
Understanding the five stages of a conflict situation helps in making timely and appropriate decisions. This increases the chance of a resolution t...

Understanding the five stages of a conflict situation helps in making timely and appropriate decisions. This increases the chance of a resolution that brings benefits to the organization. Choose the CORRECT alternative that deals with the stage of COGNITION and PERSONALIZATION:

A) Stage in which the conditions and factors for the emergence of the conflict appear.
B) Stage in which previous conditions lead to conflict if one or more parties involved have been affected and are aware of it.
C) Stage in which the party puts into practice what it has decided to do to deal with opposition.
D) Stage in which there is a decision to act in a certain way.

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Estudo Transversal VIII
5 pág.

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A alternativa correta que trata da etapa de COGNIÇÃO e PERSONALIZAÇÃO é a letra B) Estágio em que as condições anteriores levam ao conflito se uma ou mais partes envolvidas foram afetadas e estão cientes disso. Nessa etapa, as partes começam a perceber que há um conflito e que suas necessidades, desejos ou objetivos estão em conflito com os de outra pessoa ou grupo.


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