
What is correct to say about students whose study method occurs through active methodologies? a) They interact with others and with their object ...

What is correct to say about students whose study method occurs through active methodologies?

a) They interact with others and with their object of study, question and solve problems, and seek solutions.
b) They use methods to learn: transcribe, copy, memorize, repeat, and constantly evaluate to check their performance.
c) They privilege individual and competitive learning because they know they always need to improve their performance.
d) They participate individually in the learning process, with little interaction with peers and teachers.
e) They act as passive recipients of the information they receive from their teacher because they recognize that the teacher's knowledge is greater than theirs.

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A alternativa correta é a letra A) Eles interagem com outros e com seu objeto de estudo, questionam e resolvem problemas, e buscam soluções. Isso caracteriza a metodologia ativa, em que os estudantes são protagonistas do seu próprio aprendizado, participando ativamente das atividades e buscando construir conhecimento de forma colaborativa.


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