragraph (although it doesn't have to be).
Is this describing?
Is this comparing?
Does it have an end?
What the main objective of the paragraph is. Is the paragraph expanding previous ideas?
Is this stating something again?
It is not important to ask yourself if the paragraph has an end. It may have a conclusion. It is important to ask the content,
the purpose and the structure of the paragraph.
simple sentence
complex sentence
compound sentence
subordinate clause
Since there is only one VERB PHRASE, this is the example of a Simple Sentence.
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Mark the option which completes the following sentence: My father is very absent minded and always --------------his keys.
Absent minded = distraído, so he always FORGETS his keys.
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Exercício inciado em 16/06/2021 16:08:28. 
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Teste de
 avalie sua aprendizagem
Read the following paragraph:
(1) Lola has a lot of tasks during the day that keep her busy. (2) She studies in the morning at the university. (3) Also, she
has a part-time job at a local restaurant in the afternoons. (4) At night, she does her homework and house chores. (5) Her
day is full of activities, Lola is indeed very energetic!
Based on these sentences, which statement below is true?
Read the text below:
"In terms of its historical scope, this encyclopedia ranges from antiquity to the present. Recent scholarship has produced a
wealth of new, well-documented information about the relation of fairy tales not only to medieval literature but also to
ancient literature and culture. Therefore, it is now possible to include historically accurate coverage of periods predating the
birth of the literary fairy tale in the early modern period".
(Adapted from: HAASE, Donald. The Greenwood Encyclopedia of Folktales and Fairy Tales. Westport: Greenwood Press, 2008.)
► How many sentences are there in the previous passage?
Lupa Calc.
Aluno: KAROLINE CASTELO BRANCO PINA Matr.: 202106030794
Disc.: LEIT. RED. LING.INGL 2021.2 EAD (G) / EX
Prezado (a) Aluno(a),
Você fará agora seu TESTE DE CONHECIMENTO! Lembre-se que este exercício é opcional, mas não valerá ponto para sua
avaliação. O mesmo será composto de questões de múltipla escolha.
Após responde cada questão, você terá acesso ao gabarito comentado e/ou à explicação da mesma. Aproveite para se
familiarizar com este modelo de questões que será usado na sua AV e AVS.
The second sentence is a topic sentence.
Sentence 1 is a topic sentence.
Sentence 4 is a concluding sentence.
Sentence 5 is a supporting sentence.
The first sentence is not related to the paragraph.
The first sentence of a paragraph is called a topic sentence because it explains the topic to be developed in the following
sentences. This is true for the initial sentence of this paragraph.
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As we know, narrative texts have some specific characteristics. Mark the option that
does not suit them:
Choose the alternative which classifies correctly the word given in bold letters: (Escolha a alternativa que classifica
corretamentea palavra em negrito
 Mary fasted for a week.
Leia o parágrafo abaixo e escolha a alternativa que apresenta sua idéia principal:
Carla, I would like to inform you that it has been interesting and profitable working with you, said Mr . Oliveira, when he
called her to come to his office that morning. You are a very nice young lady, but it seems we need someone to work here
who would have a more dynamic personality. Therefore, I have to ask you to resign your position here and wish you have
all the luck to find a new position at another company.
A sentence begins with a capital letter and ends with a full stop. In the passage, there are THREE sentencens.
Narrative text defends a particular position by means of evidences.
Narrative text tells a story.
This kind of text is based on perception in time.
The succession of events is given in chronological order.
Narrative text entertains the reader.
Argumentative texts defend a particular position by means of argumentative techniques
and evidences.
Mary FASTED for a week.
TO FAST = jejuar (verb).
16/06/2021 Estácio: Alunos
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Leia o texto com atenção e assinale a alternativa em que a resposta não combina com a pergunta. Considere o conteúdo do
texto para fazer a sua opção:
 Camille and Mike Geraldi live in London and they love their children. It¿s a good thing they do because they have 22.Mike
and Camille met when they were working at the same hospital. Mike was a pediatrician and Camille was a nurse. After
dating for two years, they got married. Soon they had two healthy daughters so they moved to a bigger house. Two months
later, a baby-girl was abandoned at the hospital where they worked. They decided to adopt the abandoned child. They soon
realized that they needed to do something to help the children in need. So they started to adopt babies and toddlers who
are mentally and physically challenged. Now they have twenty-two children and twenty of them were adopted. Their eldest
children help Camille with the younger ones. Also, three adults come to their house to help them every day. Camille and
Mike are tired but happy. They are proud to take care of such a number of kids. They say they truly enjoy their lives and
the choice they once made of adopting their children.
