
What is the process to calculate the truth value of a composite proposition? a) First, calculate the truth value of the main operator of the expre...

What is the process to calculate the truth value of a composite proposition?

a) First, calculate the truth value of the main operator of the expression. Then, calculate the truth value of the 'and' and 'or' operators (in the order they appear) to finally solve the 'if... then...' operator, which is called the main operator of the expression. The truth value of the expression is the resulting truth value of this main operator.
b) First, calculate the truth value of the 'and' and 'or' operators (in the order they appear) to finally solve the 'if... then...' operator, which is called the main operator of the expression. The truth value of the expression is the resulting truth value of this main operator.
c) First, calculate the truth value of the 'if... then...' operator, which is called the main operator of the expression. Then, calculate the truth value of the 'and' and 'or' operators (in the order they appear) to finally solve the expression. The truth value of the expression is the resulting truth value of this main operator.
a) First, calculate the truth value of the main operator of the expression. Then, calculate the truth value of the 'and' and 'or' operators (in the order they appear) to finally solve the 'if... then...' operator, which is called the main operator of the expression. The truth value of the expression is the resulting truth value of this main operator.
b) First, calculate the truth value of the 'and' and 'or' operators (in the order they appear) to finally solve the 'if... then...' operator, which is called the main operator of the expression. The truth value of the expression is the resulting truth value of this main operator.
c) First, calculate the truth value of the 'if... then...' operator, which is called the main operator of the expression. Then, calculate the truth value of the 'and' and 'or' operators (in the order they appear) to finally solve the expression. The truth value of the expression is the resulting truth value of this main operator.

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Curso Excel Avançado - Etapas 01 e 02
22 pág.

Ebook Universidade Estácio de SáUniversidade Estácio de Sá

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A alternativa correta é a letra c) Primeiro, calcule o valor verdade do operador "se... então...", que é o operador principal da expressão. Em seguida, calcule o valor verdade dos operadores "e" e "ou" (na ordem em que aparecem) para finalmente resolver a expressão. O valor verdade da expressão é o valor verdade resultante desse operador principal.


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