
Regarding the penalties provided for in the Military Penal Code, it is correct to affirm that the penalty of: a) retirement subjects the convicted...

Regarding the penalties provided for in the Military Penal Code, it is correct to affirm that the penalty of:

a) retirement subjects the convicted person to the inactive situation, necessarily without the right to remuneration.
b) death is executed by lethal injection.
c) fine is one of the main penalties.
d) death is one of the main penalties.
e) retirement is an accessory penalty.

Essa pergunta também está no material:

SIMULADO2 Direito Penal Militar para Aluno Oficial (PM AC) 2023
66 pág.

Direito Penal Militar Humanas / SociaisHumanas / Sociais


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A resposta correta é a alternativa A) A pena de reforma sujeita o condenado à situação de inatividade, necessariamente sem direito à remuneração.



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