
What is the purpose of Worksheet 22 in the book 'Overcoming Trauma and PTSD'? The purpose of Worksheet 22 is to help individuals stop avoiding tra...

What is the purpose of Worksheet 22 in the book 'Overcoming Trauma and PTSD'?

The purpose of Worksheet 22 is to help individuals stop avoiding trauma-related thoughts and memories and to learn how to cope constructively with painful flashbacks.
The purpose of Worksheet 22 is to help individuals identify their stuck points and challenge them with healthier, more balanced thoughts.
The purpose of Worksheet 22 is to help individuals plan ahead to use healthy coping strategies each time they write about the traumatic event.
a) Only statement I is correct.
b) Only statement II is correct.
c) Only statement III is correct.
d) Statements I and III are correct.
e) Statements I, II, and III are correct.

Essa pergunta também está no material:

Overcoming Trauma and PTSD_ A Workbook Integrating Skills from ACT, DBT, and CBT ( PDFDrive )
202 pág.

Psicologia Universidad Nacional Mayor de San MarcosUniversidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos

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A resposta correta é a alternativa d) Statements I and III are correct. O objetivo da Planilha 22 no livro "Overcoming Trauma and PTSD" é ajudar os indivíduos a pararem de evitar pensamentos e memórias relacionados ao trauma e aprender a lidar de forma construtiva com flashbacks dolorosos. Além disso, a planilha também tem como propósito ajudar os indivíduos a planejar o uso de estratégias saudáveis de enfrentamento sempre que escreverem sobre o evento traumático.


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