
What interest rate is a financial institution offering to a client if, as an alternative to investing $5,000.00, the client is informed that they w...

What interest rate is a financial institution offering to a client if, as an alternative to investing $5,000.00, the client is informed that they would have $12,500.00 after 15 months in the simple interest regime?

I - The final value of the investment is $12,500.00.
II - The initial investment is $5,000.00.
III - The investment was made in the simple interest regime.
a) 10% per month.
b) 0.10% per month.
c) 10% per year.
d) 1.67% per month.
e) 16.67% per month.
f) 1.0% per month.

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A resposta correta é a alternativa d) 1,67% ao mês. Para calcular a taxa de juros, podemos utilizar a fórmula do montante no regime de juros simples: M = C * (1 + i * t) Onde: M = Montante final = $12.500,00 C = Capital inicial = $5.000,00 i = Taxa de juros t = Tempo em meses = 15 meses Substituindo os valores na fórmula, temos: $12.500,00 = $5.000,00 * (1 + i * 15) Dividindo ambos os lados por $5.000,00 e resolvendo para i, temos: 1 + i * 15 = 2,5 i * 15 = 1,5 i = 1,5 / 15 i = 0,1 Portanto, a taxa de juros é de 0,1 ao mês, ou seja, 1,67% ao mês (0,1 x 100 / 6). A alternativa correta é a letra d).



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