
Which of the following statements is FALSE according to the text? A) The human being has developed adaptations to form societies. B) The lack of ...

Which of the following statements is FALSE according to the text?

A) The human being has developed adaptations to form societies.
B) The lack of biological demarcation between types of pain is evidence that social connection is a human need.
C) The lack of connection or bond keeps individuals healthy and increases life expectancy.
D) The ability to understand the actions and intentions of others is not relevant to maintaining connection between individuals.

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6 pág.

Bases Neuropsicológicas da Aprendizagem Centro Universitário UNINTERCentro Universitário UNINTER


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De acordo com o texto, a alternativa que é FALSA é a seguinte: C) A falta de conexão ou vínculo mantém os indivíduos saudáveis e aumenta a expectativa de vida. Isso porque o texto menciona que a falta de conexão ou vínculo pode ter efeitos negativos na saúde e na expectativa de vida das pessoas.



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