
Kotler and Keller (2014) relate the campaign objectives description. They are: persuade, reinforce, and remind. Match each objective with its descr...

Kotler and Keller (2014) relate the campaign objectives description. They are: persuade, reinforce, and remind. Match each objective with its description.
1) Create consumer awareness of a brand, adopt a product or a service
2) Aim to capture the sympathy of the consumer and promote repeat purchases, aim to maintain the conviction that the customer made the right choice when choosing the brand
3) Reaffirm the brand
a) 1-Remind, 2-Persuade, 3-Reinforce
b) 1-Persuade, 2-Reinforce, 3-Remind
c) 1-Remind, 2-Reinforce, 3-Persuade
d) 1-Reinforce, 2-Persuade, 3-Remind
e) 1-Persuade, 2-Remind, 3-Reinforce

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tecnologia em marketing
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A resposta correta é a alternativa c) 1-Remind, 2-Reinforce, 3-Persuade.



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