
Among the tariff barriers, choose the correct alternative: a. Tariff barriers can be divided into technical regulations, phytosanitary measures, ...

Among the tariff barriers, choose the correct alternative:

a. Tariff barriers can be divided into technical regulations, phytosanitary measures, subsidies, and private standards.
b. Export quotas refer to taxes or charges applied only at the time of entry of the product into the country, representing an additional burden on the exported product.
c. The four types of tariff barriers are import taxes, export taxes, export tariff quotas, and import tariff quotas.
d. Tariff barriers refer

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8 pág.

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A alternativa correta é a letra A: "As barreiras tarifárias podem ser divididas em regulamentações técnicas, medidas fitossanitárias, subsídios e padrões privados."



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