
Identify whether the descriptions belong to the Traditional Model or the Andragogical Model of education: The student's experience is considered ...

Identify whether the descriptions belong to the Traditional Model or the Andragogical Model of education:

The student's experience is considered of little use. What is important is the teacher's experience. - True
The willingness to learn what the teacher teaches is based on criteria and objectives internal to the school logic, that is, the purpose is to succeed and progress in school terms. - True
Learning is seen as a process of knowledge about a particular subject. This means that the content-centered logic dominates, not the problem-centered one. - True
Motivation for learning is fundamentally the result of stimuli external to the subject, such as school grades and teacher evaluations. - True
Adults have experiences that distinguish them from children and young people. In numerous training situations, it is the adults themselves, with their experience, who constitute the richest resource for their own learning. - True
Adults are willing to start a learning process as long as they understand its usefulness in better facing and solving real problems in their personal and professional lives. - True
In adults, learning is oriented towards solving problems and tasks in their daily lives (which discourages a content-centered logic). - True
Adults are sensitive to external stimuli (grades), but it is the internal factors that motivate them to learn (satisfaction, self-esteem, quality of life, etc.). - True

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Exercício Avaliativo 2_ Revisão da tentativa
3 pág.

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Based on the descriptions provided, let's identify whether they belong to the Traditional Model or the Andragogical Model of education: 1. The student's experience is considered of little use. What is important is the teacher's experience. - Traditional Model 2. The willingness to learn what the teacher teaches is based on criteria and objectives internal to the school logic, that is, the purpose is to succeed and progress in school terms. - Traditional Model 3. Learning is seen as a process of knowledge about a particular subject. This means that the content-centered logic dominates, not the problem-centered one. - Traditional Model 4. Motivation for learning is fundamentally the result of stimuli external to the subject, such as school grades and teacher evaluations. - Traditional Model 5. Adults have experiences that distinguish them from children and young people. In numerous training situations, it is the adults themselves, with their experience, who constitute the richest resource for their own learning. - Andragogical Model 6. Adults are willing to start a learning process as long as they understand its usefulness in better facing and solving real problems in their personal and professional lives. - Andragogical Model 7. In adults, learning is oriented towards solving problems and tasks in their daily lives (which discourages a content-centered logic). - Andragogical Model 8. Adults are sensitive to external stimuli (grades), but it is the internal factors that motivate them to learn (satisfaction, self-esteem, quality of life, etc.). - Andragogical Model So, descriptions 1 to 4 belong to the Traditional Model, while descriptions 5 to 8 belong to the Andragogical Model.


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