
Reading is a complex process which far exceeds just deciphering an alphabet or putting the syllables of a word together. Choose the correct stateme...

Reading is a complex process which far exceeds just deciphering an alphabet or putting the syllables of a word together. Choose the correct statement, regarding reading skills in L2.

Word recognition is not a fundamental step towards students' reading accomplishments, as anyone can make sense of spoken or written texts in a L2 exclusively aided by visual and gestural design elements.

Textual interpretation in a second language can borrow from students' reading experiences in their L1, but such connections across languages are not necessarily automatic.

Top-down skills can help students recognize different words based on their spelling as well as on the morphemes that compose them.

It is essential to work on students' reading skills via bottom-up processing abilities, such as reading strategies previously developed to help them navigate texts in their mother tongue.

If students activate their existing knowledge in their mother tongue, they can easily navigate texts in a L2 and understand them fully even if they still lack very basic linguistic knowledge.


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A leitura é um processo complexo que vai além de simplesmente decifrar um alfabeto ou juntar as sílabas de uma palavra. A alternativa correta, em relação às habilidades de leitura em L2, é que as habilidades de reconhecimento de palavras são fundamentais para o sucesso da leitura dos alunos, pois ajudam a compreender textos falados ou escritos em L2, exclusivamente auxiliados por elementos visuais e gestuais de design.


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