Read the sentence below:
"The encyclopedia's coverage is global and multicultural."
(Adapted from: HAASE, Donald. The Greenwood Encyclopedia of Folktales and Fairy Tales. Westport: Greenwood Press, 2008.)
► The underlined elements can be classified as:
O Sr. Oliveira pensa que Carla é boa demais para o cargo que ocupa
O Sr. Oliveira quer promover Carla.
O Sr. Oliveira deseja que Carla encotre um emprego melhor.
O Sr. Oliveira pensa que Carla não gosta do emprego.
O Sr. Oliveira está educadamente demitindo Carla.
You are a very nice young lady, but it seems we need someone to work here who would have a more dynamic personality.
Therefore, I have to ask you to resign your position here and wish you have all the luck to find a new position at another
Why did they decide to adopt children? A baby-girl was abandoned at the hospital where they worked. They soon
realized that they needed to do something to help the children in need.
What do Camille and Mike do? Camille is a nurse and Mike is a pediatrician.
How can they cope with such a large family? They manage to take care of the children and the house without any
Why can we say that Camille and Mike love children? //Because besides the two daughters they had they adopted 20
challenged children.
How many children of their own do they have? They have two daughters of their own
How can they cope with such a large family? Their eldest children help Camille with the younger ones. Also, three
adults come to their house to help them every day.
prepositional phrases
verb phrases
adverbial phrases
noun phrases
adjective phrases
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Identify the topic sentences in the following paragraph.
"The maintenance of order in pre-state societies is rooted in a commonality of material interests. The greater the amount of
common interests, the less need there is for law-and-order specialists. Among band-level cultures law and order stem
directly from the relations between people and the natural habitat from which subsistence is derived. All adults usually have
open access to this habitat: the rivers, lakes, beaches, oceans; all the plants and animals; the soil and the subsoil. In so far
as these are basic to the extraction of life-sustaining energy and materials they are communal "property."
Global and Multicultural perform the function of adjectives. Consequently, they are adjective phrases in this context.
In so far as these are basic to the extraction of life-sustaining energy and materials they are communal "property."
All adults usually have open access to this habitat: the rivers, lakes, beaches, oceans;
The maintenance of order in pre-state societies is rooted in a commonality of material interests
The greater the amount of common interests, the less need there is for law-and-order specialists
Among band-level cultures law and order stem directly from the relations between people and the natural habitat from
which subsistence is derived
A topic sentence is the most important sentence in a paragraph. Sometimes referred to as a focus sentence, the topic
sentence helps organize the paragraph by summarizing the information in the paragraph. In formal writing, the topic
sentenceis usually the first sentence in a paragraph (although it doesn't have to be).
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Exercício inciado em 16/06/2021 16:09:17. 
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Teste de
 avalie sua aprendizagem
"Your course will start with an initial assessment in week 1, followed by a guided tour of the building." This is an example
READ the text below:
Success at making inferences depends on the background knowledge and the facts given in the text. Logical
reasoning will help you to make inferences about ideas or concepts that the author has not directly stated.
Source: http://studylib.net/doc/7843494/reading-strategies
Consider the following situation: 
''Mike is a student in Professor Brown's Biology class. Class starts at 9 a.m. It is now 9.15 a.m. and Professor Brown is
speaking to the class. Mike opens the door and walks into the classroom''.
Lupa Calc.
Aluno: KAROLINE CASTELO BRANCO PINA Matr.: 202106030794
Disc.: LEIT. RED. LING.INGL 2021.2 EAD (G) / EX
Prezado (a) Aluno(a),
Você fará agora seu TESTE DE CONHECIMENTO! Lembre-se que este exercício é opcional, mas não valerá ponto para sua
avaliação. O mesmo será composto de questões de múltipla escolha.
Após responde cada questão, você terá acesso ao gabarito comentado e/ou à explicação da mesma. Aproveite para se
familiarizar com este modelo de questões que será usado na sua AV e AVS.
Descriptive text
Narrative text
Persuasive text
Instructive text
Informative text
Informational text is nonfiction writing, written with the intention of informing the reader about a specific topic.
It is typically found in magazines,

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