
What is the main focus of the discipline of Applied Statistics? A) To develop the student's ability to collect and interpret data systematically. ...

What is the main focus of the discipline of Applied Statistics?

A) To develop the student's ability to collect and interpret data systematically.
B) To present the basic concepts of Descriptive Statistics.
C) To emphasize concepts of probability and analytical vision for choosing paths and evaluating risks.
D) To discuss theoretical models of discrete and continuous probabilities, statistical inference, and estimation.
E) To study simple linear regression.

Essa pergunta também está no material:

Plano de Ensino
4 pág.

Estatística Aplicada

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A principal foco da disciplina de Estatística Aplicada é desenvolver a habilidade do estudante em coletar e interpretar dados de forma sistemática, conforme a alternativa A.


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